Chapter 9.2 Changing Population Trends
9.2—Changing Population Trends Key Questions: What are the problems associated with population growth? Are the proposed problems actually problems? What solutions exist for such problems? How effective are these proposed solutions? How do population growth trends differ between developed and developing countries? What are the population projections for the next century? 12:35-1:25 Friday, February 7 Today you will focus on the blue questions.
Tasks 1.Make sure everyone is on the same page. What did you gather from your reading of “A Modest Proposal”?, click here to prompt your here 2.Come up with a list of “solutions” and brainstorm on their pros and cons—this is an extension of yesterday—Kathy will be our moderator/recorder for this part. 3.For the remainder of class, work together to write your own short satire about how to fix the environmental problems of our time. Click here for more details. Click here for more details 12:35-1:25
“A Modest Proposal” 1.Describe the context in which Jonathan Swift writes this essay. What is he responding to? 2.What similarities, if any, exist between the problems which existed in Swift’s time (early 18 th century Ireland) and those that we have been studying? 3.What differences exist between the two time periods and situations at hand? 12:35-1:25 More Questions
“A Modest Proposal” 4. What major problem does Swift seek to solve in this essay? Poverty 5. What does he suggest is the primary reason for this problem? Overpopulation 6. Are these problems and causes seen in our contemporary setting? 7. What shocking solution does he propose for these problems? Eating babies (remember, he is a satirist—he is NOT serious!) 8.Why does he suggest such an outrageous solution? Shock value, help people see the absurdity of government imposed solutions of the time 9.Are there any such “solutions” actually in place in our world today? 12:35-1:25
Speaking of “Solutions”- Kathy 12:35- 1:25 What are some “solutions” in place to reduce poverty and preserve resources through population control? Brainstorm and decide whether these solutions are any less absurd than Swift’s solution…it is ok to argue. SolutionsProsConsAbsurd or Reasonable? Example: Abortion- keep women from having the babies the conceive Fewer people consuming resources, fewer unwanted children Morally unacceptable (killing an innocent human being is always wrong) ? What do you think ? Contraception One-Child Policy Return to Tasks
Writing an Environmental Issues Satire Instructions For the remainder of class, work together to write your own short satire about how to fix the environmental problems of our time. You should include a solution for overpopulation, but you are not limited to this alone. Feel free to include satirical solutions to all kinds of environmental problems. Please include facts and myths which you have encountered in this chapter. I have included prompts to get you started, but as soon as you have enough to work with, have Grace jump on the computer and start writing it up. Everyone should contribute something to the conversation. Grace, you get to be our moderator/recorder Please me whatever you have done at the end of the class period– we will work on it again Monday if needed, but it is not for homework. Prompts 12:35-1:25
Environmental Problems Satire What issue or issues will you seek to solve? Of these issues, which are causes and which are effects? Or are they unrelated? Are there any solutions to these issues that would seem logical and fitting at first but would lead to disastrous ends? Is there anything that we are already doing to solve this problem that could get out of hand and become absurd if it continues along the same path? 12:35-1:25 To Homework
Finish reflection (China, One Child Policy) for Monday Test next Thursday (be prepared to review on Monday— bring questions!) Homework 12:35-1:25