Work-Based Learning Wisconsins Youth Apprenticeship Program Employer driven, Student tested, Successfully proven
WHY YA? Employers complained about a lack of skills in youth High youth unemployment WI needed a school to work transition system for students not going to college (The Forgotten Half) Education needed a way for youth to apply classroom learning to a work setting Existing co-op & job shadows were inconsistent across WI AND did not allow enough time for skill development
The Result WI Act 39 created in 1991 Gov. Thompson creates Office of Workforce Excellence to facilitate YA development Legislators, state staff, educators and business reps visit Germany to model YA after German system of apprenticeship First 21 students enrolled with 9 employers in Printing in 1992
WHAT is YA? Statewide School-to-Work initiative HS students get real-world learning in an occupational area ONE or TWO year elective program Combines academic AND technical instruction with mentored on-the-job training Available to ALL youth in participating districts
YA Program Requirements 1. Paid on the job experience and learning 2. Uses skilled job-site mentors 3. Demonstrate skill competencies thru performance evaluation 4. YA Program Completion: State issued skill certificate (DWD) HS diploma (HS) Credit at a Wisconsin TC (TC)
YA Program Structure DWD: TWO state YA Administrative staff YA Coordinators: WI is divided into 32 Consortiums each with a designated YA Program Coordinator Participating Public School Districts: On site teacher/staff coordinator
Map of YA Consortiums Click MAP for listing
YA Required Program Outcomes 1. At least 80% of 2 year YAs must receive HS diploma 2. At least 75% of enrolled YA students are expected to successfully complete the YA program and receive the state skill certificate 3. At least 60% of two-year YA program graduates are expected to be offered employment by their YA employer
Employer Driven Program offerings determined by demand Pay wages to train & recruit Act as job-site mentors Statewide skills list developed with employer groups Student performance evaluated by the employer
Employers say YA Employer Report (UW-CEW Study 2005) 39% 100 employees 86% employ 1-3 students 50% of employers feel the YA graduates are more skilled than other entry level workers 60% of employers offered incentives to further their YA students education 98% report deriving benefit from participating in the program with most stating provides a community service helps recruit new employees allows training to company standards 97% would recommend it to other employers
Student Tested THEN 1 Program 21 Students 9 Employers NOW: 10 Career Cluster Programs with 40 Occupational Options YA has served OVER 15,000 Students since 1991
The Number Details… YA Student Profile schools; 51% female; 11% ethnic minorities Largest programs = Health, AFNR, Mfg, Finance YA Completion Rates Completed in 2010 (82%) 79% offered employment YA Graduate Report (UW-CEW Study 2005) 98% would recommend program to other students 87% employed either PT or FT 86% & 82% report applying communication and problem solving skills learned in YA to their current jobs 78% enrolled in post-secondary education during the time after HS
WI Work-Based Learning Choices 1. Service Learning/Volunteering 2. Job Shadowing 3. Internships/Training 4. Employability Skills 5. School-Based Enterprise 6. Cooperative (Co-op) Education (DPI) 7. Cooperative Skills Certificate (Skills Co-op) (DPI) 8. Youth Apprenticeship (YA) (DWD) CHOOSE the one that BEST meets the students goals!
Fits Workforce AND Educational need BENEFITS of YA Hands-on, Applied, Real-World learning IN Worksites Career Pathway choices Can fulfill Sector Strategy needs for workforce pipeline to youth Current programs in WIs HI demand industries Offers Dual credit/TC articulation
YA Program Timeframes 1. Two year program (Level II)- STANDARD 900 hours of work site learning 360 hours of related classroom instruction OR 2. One year program (Level I)- OPTION 450 hours of work site learning 180 hours of related classroom instruction
Students Role Academic skills and Attendance Progress Reviews Maturity and Responsibility to Employer
Parent or Guardians Role Transportation Progress Reviews
K12 Role Recruit students Coordinate student enrollment Integrate YA Program classroom & worksite training into students education program Ensure 450 hours of worksite hours hours of related classroom instruction for each year Progress Reviews Grant high school graduation credit
YA Consortiums Role Approval from DWD to operate YA Program Recruit Students AND Employers Advisory committee Yearly commitment with participating high schools, technical colleges, and local businesses YA grievance procedure Provide employer mentor training
Employers Role Participate in mentor training session Interview & Hire YA students Provide on the job training to YA student Pay YA student Progress Reviews Ensure 450 hours of worksite training/work hours Comply with Child Labor Laws
YA Curriculum Features Based on SAME curriculum format used by WI Tech College System Performance Based Competency Performance Standards Learning Objectives Assessed at the Worksite by the Employer Mentor
YA Curriculum Definitions Competency Worksite Skill: Assessed by Employers at worksite Performance Standard HOW: Skill is assessed at worksite; What employers should look for to judge the skill (as applicable to that worksite) Learning Objective WHAT: Recommended content to learn to be able to perform skill; On-the-job or in-classroom
Required Related Instruction Classroom instruction to supplement the learning of the work site competencies. Defined in the Learning Objectives for each Competency (The CONTENT the students should know to perform the Competencies) CAN be delivered BY: High School Tech College Employer
Instructor Qualifications Purposely Flexible so consortiums may hire the most appropriate instructors HS licensure with knowledge of current practices & techniques, recent work history or Tech College certification Technical College instructor certification Industry Trainers with 3 years experience or qualified journeyman
Required Skills REQUIRED of ALL YA students Core Skills Safety & Security Skills Broad Occupational Technical Skills Aligned with National Career Cluster Standards
Core Skills Competencies 1. Apply applicable academic knowledge 2. Apply applicable career knowledge 3. Apply applicable industry knowledge 4. Communicate effectively 5. Act professionally 6. Demonstrate customer service skills 7. Cooperate with others in a team setting 8. Think critically 9. Exhibit regulatory & ethical responsibilities 10. Use resources wisely 11. Use basic technology
Safety & Security Competencies 1. Follow personal safety requirements 2. Maintain a safe work environment 3. Demonstrate professional role to be used in an emergency 4. Follow security procedures 5. Maintain confidentiality
YA Articulation HS Credit for YA Work YA Related Technical Instruction College & HS Credit (Dual Credit)- locally determined with TC State WBL-TC Guidance Document developed in NOV 2010 State WBL-TC Guidance Document Current Dual Credit Agreements (HS-TC) Current Dual Credit Agreements
YA Recognized! YA- Video Testimonials 1; 2; 312;3 Madison PBS- BluePrint Learning for Life (13.18) & BTCI (12.28) (NOV 2010)BluePrint Learning for Life BTCI YA mentioned on page 32 of Harvard report as an Exemplar of Employer Engagement AND EACH time Bill speaks in WI (FEB 2011)Harvard report Americas misplaced disdain for vocational education in The Economist (JUN 2010) Teenagers in need of direction can turn to apprenticeships and What if college education just isnt for everyone? in USA Today (MAR 2010) In The Means to Grow Up by R. Halpern page 60
WHATs CHANGED? Added choice of 1 or 2 year programs (1999) Loss of STW (2000) & Tech Prep Funding (2011) Reduced state funding (2001) Alignment to Career Pathways Model (2006- present) Slowed growth due to economic downturn (2006-present) YA Enrollment drops as Employers tighten budgets (2008)
The Response YA programs REVISED to be: More consistent More flexible More outreach Without losing Rigor!
Listened to our customers Child Labor Laws Guidance Liability & Insurance Guidance Technical College Articulation Guidance Marketing & Educational Materials (print, presentations, web, testimonials, videos) Outreach (DPI, WMC, WEDC, CWI, Legislative)
Resource Mapping Aka Environmental Scanning or Asset Mapping Essential Tools: Improving Secondary Education & Transition for Youth With Disabilities- Community Resource Mapping (Tool Kit pdf) Essential Tools: Community Resource Mapping- Knowing Your Youth Services Landscape (Customizable Tool) Community Resource Mapping- Youth Resource Mapping: Partnering with Service Providers & Youth to Understand the Supply & Demand for Youth Services in a Local Context (RS Paper) Youth Resource Mapping:
Leveraging Resources- Collaborate Greater Milwaukee Committee- Talent Dividend (CEOs for Cities Competition) Around YOUTH College & Career readiness Identified stakeholders Facilitated conversations- Handout Gathered information- Handout DB of youth resources (to be developed) Educate stakeholders Provide services (Career Coaching seminars)
Leveraging Resources- Partner Waukesha County Workforce Investment Board & A local YA Consortium Around Waukesha County YOUTH Employment Youth Committee representation WIA Youth & YA program education Finding employers Connecting eligible youth Using WIA funds to help support WIA youth in YA
Use Data Consult WIBs & Economic Development groups Regional LMI to determine programs Hi Growth, Hi Demand WF aging out Entry Level & CPs available LED Tool- QWI (Quarterly WF Indicators) By State, County, Metro, WIA By Year, Quarter By Age Group By Industry (NAICS)
THANK YOU! Robin Kroyer-Kubicek CESA6 FOR the WISCONSIN Department of Workforce Development