1 st -6 th periods 10/16: Today we are writing a “Free Write Poem” – this poem is listed on the table of contents or an option for your portfolio/log book. Please include these notes in the Notes section at the end of your Portfolio!
Rules of Free Write: 1. Keep Writing – no matter what, write whatever comes into your head about the topic and whatever comes into your head stemming from the topic 2. If you get stuck, refer to rule #1!
Free write: 3 minutes. Make sure to write whatever you think about the topic! Keep writing!
10/16: Pick ONE prompt’s response A. Write your thoughts into poem form 1.Choose a creative title including your name (Ex: Ms. Lu’s T-shirt for Life!) B. Once your thoughts are on paper, REVISE! 1.Choose 3 structure elements (figurative language, alliteration, imagery, etc.) 2.Choose either a rhyme scheme OR rhythm 3.9 line minimum (so if you choose haikus, that’s 3 haikus!! Make sure they’re all on topic!) – keep FWP in your writing section!! 4.You may include it in your Poetry portfolio/log book!!