Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°1 LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting Introduction LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw
Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°2 “ contribute to the implementation, updating and development of Community environmental policy and legislation, including the integration of the environment into other policies, thereby contributing to sustainable development. In particular, LIFE+ shall support the implementation of the 6th EAP, including the thematic strategies, and finance measures and projects with European added value in Member States” LIFE co-finances environmental actions that... LIFE + : General Objectives Article 1 of LIFE+ Regulation LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw
Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°3 LIFE + : “Brands” Specific Objectives The specific objective of LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance is: (a)to contribute to the development and demonstration of innovative policy approaches, technologies, methods and instruments; (b)to contribute to consolidating the knowledge base for the development, assessment, monitoring and evaluation of environmental policy and legislation; (c)to support the design and implementation of approaches to monitoring and assessment of the state of the environment and the factors, pressures and responses that impact on it; (d)to facilitate the implementation of Community environmental policy, with particular emphasis on implementation at local and regional level; (e)to provide support for better environmental governance by broadening stakeholder involvement, including that of NGOs, in policy consultation and implementation. LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw
Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°4 LIFE + : “Brands” Specific Objectives The specific objective of LIFE+ Information & Communication is: (a)to disseminate information and raise awareness on environmental issues, including forest fire prevention (b)to provide support for accompanying measures, such as information, communication actions and campaigns, conferences and training, including training on forest fire prevention. LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw
Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°5 The specific objective of LIFE-Nature & Biodiversity is: (a)to contribute to the implementation of Community policy and legislation on nature and biodiversity, in particular Directives 79/409/EEC and 92/43/EEC,..., and to support the further development and implementation of the Natura 2000 network,... (b)to contribute to the consolidation of the knowledge base for the development, assessment, monitoring and evaluation of Community nature and biodiversity policy and legislation; (c)to support the design and implementation of policy approaches and instruments for the monitoring and assessment of nature and biodiversity and the factors, pressures and responses that impact on them, in particular in relation to the achievement of the target of halting biodiversity loss within the Community by 2010 and the threat to nature and biodiversity posed by climate change; (d)to provide support for better environmental governance by broadening stakeholder involvement, including that of NGOs, in consultations on, and the implementation of, nature and biodiversity policy and legislation. LIFE + : “Brands” Specific Objectives LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw
Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°6 LIFE phases & budgets LIFE I ( ): €400 million LIFE II ( ): €450 million LIFE III ( ): €640 million LIFE III Extension ( ): €317 million LIFE + ( ): €2,143 billion Launched in 1992: LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw
Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°7 LIFE+ Budget distribution Duration: to => 7 annual calls for proposals Total Budget: € billion at least 78% of LIFE+ for the co-financing of projects at least 50% of this amount is for nature and biodiversity projects up to 22% for operational expenses of DG Environment LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw
Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°8 LIFE09 Results in Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia COUNTRY NAT BIOD ENV POL-GOV ENV INFO € TOTAL COFUND 2 CZ € 82 PL € 2 SK € LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw
Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°9 The Rules and Regulations a)The LIFE+ Regulation (614/2007 of 23 May 2007) b)The Special Provisions of the Commission’s Grant Agreement c)The Common Provisions (CPs) d)The Project proposal –Defines scope and objectives of the project –Details activities, results, output, milestones. –Contains the baseline for technical and financial planning –Confirms the partnership and management/team structure b+c+d = the contract ! LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw
Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°10 The European Commission - DG ENV: LIFE ENV & Eco-innovation Unit : ENV/INF/TCY LIFE NAT Unit: NAT/INF National Environmental Authorities - NFPs External contractors assisting the EC Beneficiaries Other stakeholders Main Players in LIFE LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw
Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°11 LIFE ENV-EcoIn & LIFE-NAT Units is composed of : - Head of Unit & Deputy HoU - Technical and Financial Desk Officers - Secretaries - IT Manager LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw
Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°12 LIVE-NAT: E3 Management Angelo Salsi Head of Unit Authorizing Officer Signs contracts, letters linked to payment decisions Technical responsibility, signs all other letters Joaquim Capitão Deputy Head of Unit Operational Verifier LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw
Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°13 LIVE-ENV & EcoIn : E4 Management Hervé Martin Head of Unit Authorizing Officer Signs contracts, letters linked to payment decisions Technical responsibility, signs all other letters Anne Louise Friedrichsen Deputy Head of Unit Operational Verifier LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw
Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°14 The LIFE Units: The Technical Desk Officers - TDOs Manage a portfolio of around 40 projects They deal with technical and administrative issues. They visit projects once in their lifetime. They are in regular contacts with the Monitoring Team & FDO They undertake other horizontal tasks: e.g. - evaluate proposals of each call - liaise with other thematic Units or other DGs - organize thematic conferences - coordinate other external contractors -... LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw
Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°15 The LIFE Units: The Financial Desk Officers - FDOs Manage a portfolio of around 60 projects They deal with financial and administrative issues. They visit projects once in their lifetime. They are in regular contacts with the TDO and MoT. They undertake other horizontal tasks. LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw
Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°16 Your Desks NAT Czech Rep, Poland Izabela Madalinska LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw NAT Slovakia Juan Perez Lorenzo Päivi Rauma FDO Susan Brassart FDO ENV/INF Poland Sylvie Ludain Anne De Wolf FDO
Izabela Madalinska, Technical Desk Officer, LIFE Unit, European Commission Slide n°17 External Contractors assisting the LIFE Unit...and... for COM Applicants Workshops LIFE+ Mid Term Eval. LIFE09 Kick-off Meeting, 13 January, 2011 Warsaw