Safety Schedule: Past, Present and Future RHIC and Experiment Reports Machine and System Reports AOB
Take 5 for Safety………..Ed LessardEd Lessard
APEX on 20 Feb, 5:00AM – 5:00PM. * squeeze to 60cm went well in APEX, so we skipped intermediate stages, 80cm, 70cm, … More work on * squeeze is scheduled for APEX tonight. PASS had gate microswitch problems again (2GE1). Switched JET from Blue to Yellow. New Ramp was developed to keep Blue and Yellow beams separated at the JET target. This ramp appears to give reduced polarization in Yellow, and perhaps larger emittance. Reverted to previous ramp. Power dip on Sunday took most of the day to recover. Short access on Monday for JET magnet cooler repair, and PHENIX and STAR making minor fixes.
APEX begins 8:00PM tonight. Maintenance begins with Polarized Source Heater off at 7:00AM Wednesday morning for source maintenance. RHIC access starts at 8:00AM PHENIX doing MuTr Trigger prototyping STAR access for PP2PP AGS Polarimeter Target work NSRL Experiments start next Monday, 3 March Continuing work on NSRL recertification Backflushing D6 on Maintenance Day
Feb 26/ 27APEX/Maintenance Mar 3NSRL starts running Mar 10 pp ends, 8:00 AM Start Low Energy Au-Au running Mar 12RHIC Run 08 ends, 8:00 AM Cryo warm-Up Begins Mar 12Booster/AGS running til midnight
RHIC – pp……………..….Christoph MontagChristoph Montag STAR Bill ChristieBill Christie PHENIX Mike LeitchMike Leitch Polarimeter.……………………Haixin HuangHaixin Huang PP2PP…………………….…….Wlodek Guryn NSRL…………………………..…Adam Rusek BLIP…………………….…..Leonard MausnerLeonard Mausner Operations.…………………….…Fulvia PilatFulvia Pilat
Operations……..……….Peter IngrassiaPeter Ingrassia Sources……………………....…Jim Alessi Booster and AGS Leif Ahrens Maintenance………….…Paul SampsonPaul Sampson Expt Support & Facilities…Al Pendzick Instrumentation……...……..Tom Russo
Vacuum Mike Mapes Cryogenics…………..Andy Warkentien Power………………………Jon Sandberg RF Alex Zaltsman Controls John Morris Access Controls……….Jonathan Reich RCF………………………....Michael Ernst*Michael Ernst *not present