2004 Longitudinal Study Technical Report California Regional Occupational Centers & Programs (ROCP) Douglas E. Mitchell Website for Longitudinal Study:
Increase in GPA Students from 8 out of 10 ROCP programs increase their GPAs from grade 10 to 11
GPAs by ROCP Program
The 2 ROCP programs that do not increase from grade 10 to 11 are similar to comparison group All groups increase from grade 11 to 12
California STAR Test 10 th & 11 th grade reading scores
California STAR Test 10 th and 11 th grade mathematics scores
GPA vs. Wages
Female ROCP Graduating Wages* Female ROCP graduates earn more than males from the comparison group
Academic Performance & Wages ROCP students enter grade 10 with substantially lower GPAs, but higher starting salaries 1 year out of high school Poor academic performance is one of the strongest predictors for dropping out.
Wage Rates By Ethnicity* African-American, Hispanic and Asian ROCP graduates all earned more than whites in the control group Thus; across all ethnic groups graduating from ROCPs, wages were not only higher but substantially equalized across sub-groups
Promotional Statistics* ROCP graduates were significantly likely to receive a promotion during their first year – 23% ROCP 18% comparison group
We Like ROCP ROCP courses are enjoyed quite a bit (> 4.0) Math & science less than somewhat (< 2.91)
*Community Connections: A workforce that can mirror the ethnicity and gender of the community Higher qualified entry-level employees Employer-based advisory committee connections (required by all ROCPs) result in: