Electronic Resources for Studying Lice Vincent S. Smith with Robert C. Dalgleish, Simon Rycroft, and David Reed
page.zoology.gla.ac.uk/lousebase/ 2/ LouseBASE Specimens Images (SID) Community g/ LiteratureChecklists Not Public Yet Web databases… ibliography
page.zoology.gla.ac.uk/lousebase/ 2/ LouseBASE Images (SID) Community g/ LiteratureChecklists Not Public Yet Web databases… Specimens ibliography
org/ Community support for louse related data… News & views Past & present conferences Forum Data - International collection lists - Louse classification & checklist - Bibliography Robert C. Dalgleish, Editor - People
org/ Bibliography 8,615 bibliographic references 2,971 with full-text PDFs available Extensive search & browse options Option to export in: - Endnote, Reference Manager etc - Formatted citation lists - Tab delimited text Robert C. Dalgleish & Vincent S. Smith Mark & save reference sets
page.zoology.gla.ac.uk/lousebase/ 2/ LouseBASE Specimens Images (SID) Community g/ LiteratureChecklists Not Public Yet Web databases… ibliography
Easy addition of new collections Extensive browse & search options Manages DNA extracts & sequences Export formatted datasets - FASTA (DNA sequences) - Se-aL (sequence alignment) - TreeMap (cophylogenetic analyses) - Sequin (Genbank sequence submission) page.zoology.gla.ac.uk/lousebase/2 / Specimens Roderic D.M. Page & Vincent S. Smith
page.zoology.gla.ac.uk/lousebase/ 2/ LouseBASE Specimens Images (SID) Community g/ LiteratureChecklists Not Public Yet Web databases… ibliography
Bulk image upload & annotation Extensive browse & search options Copyright options to control image use Web image labeling Designation of exemplar images RSS & web service access c.uk/ Images Simon Rycroft & Vincent S. Smith
c.uk/ Images Login Upload Group Mass annotate Refine Simon Rycroft & Vincent S. Smith Anybody can do this!
page.zoology.gla.ac.uk/lousebase/ 2/ LouseBASE Specimens Images (SID) Community g/ LiteratureChecklists Not Public Yet Web databases… ibliography
- 12,984 valid host taxa / World Phthiraptera checklist Vincent S. Smith, Simon Rycroft & David Reed Integrated chewing, sucking lice Integrated mammal classification into a single Phthiraptera checklist - 8,030 louse taxa (5,312 valid) - 5,359 linked to full text PDF descriptions
/ World Phthiraptera checklist Single search interface Taxonomic hierarchy Authorities Synonyms Associations Validity PDFs Vincent S. Smith, Simon Rycroft & David Reed
A resource for comparative analysis? World Phthiraptera checklist Vincent S. Smith, Simon Rycroft & David Reed A tool for investigating the global correlates of louse diversification? Things to do: - Why are some mammals & birds so lousy? - Why do some hosts have no lice? - Make the database web editable - Add comparative data - Integrate specimen & museum data
page.zoology.gla.ac.uk/lousebase/ 2/ LouseBASE Specimens Images (SID) Community g/ LiteratureChecklists Not Public Yet Summary… tools for collaboration ibliography Remote Imaging System
Robotic Imaging System (RIS) Remote examination of specimens NHM London, Paris Museum & the Smithsonian Pinned or slide specimens mounted on a robotic arm Examined by a remote user over the internet Takes high resolution images available to remote & local user Suitable for: - Quick examination of characters - Type specimens - High value or fragile material
Local & remote use of the machine Book the system Mount the specimen Calibrate the system Hand control to remote user Remote user manipulates Robotic Imaging System (RIS) & photographs specimen in any location worldwide Specimen manipulation in the RIS - Includes video conferencing & training facility for students