Nationally Co-ordinated Recruitment CST Proposals for 2011 Humphrey Scott Regional Representatives Meeting 15 th June
CST Recruitment Project Team Humphrey Scott, Head of KSS School of Surgery Louis Fligelstone, Associate Dean and Head of Wales Training School of Surgery Ashok Handa, Head of School for Oxford David Black, Dean Director KSS Deanery Angela Fletcher, Deputy Head of Specialty Workforce, KSS Deanery Steve Buggle, METP Operations Director, DH
Proposals –Pilot nationally coordinated recruitment 2011 –KSS lead deanery –No shortlisting –Guaranteed 2 interviews –Unlimited preferences –Agreed person specification –Common application form –Agreed minimum standard entry –QA Process
Proposals cont. Agreed timetable for: –Advertising –Interviewing –Offers Common interview stations with agreed scoring: –Clinical scenario –Management scenario –Portfolio/communication station Option of additional home stations KSS Deanery will longlist
Proposals cont. – National scoring Longlisted applicants offered interviews with their first and second preference deaneries. Applicants national ranked by total scores from 3 compulsory interview stations. Individual deaneries have the option to include local stations, but scores from these stations will not contribute to applicants’ national scores.
Proposals cont. – National clearing Applicants who have not been allocated with their 1 st or 2 nd stage preference deanery will enter the national clearing process. Clearing run by KSS Deanery. Appointable applicants ranked and cleared by the highest interview score. Applicants offered their 3 rd / 4 th / 5 th preference and so forth in national score ranking sequence.
Proposals cont. – National clearing Only one offer will be made per applicant. Vacant posts allocated according to highest score and applicant preference. Clearing continues until all posts have been filled or the appointable pool or applicants exhausted.
Proposals cont. Use of e-learning tool for training. QA process. Evaluation to inform best practice –Number of stations –Contact time –Use of person specification
Timetable Final proposals HoS Conference June 2010 MMC Peer Review Panel July 2010 MPB submissions September 2010 Advisory December 2010 Appointments March 2011 Review May