Professor Päivi Häkkinen Senior Research Scientist Marja Kankaanranta AGORA LEARNING LABORATORY (ALL)
Research-based development and evaluation of virtual learning environments for different educational levels, work areas and different contexts A research and development unit and a research training environment of high international standard Multidisciplinary expertise AIMS
1.Co-ordination of multidisciplinary expertise 1.Collaborative network 2.Survey and scientific framework 3.Seminar series 2.Evaluation of virtual learning environments 1.Criteria for evaluating pedagogical innovations using ICT 2.Innovative evaluation methods - digital portfolios 3.Development of virtual learning environments 1.A-KIT – data visualization environment (a separate presentation by Prof. Tommi Kärkkäinen) 2.Further development of ALEL (Artificial Lab for Exploratory Learning) environment 3.Innovative pedagogical models and tools TASKS AND SUB-PROJECTS
Forums for idea exchange and joint development THE ROLE OF THE COMPANIES IN R&D OF LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS: Business area of learning environment products VS. Utilizing learning environments in internal training and mediation of expertise within one’s own organization POTENTIAL COMPANY COLLABORATION
TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES RESEARCHERS USERS DEVELOPERS E-Learning Virtual learning environments Evaluation methods Learning at work Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Shared expertise Tacit knowledge Digital portfolios