Workshop 3 – Territorial integration in cross-border and transnational functional regions North Sea STAR Lynne McGowan, University of Liverpool ESPON Internal.


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Presentation transcript:

Workshop 3 – Territorial integration in cross-border and transnational functional regions North Sea STAR Lynne McGowan, University of Liverpool ESPON Internal Seminar 2013 “Territorial Evidence for Cohesion Policy and Territorial Agenda 2020”

Introduction 2 Project Aim – to assess North Sea Region INTERREG IVb project results (in the context of the Europe 20:20:20 energy goals) with a view to developing the most effective regional energy responses possible in future Operational Programmes. The North Sea is known as an energy region – offshore oil and gas, wind energy, hydro electric, biomass. Broad challenges: climate change affecting low-lying coastal areas, transition to a low carbon economy, declining energy self-sufficiency.

Policy Context 3 The 20:20:20 energy policy: 20% reduction in GHG emissions Saving of 20% energy consumption 20% share of renewable energy in consumption “A Resource Efficient Europe” to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth: Decoupling economic growth from resource use Supporting the low carbon economy Increasing use of renewables Promoting energy efficiency Ensuring security of supply

Transnational Cooperation – New Regions for Energy Issues? 4 NSR Programme energy projects – standalone and in “clusters” (Energy Vision and LOWCAP). Added value of clustering? Future clustering of thematic projects across Operational Programmes? Decentralisation of energy production – a challenge to the coherence of energy networks and infrastructure.

Opportunities and Challenges for Territorial Integration 5 Future Programmes: The North Sea Region has decided its Thematic Objectives (“Thinking Growth”, “Renewable North Sea Region” and “Green Mobility”) and Investment Priorities Stronger orientation towards project results and the transnational dimension. Potential to upscale project outputs? Producing more visible territorial impacts.

Policy conflicts – different national interests and long-term goals with regards to energy issues. Administrative challenges - how to deal with partners from different regions or different programmes? (Limited experience – Interreg IVb NW Europe) Top-down versus bottom-up approaches to defining new cooperation areas. 6 Opportunities and Challenges for Territorial Integration

Moving Forward: What evidence do we need? 7 Better reporting: Progress against National Renewable Energy Action Plans only measured at NUTS0 level. Examples of good practice – ways in which lessons from projects can become embedded in institutions. Policy contexts and markets differ from country to country. This needs to be better understood to make cross-border and transnational projects feasible.