1 European Technology Platform for Global Animal Health (ETPGAH) Mirror Groups Meeting Brussels 22 September 2009 Jim Scudamore.


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Presentation transcript:

1 European Technology Platform for Global Animal Health (ETPGAH) Mirror Groups Meeting Brussels 22 September 2009 Jim Scudamore

2 Mirror Group Meeting Sources of Finance Outline of the Presentation. 1.Introduction 2.Framework 7 3.COST 4.EMIDA ERANET 5.Other 6.Conclusions

3 ETP Global Animal Health The Vision Published August 2005 To facilitate and accelerate the development and distribution of the most effective tools for controlling animal diseases of major importance to Europe and the rest of the world, thereby improving human and animal health, food safety and quality, animal welfare, and market access, contributing to achieving the Millennium Development Goals.”

4 ETP Global Animal Health The Process Stakeholders, led by industry, come together to agree on a common vision for the technology Stakeholders, define a Strategic Research Agenda setting the necessary mid- to longterm objectives Stakeholders, implement the Strategic Research Agenda with the mobilisation of significant human and financial resources Vision paper: “EU TP Global Animal Health” Launch Dec 2004 Final version August 2005 Strategic Research Agenda: Published May 2006 Action Plan: Published July 2007 DISCONTOOL 2008 Examples from FP7 EMIDA 2008 ICONZ 2009

5 ETP Global Animal Health Action plan Published July 2007 The Action Plan is intended to be a flexible working document, subject to regular review and up dating by the ETPGAH to ensure that the SRA is on target and that the recommendations are being delivered.

6 ETP Global Animal Health Action Plan How will the action plan be used. Template Guidance Liaison Lobbying Funding

7 ETP Global Animal Health Funding Sources of funding for the proposals EC Programs (e.g. FP7, COST, DGs) Close consultation with EC, MSs, EP representatives National research programs- EMIDA Providing opportunities to better align and coordinate national programs. (EMIDA ERA-Net), SCAR Public/private research partnerships Exploring areas of strategic importance in which ambitious initiatives can be taken Charities and private non-profit foundations. All these funding bodies have their own agendas/priorities that are set independently of each other)

8 Mirror Group Meeting Sources of Finance Outline of the Presentation. 1.Introduction 2.Framework 7 3.COST 4.EMIDA ERANET 5.Other 6.Conclusions

9 Cooperation – Collaborative research €32.342b (€1.944) Cooperation – Collaborative research €32.342b (€1.944) People – Human Potential €4.728b Ideas – Frontier Research €7.460b Capacities – Research Capacity €4.243b EC Funding : Framework 7 Programme 2007 to 2013 Cooperation is 64% of budget of FP 7 budget of € billion Food, Agriculture & Biotech - €1.944b

10 Collaborative research (Collaborative projects; Networks of Excellence; Coordination/support actions) Collaborative research (Collaborative projects; Networks of Excellence; Coordination/support actions) Joint Technology Initiatives Coordination of non-Community research programmes (ERA-NET; ERA-NET+; Article 169) Coordination of non-Community research programmes (ERA-NET; ERA-NET+; Article 169) International Cooperation Cooperation – Collaborative research Small collaborative projects (“small or medium-scale focused research actions”) are projects with a requested Commission contribution up to € 3 million Large collaborative projects (“large-scale integrating projects”) and Networks of Excellence between € 3 million and € 6 million Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) up to € 1 million

11 Calls made Call FP7-KBBE : Publication Date: 22/12/2006: Deadline: 02/5/07 ERA Net, discontools, BTb, ASF, RVF, WNF, CCF FP7- KBBE A: Publication Date: 15/6/2007, Deadlines: 11/9/07 : stage 2 19/2/08 - Stage 2 (only for proposals retained at stage 1 Wildlife, ICONZ, zoonoses FP7- KBBE B: Publication Date: 30/11/ 2007: Deadline: 26/2/ FMD, CSF FP7- KBBE : Publication Date: 03/9/2008 : Deadline: 15/1/ 2009 PRRS, Orboviruses, Tick borne diseases, campylobacter FP7-KBBE Publication Date 30/7/2009Deadline 14/1/2010 Swine influenza, Parasites,welfare Cooperation – Collaborative research

12 Activity 2.1: Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environments Area Topics calledFunding Schemes – KBBE : Development of vaccines and improvement of detection systems to control helminth parasite infections of livestock and reservoirs SICA (Latin America and/or Asia and/or African Mediterranean Partner Countries and/or African ACP) Collaborative Project (large- scale integrating project) for Specific Cooperation Actions Dedicated to International Cooperation Max. EC contribution/proposal: EUR KBBE : Promoting coordination and cooperation at international level of research programmes in the area of animal health, in particular infectious diseases including zoonoses - Mandatory ICPC (Latin America and Asia) Coordination and Support Action (coordinating action) Max. EC contribution/proposal: EUR KBBE : Development and integration of animal based welfare indicators in livestock species Collaborative Project (large scale integrating project) Max. EC contribution/proposal: EUR KBBE : Improving integration in farm animal welfare research in an enlarged Europe Coordination and Support Action (coordinating action) Max. EC contribution/proposal: EUR KBBE : Swine influenza surveillance networkCoordination and support action (coordinating action) Max. EC contribution per proposal: EUR Maximum one proposal can be selected. KBBE : Pathogenesis and transmission of influenza in pigs (CP-IP) Collaborative project (large scale integrating project 32 ) Max. EC contribution per proposal: EUR Maximum one proposal can be selected FP7 KBBE

13 Group 1 Epizootic diseases and diseases for surveillance VaccineDiagnosticPharmac eutical ControlStrategyCapacity building African Horse Sickness FP7 African Swine Fever ASFRISK Avian Influenza FP6 Bluetongue FP6/7 Contagious Bovine Pleuro Pneumonia Classical Swine Fever CSFV GoDIVA Foot & Mouth Disease Discovac Peste des Petits Ruminants Rift Valley Fever ARBO ZOONET Ruminant Pox Virus infection Swine Vesicular Disease West-Nile Virus ARBO ZOONET FP7 projects contributing to research

14 Group 2 : Zoonoses and food-borne diseases VaccineDiagnosticPharmaceuticalControlStrategy Capacity building Anthrax Nipah virus infection Bovine Tuberculosis ICONZ TB_STEP ICONZ TB_STEP ICONZ TB_STEP ICONZ TB_STEP Brucellosis ICONZ Chlamydia Cryptosporidium Cysticercosis ICONZ Echinococcosis ICONZ Food-borne bacterial: Salmonella E. Coli Campylobacter FP7 Food-borne viral (Hepatitis E Virus Leishmaniasis ICONZ Leptospirosis Q Fever Rabies ICONZ Trypanosomiasis ICONZ Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies

15 Group 3: Major food- producing animal disease complexes VaccineDiagnosticPharmaceuticalControlStrategyCapacity building Parasitic gastro-intestinal diseases Liver Fluke Coccidiosis Nematodes FP7/10 FP/10FP7/10 Paratuberculosis (Johne’s) Mastitis : Staph.aureus mastitis Environmental/Streptococcal mastitis Small ruminant mastitis Respiratory – Swine PRRS – CG3 + HN PCV II SIV A. pleuropneumonia Mycoplasma FP7/09 FP7 2009FP7/09 Respiratory – Bovine BVDV BRSV BHV-I (IBR) Mycoplasma FP6 and FP7 projects contributing to research

16 Cooperation – Collaborative research €32.342b (€1.944) Cooperation – Collaborative research €32.342b (€1.944) People – Human Potential €4.728b Ideas – Frontier Research €7.460b Capacities – Research Capacity €4.243b EC Funding : Framework 7 Programme 2007 to 2013 : Cooperation is 64% of budget of FP 7 budget of € billion Food, Agriculture & Biotech - €1.944b

17 Capacities – Research Capacity 2. Research for the benefit of SMEs 3. Regions of Knowledge 4. Research Potential 5. Science in Society 1. Research Infrastructures 6. Activities of International Cooperation

18 Mirror Group Meeting Sources of Finance Outline of the Presentation. 1.Introduction 2.Framework 7 3.COST 4.EMIDA ERANET 5.Other 6.Conclusions

19 EC Funding : COST Programme COST – together with EUREKA and the EU framework programmes – is one of the three pillars of joint European research initiatives. These three complementary structures have differing areas of research.EUREKA EU framework programmes






25 Mirror Group Meeting Sources of Finance Outline of the Presentation. 1.Introduction 2.Framework 7 3.COST 4.EMIDA ERANET 5.Other 6.Conclusions

26 EC Funding : Framework 7 Programme 2007 to 2013 : The ERA-NET scheme was introduced under FP6 to support the networking of research funding organisations (programme owners and managers e.g. government ministries and research councils) to develop and strengthen the coordination of national research programmes. KBBE : Coordination of European research in the area of animal health, including emerging threats, infectious diseases and surveillance. ERA-Net (SRA 13,35,37,47) (1m€) 3 years 1/4/08

27 Member State Funding : EMIDA ERA-NET Coordination of European research in the area of animal health, including emerging threats, infectious diseases and surveillance 26 partners in 19 countries and four associated partners Combined research budget in the region of 270 million Euros


29 Aims of EMIDA The overall aim of the Animal Health ERA- NET is to build on and accelerate the work of the SCAR CWG in developing a durable focused network of national research funders in Member and Associated States of the EU for the purpose of sharing information, coordinating activities and working towards a common research agenda and mutual research funding activities in the field of animal health.

30 Scope of EMIDA The scope of the project will include emerging and major infectious diseases of production animals, including fish and bees and including those conditions which pose a threat to human health but excluding food safety issues relating to livestock products and diseases of wildlife, except where they act as a reservoir of infection for humans and animals.


32 Transnational Calls from EMIDA Vectorborne diseases - Development of underpinning knowledge and tools for early warning, detection & monitoring and novel control strategies Zoonoses and antimicrobial resistance, excluding microbial safety of products - Development of underpinning knowledge and tools for early warning, detection & monitoring and novel control strategies Major infectious diseases affecting production Development of underpinning knowledge and tools for early warning, detection & monitoring and novel control strategies, including genetics of resistance Aquaculture - Development of underpinning knowledge and tools for early warning, detection & monitoring and novel control strategies, particularly vaccine-based approaches

33 Transnational Calls from EMIDA Pre-announcement flyer Formal Announcement 21 July Call opens 7 September Pre-proposal Submission deadline 16 November Invitation for full proposals 23 December Deadline for full proposals 1 March Funding decisions June 2010

34 Mirror Group Meeting Sources of Finance Outline of the Presentation. 1.Introduction 2.Framework 7 3.COST 4.EMIDA ERANET 5.Other 6.Conclusions

35 Mirror Group Meeting Sources of Finance Outline of the Presentation. 1.Introduction 2.Framework 7 3.COST 4.EMIDA ERANET 5.Other 6.Conclusions

36 Conclusions. To be successful any proposals must:- Reinforce leadership at international level, increase international cooperation Early involvement of industry, SMEs Contribute to the –EU Animal Health Strategy –Development policy and MDGs –Action Plan ETPGAH

37 Mirror groups