Transition Year 2013/14
TY Mission Statement In keeping with the Jesus and Mary Educational Ethos this TY Programme promotes the personal, social, spiritual and educational development of our pupils for personal and family life, for working life, for living in the community and for leisure.
AIMS: To provide education for maturity with emphasis on social awareness and increased social competence To promote general, technical and academic skills with an emphasis on interdisciplinary and self- directed learning To provide education through experience of adult and working life as a basis for personal development and maturity.
TY Team TY Co-Ordinator: Sarah McGreal TY Year Head: Eithne Leydon TY Work Experience Team: 1. Pauline Rowland 2. Joe Moran
TY Structure: St. Blessed Dina’s and St. Michael’s Rotation every ten weeks. TermNo of weeksDates Term 110 weeks9/9/13-22/11/13 Term 210 weeks25/11/13-14/2/14 Term 310 weeks24/2/14-16/5/14
TY Content Core Subjects: English Maths Irish European Languages Science ECDL Enterprise World of Work Physical Education Religion Modular Courses: Art Business Studies Personal Development Sport Home Economics Music Drama Geography
Work Experience: Aims To experience the nature and realities of working life. To identify skills and abilities required for particular jobs. To achieve a realistic knowledge of their own interests, abilities and social skills. To comprehend the process of job application and selection.
Work Experience: Pauline Rowland & Joe Moran On Fridays Placement should be varied throughout the year. Issues regarding placement: Garda Vetting Regular monitoring of students by staff.
Assessment: Class tests Project work Portfolio Reports: Christmas End of Year. Interviews (January) Review of goals & participation
TY Activities
Finances: Commitment to keep costs to a minimum. Young Americans (Drama) [50 euro Jan 2013] Adventure centre bonding day trip [40 euro Sept. 2012]
Role of the Parents 3D-Staff/Student/Home Usual school rules: uniform, conduct, etc. Promote positive participation in the TY Programme. Assist in target setting: REACH Inquire about portfolio/Homework/Projects. Literacy strategy: Book in the Bag. Journal
Responsibility of the students: Contract of learning Active participation Documentation of all activities: Portfolio REACH online Journal Permission slip- 3:05