Welcome to River Bend Middle School Home of the Pirates Welcome Raiders Mr. Turner Science & Social Studies
Team Raiders You have been assigned to the Raider Team. Members: – Mrs. Shook : Language Arts & Social Studies – Mrs. Houston: Mathematics & Social Studies – Mr. Turner: Science & Social Studies – And You : Student body
Mr. Turner Education Associates Degree from CVCC in Middle Grades & Special Education Bachelors Degree from ASU in Language Arts & Social Studies NC Licensed & HQ in Science, Language Arts, & Social Studies Personal Info: I am a father (daughter 29), grandfather (grand-son 10), married 30 years. I worked 16 years for Catawba County as a Animal Cruelty and Rabies Investigator and I am a former motorcycle road racer. Philosophy : For me, school was a difficult time because I come from a complex background and often felt like no adult understood or seemed to care (although I now know that was not the case.) I know they are young people today who feel the same way I did. Therefore, as a teacher, I do not only provided my students the best form of Instruction that I can, I try to inspire them and to share with my awareness that adolescents, although a brief stage of life, is one of the most difficult. I try to teach them that their futures totally depend on the amount of drive and desire they have to achieve, their willingness to sacrifice and go beyond what is expected and to understand that the choices we make, determine the life that we lead.
Rules & Procedures Absences: – If possible, have someone from home call – Return with a written excuse – It is the students responsibility to make plans to make-up any missed work
Rules & Procedures Book Bags – Book Bags must be stored in lockers. – All lockers must have a combination locker and the student is requires to provide the Homeroom Teacher with a copy of the combination The school will provide lockers for students who do not have them at a cost of $3.00 Agenda (Planner) – This to be kept with you. Copy the class schedule down for each day. The agenda will also act as a log for the teacher to track conduct and to communicate with home.
Breaks -Locker breaks: Because your classes are consecutive, you are to get all your materials for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th periods in the mornings before homeroom. -Restroom breaks: Restroom breaks will be taken in the mornings before homeroom and before or after lunch as decided by your teacher.
Rules & Procedures Entering Classroom – Come prepared. – Once you are in the room, you do not leave without teacher permission. – Come in, sit down, copy schedule in agenda, check for bell ringer, wait for instructions. be in your seat. – Do not enter into the teacher’s work area. – Greet me as I greet you. – Always Bring Something to Read!
Rules & Procedures Cell Phones – Cell phone use of any kind is strictly prohibited. If you bring a cell phone to school, it will be turned off and kept in student locker during all times. This is not negotiationable. – The school is not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones. – Any student who possesses a cell phone will have it confiscated, placed in the office and will only be returned to the parent or guardian. – Repeated offenses will result in violation of code of conduct.
Identification Badges Badges will be displayed at all times either on a lanyard or clip allowing student information to be viewed. Badges in pockets are not permissible and will result in a recorded offence of school rules. During lunch period, students without their badges will assemble at the end of the line and will sit at the silent lunch table
Rules & Procedures Discipline – Teachers will record repeated infractions of rules and procedures. Students with repeated infraction will be referred to the office for appropriate consequences. Other consequences: – Silent Lunch – Removal from class – In class suspension – In team suspension – Student calls home – Removal from Social Events – After School Detention
Rules & Procedures Dress Code (Page 10 Agenda)
Rules & Procedures Dress Code See Student agenda, Page 10 for all other guidelines
Rules & Procedures Grading 100 – 93 = A 92 – 85 = B 84 – 77 = C 76 – 70 = D Below 70 = F It is not about the grade, It’s about the growth! I do not give grade….You earn them. Effort goes a long way! Class and group participation! Make up missed work! Be a team member! Seek help! Engage!
Rules & Procedures Keep it Simple: – Do not disturb others – Remain on assigned task – Focus on teacher – Listen to & look at person speaking – Raise hand when you want to contribute – Take turns – Manners, Manners, MANNERS
Rules & Procedures Mr. Turner’s Big Don’ts – Cheat – Steal – Disrupt – Interrupt – Fight – Bullying – LIE
Rules & Procedures Other Things We Need To Discuss – Return of documents – Socials – Point Cards – Food & Drinks – Gum – Make-up Work – Rotation Classes
Rules & Procedures Remember: We are a Team – What you do affects everyone around you. Our Motto: “All For One, One for All” The choices you make, determines the life you lead We set the standard for others to follow.
Chaos Why is Mr. Turner is the 8 th Grade Hallway now? EOG