Thomas L. Gilchrist Testing Basics Set 6: Use Cases, Audits, and Meetings By Thomas L. Gilchrist, CSQE, CSQA 2009
Thomas L. Gilchrist Tonight... Homework Review Audits Meetings and Brainstorming Terms and Definitions Text Book Final Exam Questions
Thomas L. Gilchrist Software Quality Assurance Check software products and processes to verify that they comply with the applicable procedures and standards. (Audits) Review and measure the quality of software products and processes throughout development. (Peer Reviews & SW Testing) Provide software project management (and other appropriate parties) with the results of reviews and process checks. (Monthly Metrics) Work with the software project during early stages to establish plans, schedules, standards, and procedures to keep errors from occurring in the first place. (Audit, Testing & Peer Review Schedules)
Thomas L. Gilchrist Audit Process Software Quality Assurance is to provide management with appropriate visibility into the process being used by the software developers and of the products being built. Determine: Compliance to requirements Conformance to policies, procedures, and standards Adequacy of policies, procedures, and standards Effectiveness and efficiency of policies, procedures, and standards Assess personnel familiarity to requirements and documentation Assure availability, use and adherence to software standards
Thomas L. Gilchrist Types of Audits First PartyFirst Party subject of this class –These are PC performed internally by the organization (subject of this class) Second PartySecond Party –These are PCs performed by an interested party -Company auditing suppliers -Customers auditing company Third PartyThird Party –These are PCs performed by a disinterested party -Regulatory Agencies -Consultants
Thomas L. Gilchrist Audit Process Un- satisfactory Report? OK NO YES Produce Product Corrective Actions Audit Kickoff Meeting Develop Audit Checklist Conduct Audit DevelopersAuditor & Project Manager Write-up Report & Findings Auditor Identify Requirements Follow-up Audit Re-Work Close Audit & File END Start Review with Manager
Thomas L. Gilchrist Functional vs. Quality Requirements Functional: Ascertainably True or False by any one skilled person. –The number of CRs created from 1/2/04 to 2/10/04 –Number of floors in a building –What was the date of the approval of CR #12118 by the change board? –Was the deliverable approved before production? Quality: A range of acceptable values. Depends on context or perspective of the assessor. No one person is likely to give the same results. –Was PR #12118 of high quality? –Was the correct?
Thomas L. Gilchrist Fire Extinguishers What is the question? How do you collect evidence? How do you come to a determination? Policy 1.1: There will be a fire extinguisher on every floor of all buildings.
Thomas L. Gilchrist Audit Checklist AuthorityChecklist ItemDetailsObservationPass/Fail Test Plan ver 3.1 Page 7 Were PRs marked for regression tested before moving code into the next environment?
Thomas L. Gilchrist Meetings
Thomas L. Gilchrist Meetings Why are meetings bad? Why are meetings good?
Thomas L. Gilchrist Brain Storming
Thomas L. Gilchrist Brainstorming Everyone talks about it, few organizations actually do it.
Thomas L. Gilchrist Brainstorming Rules Record ALL ideas on a flipchart Encourage everyone to freewheel- don’t hold back any ideas No discussion, no judgement, and no criticism is allowed during idea generation. Record ideas in the language used by participants- do not edit Encourage everyone’s participation
Thomas L. Gilchrist Brainstorming Steps Define the subject to be brainstormed in a complete sentence. Review brainstorming rules Select a scribe Give everyone a minute or two to think about the question Invite everyone to call out ideas- or go around in turn After time is up, clarify and evaluate