STARTER Go to You need to find a story about someone with a talent Entertainment / Sport / General news?
RULES Do as you’re told when you’re told Wear the correct uniform No swearing No unnecessary talking Keep you hands, feet and other objects to yourself Be an Active Learner
OBJECTIVES Be able to develop a professional presentation Demonstrate a skill, talent, expertise or interest that you have Produce a high quality end product that delivers your message with clarity and succinctness
ACTIVITY 1 Start a presentation about yourself An interest you have An expertise you can show A skill you’ve got Stuck? What about a sports team you support? A club / group you attend? An instrument you play? A book / film you love? Objective: Be able to develop a professional presentation
MINI PLENARY What makes a quality presentation? Short, clear text Not too many bullet points Great images Consider your progress so far. How good is it really? What can you do better? Objective: Be able to develop a professional presentation
ACTIVITY 2 Develop your presentation further – try to include at least 6 high quality slides Make sure you sell yourself Objective: Demonstrate a skill, talent, expertise or interest that you have
PLENARY Upload your work to the ‘Intro task iii evidence’ section. Think! How have you delivered your message? What about clarity? What about succinctness? Objective: Produce a high quality end product that delivers your message with clarity and succinctness