Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Chapter 16 Oligopoly © 2002 by Nelson, a division of Thomson Canada Limited
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Overview Between Monopoly & Perfect Competition Markets with only a Few Sellers Game Theory and Oligopoly Public Policy
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition The Spectrum of Market Structure
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition The Spectrum of Market Structure Pure Competition
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition The Spectrum of Market Structure Pure Competition Pure Monopoly
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition The Spectrum of Market Structure Pure Competition Pure Monopoly
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition The Spectrum of Market Structure Pure Competition Pure Monopoly Imperfect Competition
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Imperfect Competition is... …market structures that fall between perfect competition and pure monopoly. Characteristic of: – Industries in which the firms have competitors but... do not face so much competition that the firm is a price-taker.
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Imperfect Competition Two types of imperfectly competitive markets: Monopolistic Competition Many firms selling products that are similar but not identical (e.g. movies.) Oligopoly Only a few sellers, each offering a similar or identical product to the others (e.g. hockey skates.)
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Overview Between Monopoly & Perfect Competition Markets with only a Few Sellers Game Theory and Oligopoly Public Policy
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Markets with only a Few Sellers: Oligopoly Because of the few sellers, the actions of any one seller in the market can have a large impact on the profits of all the other sellers.
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Markets with only a Few Sellers: Oligopoly Characteristics of an Oligopoly Market: – Few sellers offering similar product – Interdependent on other firms in industry – Best off by co-operating and acting like a monopolist by producing a small quantity of output and charging a price above marginal cost Duopoly Example...
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Lessons From Duopoly Example A duopoly (and oligopoly) market structure may result in: Collusion : The two firms (industry) agreeing on the quantity to produce and the market price to charge. Cartel : The two firms (industry) joining together and acting in unison. In effect, the actions may result in the market being served by a monopoly.
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition A Non-Collusive Duopoly (Oligopoly) Oligopolies pursuing their own self- interest, but acting independently. Production is greater than the monopoly quantity but less than the competitive industry quantity. Market prices are lower than monopoly but greater than competitive price (marginal cost.) Total profits are less than the monopoly profit.
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Oligopoly Size and Market Outcome As the size of an oligopoly increases, production will increase (i.e. the output effect) maintaining price above marginal cost. As the number of sellers in an oligopoly grows larger, the market is more similar to a competitive market. – Price approaches marginal cost and output is more socially efficient.
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Quick Quiz! If the members of an oligopoly could agree on a total quantity to produce, what quantity would they choose? If oligopolies do not act together, do they produce a total quantity more or less than the previous question?
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Overview Between Monopoly & Perfect Competition Markets with only a Few Sellers Game Theory and Oligopoly Public Policy
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Game Theory & The Economics of Co-operation Game Theory: the study of how people behave in strategic situations. – A strategic decision is one in which each person (or firm), in deciding what actions to take, carefully considers how others (or other firms) might respond to that action. – Since there are just a few large firms in an oligopoly market, each firm must make strategic decisions.
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Game Theory & The Economics of Co-operation Prisoners’ Dilemma: illustrates the difficulty in maintaining co-operation. – Often people (firms) fail to co-operate with one another even when co-operation would make them better off. The Prisoners’ Dilemma Story: – Bonnie and Clyde Example
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition The Prisoners’ Dilemma Person #1 Decision Choice # 1Choice # 2 Person # 2 Decision Choice # 2 Choice # 1 Payoff 1,1 Payoff 2,1 Payoff 1,2 Payoff 2,2
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition The Prisoners’ Dilemma Dominant Strategy: The best strategy for a player to follow regardless of the strategies pursued by other players. – Co-operation is difficult to maintain, because co-operation is not in the best interest of the individual. – Self-interest makes it difficult for the oligopoly to maintain the co-operative outcome with low production, high prices and monopoly profits.
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Oligopolies and Prisoners’ Dilemma Self-interest makes it difficult for the oligopoly to maintain the co-operative outcome with low production, high prices and monopoly profits. May lead to cartel cheating. Examples: – Iran and Iraq – International arms race – Beer Advertising
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Overview Between Monopoly & Perfect Competition Markets with only a Few Sellers Game Theory and Oligopoly Public Policy
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Public Policy Toward Oligopolies Firms in oligopolies have a strong incentive to collude in order to: – reduce production – raise prices – increase profits “People in the same trade seldom meet together... but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some [diversion] to raise prices.” (Adam Smith, 1776)
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Public Policy Toward Oligopolies From the standpoint of society, co- operation among oligopolists is undesirable because – it leads to production that is too low – prices that are too high
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Public Policy Toward Oligopolies Competition Act: Makes it illegal to restrain trade or attempt to monopolize a market. Consists of: – criminal provisions – civil provisions
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Competition Act Criminal provisions include: – Price Fixing, Rigging Bids – Resale Price Maintenance – Price Discrimination – Predatory Pricing Civil provisions include mergers which may not be in the public interest.
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Controversies over Competition Policy Sometimes the Competition Policies may not allow business practices that have potentially positive effects: – Resale Price Maintenance – Tying Examples...
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Quick Quiz! What kind of agreement is illegal for businesses to make? Why are the competition laws controversial?
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Conclusion An oligopoly may end up looking more like a monopoly or a competitive market, depending on how many firms there are. Oligopolies can attempt to co-operate with each other but are limited by laws. Competition laws are used to regulate the behaviour of oligopolies.
Principles of Microeconomics : Ch.16 Second Canadian Edition Overview Between Monopoly & Perfect Competition Markets with only a Few Sellers Game Theory and Oligopoly Public Policy