Fuel Poverty in the Private Rented Sector Landlord Forum 1 July 2015
What is Fuel Poverty? A household is in fuel poverty if it is on a low income and faces high costs of keeping adequately warm and accessing other basic energy services. Fuel poverty is driven by three main factors: household income the current cost of energy the energy efficiency of the home
Why Fuel Poverty Matters Fuel poverty affects whether people can eat enough – ‘heat or eat’ Cold housing negatively affects children’s educational attainment and emotional well-being Significant effect on mental health of adults and young people: More than one in 4 adolescents living in cold housing are at risk of multiple mental health problems compared to one in 20 who have always lived in warm housing Cold homes are believed to be a main factor in causing the winter increase of respiratory and circulatory diseases, including asthma, bronchitis, CVD and stroke. Cold homes are associated with lower strength and dexterity potentially leading to falls in the elderly Age UK estimates that illnesses caused by cold homes costs the NHS £1.3 billion a year
Fuel Poverty in Waltham Forest 87 excess winter deaths in Waltham Forest per year between 2008 to 2011, with over half of these being as a result of fuel poverty Around 12,000 households in Waltham Forest living in fuel poverty in 2013, around 12% of the total population (up from 11% in 2012) and the second highest percentage in London 6% of people aged 65+ have no central heating compared to a national average of 2.94% Properties not meeting the thermal comfort standard are primarily in the private rented sector and the open market sector A Private Sector Housing Condition survey carried out in 2011 found that 15.7% of private sector dwellings in the borough failed to meet the thermal comfort standard, compared to 10.9% nationally. Fuel Poverty mainly affects those who are on low income, unemployed, families with children, people over 60 and those with a disability or long term illness
Draft Fuel Poverty Strategy Work in Partnership to improve our understanding and response to fuel poverty in LBWF Share and analyse information Pilot project involving health and community services Integrate fuel poverty work into other service areas Ensure all residents can access information, advice and assistance to alleviate fuel poverty Review and improve the information and advice that is available for residents Look at better ways to communicate – green champions Improve the energy efficiency of homes in the borough Identify and bid for all relevant funding Identify properties in the borough with EPCs of E & F to better target these homes Help fuel poor residents to maximise their incomes and access fuel at the lowest possible cost Carry out promotional campaigns Hold energy advice switching sessions Develop guide for people who are on pre-payment meters
Legislative Changes for the Private Rented Sector April landlords will not be able to unreasonably refuse consent to a tenant’s request for energy efficiency improvements where Green Deal finance or subsidies are available to pay for them April private domestic and non-domestic landlords will need to ensure that their properties reach at least an E EPC rating, or have installed those improvements that could be funded using available Green Deal finance or subsidies available to pay for them, before granting a tenancy to new or existing tenants These requirements will apply to all private rented properties – including occupied properties – from April 2020 in the domestic sector (and from April 2023 in the non- domestic sector)
‘Significant’ Ruling on Affordable Heating Liverpool City Council issued an enforcement notice on a landlord after environmental health officers determined his rental property was a severe threat to health or safety because tenants were unlikely to be able to afford adequate heating Notice required landlord to replace the existing panel convector heaters and a towel rail – which operate on peak electrical tariff – with cheaper gas central heating or fan-assisted storage heating Tribunal found that a heating system installed by a private landlord breached health and safety rules because it was too expensive for the tenant to use – agreed it was Cat 1 hazard
What is available for landlords? Green Deal Green Deal Assessment – must pay for this Green Deal Home improvement Fund – cashback for installing certain heating/insulation measures Green deal finance – can provide a loan for works and paid back through electricity bills Energy Saving Advice Service on ECO Carbon Emissions Reduction Obligation – installation of solid wall and heard to treat cavity wall insulation Carbon savings Communities obligation – focuses on needs of households in areas of multiple deprivation Home Heating Cost reduction obligation – targeted at vulnerable and disadvantages households. HEET –
Schemes of Interest British Gas Offering a new boiler for £250 Home owner or tenant in receipt of certain benefits Info on the scheme will be sent out with HB runs If in doubt, ring British Gas on
DateSeminar 7th JulyWinning Business with Local Authorities 8th July Social Media for Beginners in the Property, Retrofit and Construction Sectors 14th JulyBusiness Planning & Financial Management 9th SeptemberEnergy Efficiency Retrofit in the Property Sector 15th SeptemberBusiness Planning & Financial Management 7th OctoberEnergy Efficiency Retrofit in the Property Sector 3th OctoberBusiness Planning & Financial Management Schemes of Interest Free Seminars for SMEs in property or construction run by Enfield Enterprise Enterprise Enfield, Enfield Business Centre, 201 Hertford Road, Enfield EN3 5JH from 9.30am – 1.00pm
How can we encourage landlords to make their properties more energy efficient?