2009 Sept. 10SYSC 2001 - Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt1 SYSC 2001 Foundations of Computer Systems Lecturer: Graham Eatherley Room ME4230


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Presentation transcript:

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt1 SYSC 2001 Foundations of Computer Systems Lecturer: Graham Eatherley Room ME4230 (613) x 1962

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt2 Course Objectives 1.how computers work as machines. 2.how computers have been engineered to improve performance. 3.reinforce basic programming concepts learned in first year courses. 4.pre-requisite knowledge for SYSC 2003 and SYSC 3601

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt3 Scope  underlying components of the computer  how the components function  machine language programming  software control  originated in the 1940's, endured to modern day. ProcessorMemoryInput/Output Bus device......

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt4 Scope (more)  major enhancements  engineered for performance net execution speed, cost, power  improvements enabled by transistor technology increasing numbers in components  improvements presented in this course deal with modifications to how the components function not transistor technology

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt5 Scope (more)  several processor families are used as examples Intel IA (80x86 family) and Motorola PowerPC Cell Processor ??  relationship between high level structured programming languages and machine languages

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt6 Emphasis  how a computer supports the execution of instructions and external interactions  a roadmap to the engineering of performance in computers  short sequences of assembly language code fragments expose concepts and issues where relevant  this course includes rudimentary programming at the machine and assembly code level,  but does not emphasize application concerns in how to program a computer, the synthesis of programs to solve problems, and software development concerns.

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt7 BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZ, ….  Intel® Celeron® D Processor 2.66GHz  533MHz FSB, 256KB L2 cache  256MB DDR SDRAM at 400MHz  Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor w/HT Technology (2.80GHz,800FSB)  512MB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 400MHz  128MB PCI Express™ x16 ATI Radeon X300  multicore?

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt8 Text William Stallings, “Computer Organization & Architecture”, 7 th or 8 th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006 Text Coverage: Chapters 1 – 5, 7, 9 – 12 Additional course notes may be distributed on the course web page to supplement the text. previous years have used 6th Edition – it is OK too

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt9 Expectations Of Learning WARNING! Course Language Spoken Here !  course material includes, but not limited to, all indicated sections of text  lectures cover highlights of the material, but not necessarily all required sections  lectures and lab may supplement text with additional course material  STUDENTS are responsible for learning  relevant sections of the text should be read before they are discussed in class.

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt10 Course Web Page  course web page:

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt11 Prerequisite  ECOR 1606 or SYSC 1102  prerequisite waivers will not be granted to students who have not passed (or received advanced standing for) the prerequisite course.  no prerequisite? must withdraw by the last date for registration in Fall term courses if not, you will be de-registered before the end of term

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt12  five graded labs  labs, dates and submission instructions posted on the course web page.  lab is open whenever the building is open  Labs: MC6050 & MC6055  use the lab at any time, except when reserved for others  Tutorial lab sessions are scheduled so that you may meet with the TAs for assistance. Laboratory

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt13 Plagiarism?  discuss design issues when working on labs  BUT … write your own programs  Completing the labs is one of the best ways of learning the material.  If you resort to copying  not likely to do well on the mid-term or final exam.  fine line between co-operating with colleagues (discussing problems and ideas) and copying (plagiarism).

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt14 Plagiarism !  Suspected plagiarism will be investigated !  may result in a mark of zero for the assignment  alleged instructional offences will be reported to the Associate Dean of Engineering  see "Instructional Offences" in the Calendar

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt15 Exams  one closed book, no calculators permitted mid-term test date and room TBA  Absence from the mid-term test will result in a mark of zero for the mid-term, unless a valid reason is documented and presented to the course professor within one week of the mid-term  miss mid-term?  make up at discretion of course prof.  closed book, no calculators permitted final exam during the University's formal examination period in December.  marked final exams will not be shown to students

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt16  To pass the course, a student must pass the final exam AND obtain an overall passing average (assignments plus midterm plus final exam).  if pass the final exam  final grade calculation: Labs: 20 % Mid-term test:25 % Final exam:55 % Grading Scheme

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt17 Deferred Exam  Students who write a deferred examination (see the Undergraduate Calendar for regulations on deferred exams) have additional months to study and a less crowded examination schedule compared to their colleagues who write the final exam in December. As such, it is only fair to expect substantially better performance from these students on the deferred examination than on the December final exam.

2009 Sept. 10SYSC Fall 2009.SYSC2001-intro.ppt18 Students with Disabilities Students with a disability requiring academic accommodations:  please contact a coordinator at the Paul Menton Centre  complete the necessary letters of accommodation.  After registering with the PMC, make an appointment to meet with me at least two weeks prior to the mid-term test to discuss your needs.  This is necessary to ensure sufficient time to make the necessary arrangements.  Please note that the deadline for submitting completed forms to the PMC in this course is November 7.