-7S Analysis & recommendations For KJSE Organizations Behavior Team Project Group 2 -Anton Steven Gutsle -Kim Minji -Kim Youngmin -Ahn Seyong -Baek Yurim -Jo Younghoon
1 l Overview of project 2 l McKinsey 7-S Analysis 3 l Verified Key-Problem-Statements 4 l Recommendations -Contents
- 1. Overview of project 1.1 l Brief Information of target organization KJSE : Korea Japan Student Exchange Student activity club for student exchange between Korea and Japan
- 1. Overview of project 1.1 l Brief Information of target organization
- 1. Overview of project 1.2 l Purpose of project To apply the McKinsey 7-S Model to KJSE To help KJSE to avoid the problems observed now and in the future
- 1. Overview of project 1.3 l Method for conducting case analysis Step 1 : Non-valuing 7S analysis Step 2 : Define three major problems Step 3 : Develop recommendations
- 1. Overview of project 1.3 l Method for conducting case analysis Interview done on 8 th Nov 2011 With President of KJSE for 3 hours
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.1 l Strategy KJSE's mission To improve mutual understanding Between both Korean and Japanese students Through cultural exchange KJSE's vision not clearly stated. (contributing to the friendliness between two countries) Not organically connected mission, vision, and operation plan Points!
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.1 l Strategy The operational plans KJSE focused on main events held annually JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec - Recruiting - Orientation - Daily HOF - Summer Activity - Discussion - Summer Activity -Picnic - Summer Activity -MT - Discussion - Home Coming day - Evaluation of attendance - MT - Lack of specification Points!
Dept Manager McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.2 l Structure KJSE member formed with 1 president, 2 vice-presidents and about 25 general members Vice-president Members highly centralized organization ! Only the president and vice-presidents discuss & decide KJW A JKSE Senior Junior The relationship is very strict. President KJSE
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.2 l Structure General members are divided into several departments focuses on member’s motivation rather than ability Member Allocation Choose what you want~ Div
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.2 l Structure General members are divided into several departments Member Allocation Choose what you want~ Div However, changed into Functional structure in summer Function After summer, they go back to Division structure
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.2 l Structure - Gap exists somewhat between juniors group and seniors group - KJSE is supported stably by a KJWA Points! - Members allocation by motivation rather than ability - Member’s division and attributes are not considered in forming ’Taskforce’ - Highly centralized organization
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.3 l Systems - Merely, writer’s personal feeling about the event. Rather than the information about the process. - The report assignments are randomly allocated Information System They accumulate the information by just ‘Report’ - Some official reports are only accessible to the president and not digitalized. Inefficient information system Points!
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.3 l Systems Performance assessment system does not exist At the end of the year, KJSE punishes members who does not meet the attendance Evaluation System Only just Penalty System. The group’s penalty system is based on the attendance. - Only Penalty system exists, which is just checking attendance Points!
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.4 l Style -Centralized decision making About Top Leader - The quite a stubborn leader Points! -Merely describing & persuading -Leader believe there was no conflict in his term now “members who have doubts and questions seem to understand the council's decision after he explains background information and situations”
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.5 l Shared Values - Responsibility, cooperation, commitment, and openness Main Shared Values - KJSE's president recognizes that members are not fully aware of shared value. - The way of emphasizing: President’s randomly addressing Top priority : Responsibility. - Lack of recognizing responsibility! But no special training session and opportunity to enhance responsibility Points!
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.6 l Skills Stable exchange agreement with JKSE(twin org.) and Accumulated experience from their long history Stable funding KJSE have stable fund supporting for their student activity from KJWA. About \ 2M! Strong Relationship with JKS E - Stable Funding and Exchange could be competitive advantage. Points!
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.7 l Staffing Consists of application form, interview, and Monitoring but Not considering Shared Values Don’t have any training program such as new members’ training, work skill, and language skill etc. Recruiting Training Program - Needed for training program which can inspire members Points!
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements 3.1 l In Broad Context, Why we focus on the following problem? Spotted Three Problem Criterias. 1. KJSE’s strategic components is ambiguous.2. Shared-values are not fully understood and shared among their members 3. Lack of Organization management brings about inefficiency to overall organization. Statement 2 : Difficulties in Sharing Common Values Statement 1 : Loss of Direction Statement 3 : Lack of Organized System
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements 3.1 l In Broad Context, Why we focus on the following problem? Spotted Three Problem Criterias. Statement 2 : Difficulties in Sharing Common Values Statement 1 : Loss of Direction Statement 3 : Lack of Organized System
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements 3.2 l Statement 1 : Loss of Direction Lack of specific mission, vision and strategic objectives Cause… Members of KJSE can’t recognize why they’re doing such hard duties 1. Members can’t check whether they’re doing right for KJSE’s objectives 2. Ex. Member confuse essential purpose of ‘Summer Event’
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements Spotted Three Problem Criterias. Statement 2 : Difficulties in Sharing Common Values Statement 1 : Loss of Direction Statement 3 : Lack of Organized System
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements 3.3 l Statement 2 :Difficulties in Sharing Common Values KJS E Our Shared-values are Responsibility, cooperation, commitment, and openness ! Responsibility is most required ! No formal training course to strengthen understanding of responsibility 1. Insufficient communication between junior and senior members 2. Inappropriate staffing could also cause the lack of shared value 3. But… T_T
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements Spotted Three Problem Criterias. Statement 2 : Difficulties in Sharing Common Values Statement 1 : Loss of Direction Statement 3 : Lack of Organized System
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements 3.4 l Statement 3 : Lack of Organized System 1. No compensation system Just only penalizing, 2. No assessment based on performance Just check if they are present or not on regular meeting Not enough motivation & inspiration. Also not enough motivation & inspiration
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements 3.4 l Statement 3 : Lack of Organized System 3. Some operational Information is reported only for presidential group Same mistake occur in preparing regular event annually because of lack of process information 4. No training session Low efficiency Not any opportunities for members to enhance in terms of required skills among their activity. Low efficiency & feeling of achievement
Our Recommendations. Sharing Common Values Successfully Clear Strategy Organizing System Efficiently How do they help to solve the general problems of KJSE - 4. Recommendations
Our Recommendations. Clear Strategy Sharing Common Values Successfully Organizing System Efficiently How do they help to solve the general problems of KJSE
- 4. Recommendations 4.1 l Statement 1 Make or change whole Vision, strategic objective and Operational Plan. 1.Make Specific & Clear Vision for KJSE. To improve mutual understanding between Korean and Japanese students through cultural exchange Mission (existing) Members of KJSE obtain deeper understanding Of Japanese culture after working in KJSE Vision (New!)
- 4. Recommendations 4.1 l Statement 1 1. Hold Writing Test & The average score of the test held in Dec should be increased by 20% 2. Develop new strategic objectives & operational plan KJSE has to Make or Change whole Vision, strategic objective and Operational Plan. 2. Carry out Five event With Japanese student at least 5 times
- 4. Recommendations Our Recommendations. Clear Strategy Sharing Common Values Successfully Organizing System Efficiently How do they help to solve the general problems of KJSE
- 4. Recommendations 4.2 l Statement 2 KJSE has to clearly state the shared-values from the stage of promotion and recruiting. - Shared-values aren’t stated in any of the recruitment process, Wrong applicant’s apply - Applicants can not fully understand KJSE’s needs
- 4. Recommendations 4.2 l Statement 2 KJSE has to clearly state the shared-values from the stage of promotion and recruiting. - Clearly show what they think important on promotion or recruiting process such as on leaflet, website Could Select Proper People who have what they wants - When screening applicants in recruiting KJSE has to evaluate them based on it’s shared values Therefore
- 4. Recommendations 4.2 l Statement 2 KJSE has to clearly state the shared-values from the stage of promotion and recruiting. - After recruiting, Execute training program regularly which address Help them to understand shared-values more deeply Moreover - By explaining the background of KJSE and why KJSE chose each member.
- 4. Recommendations Our Recommendations. Clear Strategy Sharing Common Values Successfully Organizing System Efficiently How do they help to solve the general problems of KJSE
- 4. Recommendations 4.3 l Statement 3 KJSE has to change Assessment Criteria from penalty to compensation - People are motivated by reward Rather than punishment ! Need to Add Compensation System! Penalty Evaluation (existing) Compensation (new) Step 2 Step 1 Make objective evaluation criterias
- 4. Recommendations 4.3 l Statement 3 The Data created through the preparing process would be helpful to future members KJSE has to found Information Management System. Will lead current members to be effective - save their time and energy for data search in task. - prevent themselves from doing same mistake.
- 4. Recommendations Our Recommendations. Clear Strategy Sharing Common Values Successfully Organizing System Efficiently How do they help to solve the general problems of KJSE
- 4. Recommendations 4.4 l How do they help to solve the general problems of KJSE 1.By setting measurable objectives for group, the members could be aware what the direction of their activities is and how can evaluate that. 2. Trying to spread shared-values among all members will be helpful for enhance their cohesiveness reduce problems caused by misunderstanding. 3.Effectiveness of KJSE would be increased by building a compensation system based on assessment including punctuality with MIS
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