Virtual Biodiversity ViBRANT Strategic Board advisory group: objectives and role Vince Smith Natural History Museum, London ViBRANT Virtual Biodiversity Workpackage 1 Management
Virtual Biodiversity ViBRANT 2 of Who we are & what we do 5 Dave Roberts Vince SmithDonat Agosti Rod PageChristine Hine Gregor Hagedorn
Virtual Biodiversity ViBRANT 3 of What we will do in ViBRANT Strategic board definition A collective of interested individuals who identify with the vision, mission and values of ViBRANT, and who provide insight into the needs of the communities served by ViBRANT to all other the governing bodies i.e. provide contextual vision Advocacy, influencing policy and resource allocation decisions of the management committee (directional advice) Feedback on workprogram activities & outputs Outreach, open & honest promotion of ViBRANT activities Identify opportunities for including ViBRANT activities in the fabric of global biodiversity research Conflict resolution, for deadlocked issues in the management committee (last resort) Roles 5
Virtual Biodiversity ViBRANT 4 of How we are doing it Outreach through IT Tools forum, Twitter mailing lists, blogs Raising awareness at committees, conference & workshops Various EU & global events over the next 3 years Reports D 1.1 Management reports Strategic Board Meetings Physical (annual) & virtual (6th monthly & informal comm.) VS & DR interaction with management team EXTERNALLY INTERNALLY 5
Virtual Biodiversity ViBRANT 5 of Who are our users & how will they engage? Success Metrics Sustainability by being useful. Evidence might include: ViBRANT products & services integrated into the broader field ViBRANT 2 initiative for some (or all) or the work programme Management Committee (Primarily via VS, DR, and GM) EU Project Reviews Feedback & engagement from project participants INTERNALLY Engagement with related initiatives (CBOL, EOL, BHL, GBIF etc) Feedback from outreach activities EXTERNALLY Talk to the strategic board, they are not shy! 5