Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research 2010 Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research Assessment Review Committee Report Administration & Finance Steve Duncan July 2, Institutional Planning, Assessment, and Research
Mentoring/Review Process Administration & Finance ARC review process: The A&F ARC team consisted of Steve Duncan, 3 Unit Assessment Coordinators (Craigle, Creasey, Walters) as well as IA rep Susan Morrissey. We all attended Tracdat training, group rubric training (Aug 15), and we had several group meetings with open discussion to make sure everyone had a clear understanding of the process (Oct 29, Nov 25). We found it very helpful to each other through the process to discuss and ask questions to the “subject matter experts” in each unit. There were 7 A&F units to review. After meeting and doing one review together the others were divided among the members of the ARC, with no one reviewing their own unit Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Component Data DevelopingAcceptableProficient Outcome786 Means of Assessment 588 Criteria for Success 6510 Results7311 Actions Taken759 Follow-Up to Actions Taken Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Data Visualization Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Best Practices – “Closing the Loop” Outcome: Business Services - On-time adoption of textbooks by faculty. Dowdy Student Stores will comply with HEOA (Higher Education Opportunity Act) requirements and mandate by UNC Board of Governors, by monitoring the rate of on-time adoption of textbooks by faculty. Means of Assessment: An "on-time" adoption is defined as a textbook requisition for a course being submitted by a faculty member by the first day of the "textbook buyback" period for a term, preceding the term in which the course will be taught. Criteria for Success: For the main two reporting periods, Spring and Fall, we will receive no less than 90% on-time textbook requisitions Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Best Practices – “Closing the Loop” Results: Met HOEA and BOG requirements. 90% of Fall 2011 textbooks were submitted on time. 93% of books for Spring 2012 were adopted on time. In addition, with the new Verba software, with online requisitioning, we are able to more quickly identify those faculty who have not submitted requisitions. Actions Taken (based on analysis of results): We now relay to Deans and Chairs the names of those faculty who have not submitted requisitions, along with those courses in which no instructor has been assigned. This has been productive and will aid in encouraging even greater efficiency in regard to submitting requisitions on time. Initiative/Change/Strategy Implemented for Program/Unit improvement: In reviewing the list of needed textbook requisitions for any new classes added, faculty and administrative assistants from academic departments are called as a follow-up to the Verba automated . This is especially helpful as beginning of semester nears Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Rubric and Review Process Feedback We found it very beneficial to do a rubric together as a group and talk out each step in the process. We then assigned ARC members various departments making sure that no one would be reviewing a unit that they were affiliated with. Describe your ARC’s process and progress towards addressing comments for “developing” and “acceptable” components received in the 2013 assessment review. As of , all developing ratings were corrected with the exception of one unit that has a new department head. Our group again convened to examine the feedback with Susan Morrissey serving as our mentor. Suggested changes were vetted within that group before final decisions were made Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research