AAO-HNS Section for Residents and Fellows 2011 Update to SUO Tara L. Rosenberg, M.D. SRF Representative to SUO 2011 SUO Annual Meeting Washington, D.C. November 11-13, 2011 Tara L. Rosenberg, M.D. SRF Representative to SUO 2011 SUO Annual Meeting Washington, D.C. November 11-13, 2011
Section for Residents and Fellows What is it? Communicate issues to residents Advisory board to the Academy Board of Directors Vote on the Board of Governors Membership Requirements All active residents and fellows Access to the Academy
Resident Opportunities SRF SRF Governing Council Residency Representatives to the SRF SRF Representatives to the SUO, AMA, ACS, etc. Appointments to Committees to the AAO- HNS Advocacy Joint Surgical Advocacy Conference ENT PAC Academy Meetings Humanitarian Trips CORE Grants
Resident Representatives Dissemination of Information Meeting deadlines Grant applications Educational resources for residents Leadership opportunities Appointed positions Who is YOUR Representative?
Missing Programs 1.Charles R. Drew University 2.Freeman Health System 3.Geisinger Health System 4.Grandview Hospital and Medical Center 5.LSU 6.Loyola 7.Madigan Army Medical Center 8.Manhattan Eye Ear and Throat Hospital 9.Med College of Pennsylvania 10.Metropolitan Hospital Med Educ Dept 11.Naval Regional Medical Center 12.New York Presbyterian Hospital 13.Oklahoma State University Med Center 14.St. Barnabas Health Care Systems 15.SUNY Downstate at Brooklyn 16.SUNY Stonybrook 17.SUNY Upstate 18.UMDNJ/New Jersey Medical School 19.U of Arkansas 20.U of California (Davis) 21.U of California (Los Angeles) 22.U of Connecticut 23.U of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago 24.U of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics 25.U of Oklahoma Health Sciences 26.U of Pittsburgh Medical Center 27.U of Washington 28.Washington University Medical Center 29.Yale Medical Center
2011 SRF Resident Survey Results
2011 SRF Resident Survey Demographics Internship Learning Research Departmental Support Overall Training Debt and Future Plans (54 questions and low response rate)
2011 SRF Resident Survey Demographics AgeGender
2011 SRF Resident Survey Level of Training (June 2011)
2011 SRF Resident Survey Region
2011 SRF Resident Survey Internship Internship Prepared for OTO/HNS Residency
2011 SRF Resident Survey Most Important Internship Rotations
2011 SRF Resident Survey Lacking Internship Rotations
2011 SRF Resident Survey Learning Preferred Learning Method
2011 SRF Resident Survey Preferred Method to Prepare for Board Exam
2011 SRF Resident Survey Inservice Representativ e of What Residents Need to Know
2011 SRF Resident Survey Research Dedicated Research Time
2011 SRF Resident Survey Minimum Amount of Research Time to Complete a Project
2011 SRF Resident Survey Departmental Support Financial Support to Present Research
2011 SRF Resident Survey Financial Support for Resident Educational Resources (textbooks, meeting attendance, etc.)
2011 SRF Resident Survey Resident Yearly Stipend (textbooks, meeting attendance, etc.)
2011 SRF Resident Survey Program Purchases Loupes Routinely Use Loupes
2011 SRF Resident Survey Program Funds Attendance at Meetings
2011 SRF Resident Survey Exposure to Management Principles Overall Training
2011 SRF Resident Survey Training (Allergy remains lowest)
2011 SRF Resident Survey Knowledge about Healthcare Reform
2011 SRF Resident Survey Debt and Future Plans Amount of Educational Debt
2011 SRF Resident Survey Plans for Fellowship
2011 SRF Resident Survey Fellowship Choice
2011 SRF Resident Survey Most Important Factor in Fellowship Choice
2011 SRF Resident Survey Planned Future Practice Setting
2011 SRF Resident Survey Most Important Factors in Determining Choice of Practice
2011 SRF Resident Survey Pursue Research After Residency
2011 SRF Resident Survey More information available Call and moonlighting Legislation Mentorship Prior research experience
The SRF is Here for YOU! What else do you want to know? What did we not include? What information would you find useful? What information would help you improve your program? How can the SRF get your residents more involved?
The SRF Needs YOUR Help! Survey: low response rate (28%) How can you help us improve resident response rate? 29 institutions without resident representatives How can you help us solve this?
Missing Programs 1.Charles R. Drew University 2.Freeman Health System 3.Geisinger Health System 4.Grandview Hospital and Medical Center 5.LSU 6.Loyola 7.Madigan Army Medical Center 8.Manhattan Eye Ear and Throat Hospital 9.Med College of Pennsylvania 10.Metropolitan Hospital Med Educ Dept 11.Naval Regional Medical Center 12.New York Presbyterian Hospital 13.Oklahoma State University Med Center 14.St. Barnabas Health Care Systems 15.SUNY Downstate at Brooklyn 16.SUNY Stonybrook 17.SUNY Upstate 18.UMDNJ/New Jersey Medical School 19.U of Arkansas 20.U of California (Davis) 21.U of California (Los Angeles) 22.U of Connecticut 23.U of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago 24.U of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics 25.U of Oklahoma Health Sciences 26.U of Pittsburgh Medical Center 27.U of Washington 28.Washington University Medical Center 29.Yale Medical Center
Thank You! Contact: Tara L. Rosenberg, M.D.