What is a DBQ essay?
DBQ=Document Based Question So that means you need to use documents to answer an essay question Let’s break it down… First you see historical context Read that! You could use that to help you think of themes for your INTRODUCTION BUT copying that blurb/using similar language=plagiarism!
Next… You will see your essay question. Read that so that you know the overarching question before diving into the documents I even suggest spending 5 min to write down any information that immediately comes in mind (you will see why later) Warning … you will be turning this into TURNITIN.COM. So if you google this DBQ, I guarantee you will find essays posted up. If you copy any of them (even reword it slightly) TURNITIN will flag you. Then you’ll get a zero Remember that DBQ’s are meant to be in class essays, meaning you SHOULDN’T EVEN NEED THE INTERNET to write one. So resist the temptation and stay off the internet
Then… You will get to read the documents! Actively read/underline/highlight as you go! Underneath each document there is a “mini question” that assesses to see if you understood the main point of the doc. You need to fill those out for part of your hw tonight! I suggest when reading a DBQ you also write “paragraph topics” on the side. In the case for hw tonight, you should write which label the document might correspond to (i.e. Faith?, dark age? Golden age? Etc?)
Later… You will write the essay! a DBQ contains all the same bells/whistles as a regular essay 5 paragraphs (intro, 3 body, conclusion) Each paragraph needs TS, (context to set up evidence if needed), Evidence, Analysis, CS The difference is…your evidence is somewhat given to you already! But you still need to organize it/develop the ideas/analyze them! AND, add your own outside info in
A note about evidence in DBQ essays… You are required to use evidence from both the documents AND outside information (OI) Anything that is not mentioned in the documents (lesson notes, textbook, anything in that brain of yours that you can pull out)= OUTSIDE INFO If you only use evidence from the docs, it’s impossible to get an A, maybe even a B… You must cite documents AND Outside Info in EACH PARAGRAPH!
Your Next Assignment Write a 5 paragraph essay that answers this DBQ prompt See instruction sheet given in class Make sure you are also adhering to the “writing tips” sheet.