Impending Audit Landscape for Data Centres John Booth Carbon3IT Ltd
John Booth Independent Sustainable IT Consultant – Carbon3IT Ltd Vice Chair BCS Green IT SG Committee Treasurer BCS Data Centres SG Committee EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres “Best Practices” Committee EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres “ Application Reviewer” Chair of Data Centre Alliance “Energy Efficiency & Sustainability Committee Carbon3IT Ltd “endorses” the EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres BCS CEEDA Lead Assessor/Auditor BSI IST/46 Sustainability for, and by IT NSF ELSS Energy Star Servers 2.0
Climate Change
Climate Change – UK ( )
Energy - UK
Energy – Renewables
UK Policy Instruments Net UK Carbon Account 80% of 1990 baseline by baseline 3900 MtCO 2 e Latest Carbon Budget – set at 1750 MtCO 2 e (50% Reduction) (8/6/11) Target = 780MtCO 2 e Legislation: Carbon Budgets Order 2011 Climate Change Act 2008 (Credit Limit) Order 2011 Carbon Budgets Order 2009 Climate Change Act 2008 (2020 Target, Credit Limit and Definitions) Order 2009
The Tools Carbon Reduction Commitment (Energy Efficiency Scheme) Enhanced Capital Allowances (ECA’s) Climate Change Agreements EU-ETS Green Deal Smart Meters Combined Heat & Power (CHP) Electricity Demand Reduction Project Carbon Management Plans Large Combustion Plant Directive (LCPD) Greenhouse Gas Emissions Local Authority (Previously NI 185/186)
UK Energy Gap
UK Current Generation UK Energy Dashboard
Energy Gap ? 8 UK Nuclear PS’s Decommissioned by 2023 (16% of Capacity!) Large Combustion Plant Directive either close by 2015 or after 20,000hours (2.2yrs) Coal/Oil PS Closing under LCPD = 16% of Capacity Total Potential Loss of Generation Capacity = 32% 1/3 of Total UK Energy Planning, Too Little, Too Late ? Black-Outs/Rationing from 2015? Energy Costs Rise !
NG Winter Outlook (28/10/14) Demand For this coming winter underlying demand will remain flat. There is an increasing volume of embedded wind and solar generation. Generator Availability Margins may be tight this winter following plant closures, particularly if we experience interconnector exports to Europe or low wind. Source: information/Future-of-Energy/FES/Winter-Outlook/ information/Future-of-Energy/FES/Winter-Outlook/
NG Winter Outlook Capacity Operational Generation Capacity Forecast (Winter Peak) = 71.9GW Interconnectors – 3.7 CCGT (Gas) OCGT Pumped Storage- 2.7 Oil- 1.1 Biomass- 1.1 Coal Wind- 7.6 Hydro- 1.1 Nuclear- 9.6 Source: of-Energy/FES/Winter-Outlook/ of-Energy/FES/Winter-Outlook/
NG Winter Outlook Transmission System Issues It is likely that strategic generation will be run overnight to maintain system voltage. Margins are not expected to be restricted by transmission constraints this winter. Source: information/Future-of-Energy/FES/Winter-Outlook/ information/Future-of-Energy/FES/Winter-Outlook/
NG Winter Outlook Reserve 2.3GW of Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR) has been procured to date. Source: information/Future-of-Energy/FES/Winter-Outlook/ information/Future-of-Energy/FES/Winter-Outlook/
NG Winter Outlook Interconnector Flows Net exports from GB to Ireland expected. Net imports from continent expected based upon current forward prices. Source: information/Future-of-Energy/FES/Winter-Outlook/ information/Future-of-Energy/FES/Winter-Outlook/
NG Winter Outlook Forecast Margins Margins may be tight following unavailability caused by unexpected events and closure of some plant. Source: information/Future-of-Energy/FES/Winter-Outlook/ information/Future-of-Energy/FES/Winter-Outlook/
NG Winter Outlook New Balancing Services The Ofgem Capacity Assessment Reports published in June 2013 and June 2014 highlighted a potential deterioration in electricity security of supply in the mid-decade period. In response, we developed two new balancing services, namely Demand Side Balancing Reserve (DSBR) and Supplemental Balancing Reserve (SBR), to provide additional tools to be used in balancing the transmission system in the unlikely event that there is insufficient capacity available in the market to meet demand. These measures were approved by Ofgem in December Source: information/Future-of-Energy/FES/Winter-Outlook/ information/Future-of-Energy/FES/Winter-Outlook/
Data Centres
Data Centres – Current Legislation Carbon Reduction Commitment Climate Change Agreement for Data Centres EU-ETS If G-Cloud, – EUCoC DC (EE) Participant If Government MSP Greening Government ICT Target 6.1/6.2 EUCoC DC (EE) Endorser – April 2013 EUCoC DC (EE) Participant – April 2014 – New Services
Data Centres – Future Legislation DG Connect Meeting 30 th September Use of EUCoC DC (EE) Awaiting the outcome!
EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres (Energy Efficiency) 97 Participants representing 239 DC’s GLOBALLY 213 Endorsers 2015 Best Practice Update Due Updated October 13 th 2014
Global DC Energy Efficiency Codes based on EUCoC DC (EE)
EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres (Energy Efficiency) G-Cloud Greening Government ICT Action Plan in CCA for Data Centres Tenders
Energy Savings Opportunities Scheme Mandatory ENERGY audits December Yearly ISO50001 Certified = ESOS Exemption ESOS covers: DC’s & Server Rooms etc
All in all….
Thank you. John Booth Carbon3IT Ltd