ENG 102 Multimedia Presentation DUE DATE March 9 th Presentations begin March 9 th.
First a quick overview minutes You will cover all the areas of your paper: Intro, history, extent, repercussions, solution, conclusion You will not read your paper – make note cards if you need to You must have – three interactions with the class and –four medias –One iPad app must be one of the four medias You must have a “final thought”
What could your media be? Prezi Photographs Poster Website Podcast Interactive Flash Pics 3D Elements Inspiration/online mapping Online movie maker Collage Very brief clip from television Video clips from the internet Artifact Handout Online polls Any iPad App
Reviewing the Planning Sheet... First, you must fill out the planning sheet – it is due the day you present! If you don’t have this sheet you will lose points! You will give the plan to me right before you present! What is the information you plan to communicate? Your thesis. Select your audience outcome – how familiar is your audience with your topic? (Remember, you always work to meet the needs of your audience!)
Reviewing the Planning Sheet... Interactions with Audience Three different times in your presentation you must interact with the audience. How do you do this? Pose a question to the class, call on someone, take a quick poll (how many people...) When do you do this? Whenever you want, but it must be in your presentation somewhere!
Reviewing the Planning Sheet... Interactions with Audience How do you fill out the planning sheet? Opportunity #1: Introduction Nature of Interaction: Ask the class to raise their hands if they ever watched a rated R movie before they were seventeen. Hint: I will have your planning sheet, so be sure you have something to remind you when you will be completing your interactions!
Reviewing the Planning Sheet... Interactions with Media Three different times in your presentation you must have your audience interact with your media. How do you do this? Guide them to your media (as you see on this poster, when you look at the photographs coming around the room, when you see this chart you will notice) When do you do this? Whenever you want, but it must be in your presentation somewhere!
Reviewing the Planning Sheet... Interactions with Audience How do you fill out the planning sheet? Opportunity #1: Introduction Nature of Interaction: Using the four items brought in as artifacts (an iron, a skillet, a glass bottle, and a hammer) ask the class to look at the items and decide which item Abraham Lincoln claimed his wife used to hit him. (It’s the skillet in case you wondered!)
Remember: All of your opportunities will be the topic area of your presentation: Introduction, History, Extent, Repercussions, Solution, or Conclusion! The nature of the interaction is what you plan on actually doing!
Why all the interactions? So you are able to engage the audience and not just stand up and speed read your notes! You are the expert on your topic and you need to share your issue with us and make us really care! Also, these interactions ensure your media doesn’t sit idly by and not get any attention!
So, if you choose to make a handout... Keep in mind it still must be visual! You need to include graphics, important information, make it purposeful! It must take up a whole page and has to have quality content – don’t put big pictures to make it take up space! Do NOT put crossword puzzles or word searches – that is not purposeful! You need to bring enough copies for the whole class (35) Include 5 facts about your topic and you will save the class from having to write down five random facts as they watch your presentation!
Your Final Thought You need to provide a final thought at the end of your presentation. After you finished your research, what have you learned? What do you think? Did your opinion change? Keep this section very brief, just a quick statement, but this is still important!
Just a few more helpful hints... Practice! It is hard to go up and just wing it! Know you will talk much faster if you get nervous. You will be stopped if you hit 7 minutes! Sorry! Be sure posters have content that can be seen from all areas of the room – don’t make anything small. No, you don’t have to dress up, but be professional with your presentation. You can use note cards, you can’t take up your actual paper This is just an overview of your topic. Don’t ask the class if they have any questions during your presentation. Once your presentation is over and the time stops, you can answer any questions that may come up!
Just a few more helpful hints... If you want to use a video clip it can ONLY be from the television, nothing else. You MUST get it cleared by me before you show it! Be sensitive to your audience – to others your topic could potentially offend or it could challenge religious beliefs or ideas. You don’t want to offend your audience. If you are unsure if something will work, just ask! Don’t bring in anything that could get you in trouble – not even fake medicine bottles. In your videos/power points/posters do not have anything that depicts something violent. Don’t imitate a violent act. You could end up getting in a lot of trouble for that. If anything is questionable you need to ask! It isn’t worth getting in trouble! Finally, be creative! Bring your topic to life! This is your chance to share with us what you have learned!
Video Clips off the Internet If you have a clip off the computer or something online – you need to run it past me first! Keep in mind we have filters – lots and lots of filters! You can alter a youtube video! But, you need to know how! Size and clarity are still important! Loading time of clips is part of your overall time! Try hyperlinks!
Don’t be afraid to try new things such as Windows Movie Maker! You can use it as an introduction to your topic – introducing your thesis statement, as an interaction, or even do your entire presentation on this!
Just be careful how you save it! Remember to post to your Ning! When you finish the movie you must have the correct ending on your movie! project.MSWMM project.wmv If you just save! When you finish the movie and it is done!
Submitting Projects Nothing will be sent to me – it all needs to be on your Ning – so be sure you correctly upload. You may want to stop by and watch on my computer to be sure!
An important WARNING: Check to be sure everything works properly. If there is a user error, then it will affect your grade! You only have one chance to woo me and woo your audience! Make your presentation seamless and spectacular!
Okay, how will you be scored?
If you would like a copy of this power point (in case you forget something later on) it is on my web page under ENG 102 documents!