Investors in Pupils Quiz Start
Quiz What is an Induction book? Q1 a. A guide to your class for guests and new pupils. b. A record of a pupil’s learning over the year. c. A book to write down school spending. d. A story about ducks. Next question ►
Quiz What are the 5 areas of Investors in Pupils? Q2 d. Learning, Induction, Behaviour, Attendance, Classroom Management. a. Literacy, Independence, Behaviour, Attendance, Classroom Management. b. Learning, Induction, Behaviour, Adventure, Cake-decorating. c. Learning, Induction, Bell-ringing, Attendance, Classroom Management. Next question ►
Quiz What does each classroom need to have? Q3 a. Regularly reviewed individual targets and class goals b. Investors work that is the same as every other class c. An Induction Book made by the teacher Next question ►
Quiz How long should my individual target take to achieve? Q4 b. A few weeks a. All year d. Just a day or two c. One term Next question ►
Quiz Roughly how much money does Thorpe Primary School cost per year? Q5 a. £1,000,000 (£1 million) b. £100,000 c. £1.50 d. £6,000 Next question ►
Quiz Which of these costs school the most? Q6 a. Staff pay b. pencils c. Paper towels d. electricity Next question ►
Quiz Look at this pie chart, and find which statement is true. Q7 a. Paying the staff takes up nearly ¾ of school money. b. Buying resources takes up most of school’s money. c. The building costs are the highest expense for school. d. Teachers don’t get paid to work at our school. Next question ►
Quiz When the Investors in Pupils assessor comes, they want to see… Q8 b. … how we have all been involved. a. … only the cleverest children. d. … mainly the school councillors. c. … just the teachers in charge. Next question ►
Quiz Congratulations!!! You now know lots about Investors in Pupils!! Start Again ►