Responding to Global Climate Change Graph to show the predicted changes in temperature according to the IPCC – based on best to worst case scenario Recap – why is global climate change considered problematic and in need of a solution?
How do you think the world could respond to climate change? Individual scale – e.g. ??? Local scale – e.g. ??? National scale – e.g. ??? International scale – e.g. ??? Mitigation vs. adaptation
Mitigation vs. adaptation Mitigation - reducing the output of greenhouse gases and increasing the size of greenhouse gas sinks, either at the individual, local, national or international level. Examples? Afforestation, reducing carbon emissions, recycling etc. Adaptation - changing our lifestyles to cope with a new environment rather than trying to stop climate change. Installing AC units to cope with warmer temperatures, designing drought resistant crops, urban planning away from areas at risk of flooding etc. Note - Many scientists argue that climate change would occur even if humans stopped polluting the atmosphere now, so 100% mitigation would still require some adaptation.
Mitigation and adaptation strategies All strategies have costs and benefit.
What links these locations and dates? Rio De Janeiro, Brazil (1992) Kyoto, Japan (1997) Doha 2013 Copenhagen, Denmark (2009) The answer is that they are all locations where international leaders have met to discuss the issue of climate change and come up with solutions. These meetings involve GLOBAL SCALE RESPONSES to climate change. Try to complete the table to see how much you know about these international responses to global climate change...
How can the world respond to climate change? Individuals and Families (UK based ideas from “Act on CO2 campaign”) Business (local to global scale depending on organisation) Communities – local scale How can the world respond to climate change? International meetings and agreements Action by non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
Year Meeting Outcome 1988 The UN sets up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change The first IPCC report recommends that ‘strong measures’ are taken to combat global warming. 1992 The ____________takes place in Rio de Janeiro A framework is signed by 154 countries – they agree to reduce CO2 emissions voluntarily. 1997 The _______ protocol (treaty) is agreed. Countries agree to cut greenhouse gases by ______and legal targets are set for each country Previous voluntary targets from Rio become legally binding – the treaty comes into force in ______(the ____ is amongst the countries that haven’t sign up fully). By 2008, ____ countries have signed it. 2007 The ________ Conference All nations agree to deal to tackle climate change but the finer details are not agreed. 2009 ___________________ climate conference Nations agree to fund green energy initiatives in LICs and keep temperature rises at no more than 2 degrees but no legal commitments are made. 2013 A shift in emphasis….
The UN sets up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Year Meeting Outcome 1988 The UN sets up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change The first IPCC report recommends that ‘strong measures’ are taken to combat global warming. 1992 The Earth Summit takes place in Rio de Janeiro A framework is signed by 154 countries – they agree to reduce CO2 emissions voluntarily. 1997 The Kyoto protocol (treaty) is agreed. Countries agree to cut greenhouse gases by 5.2% and legal targets are set for each country Previous voluntary targets from Rio become legally binding – the treaty comes into force in 2005. (the US is amongst the countries that haven’t sign up fully) By 2008, 181 countries have signed it. 2007 The Bali Conference All nations agree to deal to tackle climate change but the finer details are not agreed. 2009 Copenhagen climate conference Nations agree to fund green energy initiatives in LICs and keep temperature rises at no more than 2 degrees but no legal commitments are made.
Discuss: Why do you think it is difficult to get countries to agree on targets? Meetings are a power struggle Each nations’ demands are different - one method might work for one country but not for another Different nations are at different stages in development. Some countries don’t want their economies to suffer – they find it hard to balance a commitment to economic growth whilst cutting emissions
Task In groups, you need to summarise (max 5 bullet points – ready to feedback to the class) how the world can respond to climate change at different scales: Individuals and families Businesses Communities NGO’s
NGO’s - Greenpeace Group presentation Now watch the “Join greenpeace campaign”
Individuals and families Group presentation Now watch the “Act on CO2 campaign” adverts (UK based company) Drive 5 miles less a week Bedtime stories
Businesses – Asda (supermarket) and Nokia Group presentation Now watch the 2 videos: Asda Nokia’s recycling
Communities Group presentation Now watch the 2 videos: Eco-schools initiative Manchester is my planet
Which scale of action (i. e Which scale of action (i.e. Individual, local, national, international) do you think will be most successful? Why?
Mitigation and adaptation strategies All strategies have costs and benefit.