Second SSA Regional Workshop on « Capacity Development for the Clean Development Mechanism » Organizedby:Energy Research Centre (ERC), South Africa and ENDA-Tm,Sénégal With Support of:Ministry for Coordination of Environment Affairs (MICO), Mozambique Sponsored By: UNEP Risoe Centre, Denmark 16-18th August 2004, Holiday Inn Hotel, Maputo,Mozambique EXPERIENCES ON PROGRESS IN CÔTE D’IVOIRE TOWARDS DEVELOPING A CDM PROJECT PORTFOLIO by K. J. AFFERI
Table of Contents 1.Introduction 2.Project of portfolio 3.PDD develoment in progress:case study 4.Limitations/constraints 5.Suggested approach of solutions 6.Conclusion
1. Introduction Project development is the key issue of the cd4cdm and factors for successfully implementing the cd4cdm in Côte d’Ivoire have been presented as well as specific barriers and attempts to deal with them. Therefore, experiences to be shared will focus on the work-in-progress towards PDD development.
2. Project of portfolio (1) Projects being developed cover two sectors Sector 1: Waste management Methane recovery and electricity generation from the slurry of pork Wood resource preserving and substitution of traditional energies(wood and charcoal) by gas in cooking in Côte d’Ivoire
2. Project of portfolio (2) Sector 2: Energy Electrification of community centers in 1500 locations by solar energy Creation of energy savings enterprises and energy efficiency improvement in administrative, industrial, and commercial buildings
2. Project of portfolio (3) Energy savings develoment in the transportation through identification of low- greenhouse gas emitting vehicles Improvement of coal making technology Energy efficiency improvement in industry
3. PDD develoment in progress(1) The following case study will be used to illustrate salient features and problems encountered: Creation of energy savings enterprises and energy efficiency improvement in administrative, industrial, and commercial buldings
3. PDD develoment in progress(2) This project was to be implemented in two phases: Phase 1:Development of energy savings enterprises (completed) The output of phase 1 is the creation of 4 enterprises Phase 2: Energy efficiency improvement in administrative, industrial, and commercial buildings
3. PDD develoment in progress(3) Phase 2: Calculations of anthropogenic GHG emission reductions by sources yield: Kt of CO2 eq in public buildings Kt of CO2 eq in private buildings
4. Limitations/constraints(1) 1. Case study Total financing of the project was not secured before the implementation of phase 1: New data are to be collected; New baseline and monitoring plan and methodology are needed; New participants, thus new stakes are to be deal with (e.g. stakeholders comments)
4. Limitations/constraints(2) 2. Other projects Technical constraints are: Unavailability of sustainable development criteria; Unavailabilty of the necessary data for determining the baseline; Unavailabilty and/or insuficient knowledge of quality control (QC) and quality assurance procedures for data to be monitored.
4. Limitations/constraints(3) Choice of approved baseline and monitoring methodologies applicable to the following projects: Methane recovery and electricity generation from the slurry of pork Improvement of coal making technology Energy efficiency improvement in industry
5. Suggested approach of solutions(1) 1.Data needed Database development by IREN for projects 1, 3,4, and 5) Financial request to international funds (WB, GEF, etc.) since local funding is uncertained in light of the current political context of Côte d’Ivoire
5. Suggested approach of solutions(2) 2. QC, QA, Baseline/Monitoring methodologies Specific training (learning by doing) sessions are needed for trainers Subsequent training of project participants by those trainers, towards developing a viable portfolio as it is requested in our 2004 ToR
6. Conclusion Despite our national context, as it was depicted in the previous presentations, the Côte d’Ivoire Technical Team proceeds on the implementation of the project. However, additional support is needed from the Risoe center, more specifically for developing « sustainable development criteria» to foster successful implementation of the CD4CDM nationwide.