120204_ 1 Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission. Get Your Head in the Cloud Jason Bystrak
120204_ 2 Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission. Cloud Computing Market Explosion $68.3 Billion 2010 Worldwide market for cloud services North America represents 58% of this figure – The largest market SMB represents 20-25% of Worldwide market for cloud services Source: Gartner – Forecast: Public Cloud Services, Worldwide and Regions, Industry Sectors, $148.8 Billion 2014 Market for cloud services North America will continue to be the largest market (50%)
120204_ 3 Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission. Cloud Business Model Defining the Role of the Channel Cloud Service Brokers Vendors Brokers End User SMB BPaaS Cloud Computing Consultants SaaS Customization Integration PaaS IaaS Aggregation IaaS BPaaS Distribution VAR
120204_ 4 Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission. The Countdown Has Begun Cloud Readiness Checklist Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission. Do You Have the Right… Offering? Partner? Skill Sets? Sales Software Development Sales Incentives?
120204_ 5 Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission. Planning the Move to Cloud Conduct Analysis: Financial Viability, Growth Metrics, Skill Sets Practices Data Center Network Security Bus Apps Device Mgmt Service Desk App/File Server Storage Backup/BC Hosted Desktop Solutions UC Video PBX Management Endpoint Server Compliance Archiving CRM Collaboration ERP Desktop Server Mobile Devices Printers Service Desk Build in the Cloud Move to the CloudStay the Course Profitable Growing Low Risk Unprofitable Customer Attrition / Risk Low Win Rate Able to Develop Skills Incremental Opportunity Able to Develop Skills
120204_ 6 Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission. Establish a cloud community Offer a comprehensive portfolio of cloud services The Leading Cloud Aggregator For The Channel Provide cloud business services Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission. training, enablement, best practices, sales support solutions for every business need vendor due diligence & contracting, procurement, provisioning, service management, invoicing
100302_7 Service Desk & Device Management Network & Security Business Applications Data Center Cloud Services Broker Cloud Services Provider
120204_ 8 Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission. Professional & Training Services Ingram Micro Services Network Onsite Professional Services IT Staffing Services IT Asset Disposition Warranty Services Ingram Micro Training Academy
120204_ 9 Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission.