BREAKING DOWN THE TOPIC THE TOPIC List the key words in the topic Create a list of synonyms for the key words Rewrite the topic in your own words ‘It is better to have known love, even if it ends painfully, than to have never experienced it at all.’ Discuss this statement in relation to The Ghost’s Child.
PLANNING MAIN IDEAS PLANNING MAIN IDEAS THE TOPIC MAIN IDEAS MAIN IDEA 1 MAIN IDEA 2 MAIN IDEA 3 MAIN IDEA 4 ‘It is better to have known love, even if it ends painfully, than to have never experienced it at all.’ Discuss this statement in relation to The Ghost’s Child.
THE INTRODUCTION YOUR ESSAY’S INTRODUCTION SHOULD CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING INTERNAL STRUCTURE Introduce writer and text. Sum up main ideas of the text. Answer the topic directly, referring to key words from the topic using synonyms, to state a firm position. Give an idea of the direction your response will take – signpost! Outline the main arguments/points you will make. Give some hint as to the organisation of your essay. Include a concluding sentence relating back to the topic. Remember the importance of key words.
THE TOPIC ‘It is better to have known love, even if it ends painfully, than to have never experienced it at all.’ Discuss this statement in relation to The Ghost’s Child. INTRODUCTION EXAMPLE Love and beauty are explored extensively in Sonya Hartnett’s fantastical novel The Ghost’s Child through the life of the protagonist, Matilda. Though loss or lack of love seem to dominate the narrative, there is arguably much to suggest that a life without love, however it turns out, is a life which is lacking. It is clear that Matilda’s evolving relationship with her father, her ability to come to terms with the loss of Feather and the fay, and the resultant independence which sees her traversing the world and facing its challenges alone, have brought Maddy comfort, self-knowledge and growth. Even in her darkest moment, when she learns that though we may give love there is no guarantee it will be returned, Hartnett demonstrates that Matilda has the strength to overcome the sadness and create a worthwhile life. Introduce writer and text. Give a general intro that sums up main ideas of the text. Answer the topic directly. Use key words from the topic. State a firm opinion. Give an idea of the direction your response will take. Outline the main arguments/points you will make. Give some hint as to the organisation of your essay – signpost! Concluding sentence relating back to the topic. Remember the importance of key words.
THE BODY EACH PARAGRAPH IN YOUR ESSAY’S BODY SHOULD CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING INTERNAL STRUCTURE MINI INTRODUCTION MINI BODY MINI CONCLUSION Topic sentence – this is the main idea of what you will be discussing in the paragraph. Develop/explain/illustrate the idea of the topic sentence. Provide supporting detail and examples. Include 2– 3 embedded quotations. Concluding sentence relating back to the topic. Remember the importance of key words.
THE TOPIC BODY EXAMPLE: Matilda’s relationship with her father exemplifies how love may not always be obvious, though it unquestionably exists. The interactions between all three members of Matilda’s family seem forced and controlled, with Matilda feeling “she wasn’t necessary…but she did belong”. As a child, she was generally frightened and wary of both of her parents, in particular the man she nicknamed the “Iron Man” until he took her on a world quest to find “the world’s most beautiful thing.” This was a life changing experience for Matilda, for not only did she learn about the vast beauty of the world but also about “her adventurous papa” who she would “hold inside the prison of her heart” forevermore. Their time together confirmed to her that though he could be two very different people, “she would never [again] doubt his love for her.” This was affirmed when he handed her the mirror at the end of their trip to show her that, to him, she was “the most beautiful thing in the world.” Though their relationship was never quite as close again after the trip, Matilda learned to accept this. She knew unequivocally that her father would always love her, and do his best to support her, such as respecting her choice to live with Feather and reminding her “Don’t forget that I am here” when he suspected she needed to hear it. From this, Matilda came to understand that people love in different ways. Although it was hard for her to understand as a child, as an adult she learned to value the love her father offered for what it was, not what she wanted it to be. Topic sentence – this is the main idea of what you will be discussing in the paragraph. Develop/explain/illustrate the idea of the topic sentence. Provide supporting detail and examples. Include 2 – 3 quotations. Concluding sentence relating back to the topic. Remember the importance of key words. ‘It is better to have known love, even if it ends painfully, than to have never experienced it at all.’ Discuss this statement in relation to The Ghost’s Child.
THE CONCLUSION YOUR ESSAY’S CONCLUSION SHOULD CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING INTERNAL STRUCTURE Summing-up statement about the text and main idea of ideas you have covered. Summarise/draw together the content of the body of your essay, drawing together main points. Give a final evaluation of issues/point of view. Have links back to the introduction – key words are important. Strong terminating sentence. Consider what the key message or moral of the novel is in relation to the topic.
THE TOPIC ‘It is better to have known love, even if it ends painfully, than to have never experienced it at all.’ Discuss this statement in relation to The Ghost’s Child. CONCLUSION EXAMPLE Experiencing love and finding ways to deal a with its loss are shown to be a fundamental aspects of life in The Ghost’s Child. ‘It is better to have known love, even if it ends painfully, than to have never experienced it at all.’ Discuss this statement in relation to The Ghost’s Child. In her relationships with her father, Feather and the fay, it seemed Maddy would sometimes be consumed by her grief and sense loss. As an old woman reflecting on her journey, though, she was able to see that her life had been worthwhile despite losing the people she loved so much. ‘It is better to have known love, even if it ends painfully, than to have never experienced it at all.’ Discuss this statement in relation to The Ghost’s Child. Maddy’s journey demonstrates that there are no guarantees in love or life but that we can find strength within ourselves to endure the difficult times and grow because of them. Summing-up statement about the text and main idea of ideas you have covered. Summarise/draw together the content of the body of your essay, drawing together main points. Give a final evaluation of issues/point of view. Have links back to the intro – key words are important. Strong terminating sentence. Consider what the key message or moral of the novel is in relation to the topic.
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