WELCOME to Mr. Reed’s (H104) Intro to Eng. Design (IED) – 1 st Digital Electronics (DE) – 2 nd Flex. Manufacturing – 3 rd Intro to Eng. Design (IED) - 6 th Adv. & Computer Programming – 7 th Computer Maintenance – 8 th Digital Electronics (DE) – 9 th
PERIODPERIOD BEGINSPERIOD ENDSSUBJECT 1st7:45 am8:30 amIntro to Eng Design 2nd8:35 am9:30 amDigital Electronics 3rd9:35 am10:20 amFlexible Manufacturing 4th 10:25 am11:10 amLUNCH 5th11:15 am12:00 pmCONFERENCE 6th12:05 pm12:50 pmIntro to Eng Design 7th 12:55 pm1:40 pmComputer Programming 8th1:45 pm2:30 pmComputer Maintenance 9th2:35 pm3:20 pmDigital Electronics
SAFETY MOST IMPORTANT THING WE DO EVERYDAY! Notice how this is the first thing I am going over other than welcome. NOW: DO NOT TOUCH anything in this room outside of the seating area. DO NOT GO ANYWHERE ELSE in this room LATER: We will establish new boundaries, and we will have different safety hazards to explain.
Admin Lot of Changes 1st Week Attendance/Seating Arrangement Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will have 1-on-1s Accountability Memos Dual Credit (8 th period)-Comp. Prog.
Classroom Accountability/Survey 9-WEEK GRADES: Daily Work (HW, Participation, Pop Quiz, etc.) 40% Test Grades (at least 3 per 9 weeks) 60% IPRs, EN may be Daily or Test Grades Projects will be considered Test Grades
Classroom Accountability/Survey SEMESTER GRADES: 1 st 9-weeks 40% 2 nd 9-weeks 40% Semester Exam20% Every 3 weeks you get a progress report UIL Eligibility starts the end of the 6 th week, then the 9 th week and every 9 th week after that. Robotics Club has the same UIL Eligibility standards.
Classroom Accountability/Survey SEMESTER GRADES: 1 st 9-weeks 40% 2 nd 9-weeks 40% Semester Exam20% PLTW classes – you will ALL have to take the EOC Some students will be eligible to skip the 2 nd Semester Finals, which will be different from the PLTW EOC’s, but EVERYONE takes the 1 st semester Exam approx. 2 weeks after Christmas Break
Classroom Accountability/Survey SUPPLIES YOU BUY: 1) Folder 2) Writing Utensils (#2 Pencil & Black/Blue Pen) – DE you may want colored pens 3) Loose Leaf Paper/Notebook
Classroom Accountability/Survey TUTORING: Available after school on most days. For now I have duty until 3:40 This is the time you need to make up Tests and/or Quizzes, or redo Tests and/or Quizzes. You can always redo a Test up to a 70%. Late assignments will be 10 pts. off. every day
Classroom Accountability/Survey ABSENCES: Your responsibility to make up work/journal updates/quizzes/tests. Your responsibility to know material if we have a test/quiz upon the day of your return.
Classroom Accountability/Survey DISCIPLINE:
Classroom Accountability/Survey Will have the following CONSEQENCES: First Step - Verbal Warning *Possibly Involving a 1-on-1 Conference and/or Parental/Guardian Notification Second Step – D-Hall **Third Step – Office Referral **Refer to ‘Behaviors Requiring Automatic Office Referral’ for severe conduct that skips to Third Step for 1 st offense.
Behaviors Requiring Automatic Office Referral Cheating Skipping class (includes walking out of class) Uncorrectable or consistent dress code violation Fighting or confrontational behavior Profanity/Racial Slurs in class Refusing to surrender electronic devices Vandalism or defacing school property Non-compliance/defiance Refusal to attend teacher D-hall Public displays of affection UNSAFE ACTS!!!!!
Classroom Accountability/Survey CLASS DISCIPLINE: Tardy (Next WED)(10 mins. or you’re ABS) Everything needs to be done prior to the bell (get EN, assignment, get in your groups, etc.) Bell rings-in your seat, quiet, logging on to computer or with all of your materials at your desk. Stay ALERT & QUIET throughout class.
Classroom Accountability/Survey SMART PHONES/I-PADS: PUT THEM AWAY DO NOT CHARGE This Includes Headphones/Earbuds CHS Administration has/will continue to make failure to comply with this policy clear. Exceptions
Classroom Accountability/Survey FOOD/DRINK: NONE EXCEPT Water in a clear manufactures’ bottle For now, Gum/Mints are OK Individual Medical Doctor Excuse OTHERWISE, put your groceries AWAY
Classroom Accountability/Survey DISMISSAL: We will work up until the bell, this is not Mr. Reed’s Geometry class from last year. Make sure you stay, if I told you earlier in class. If we have rearranged the furniture for group work put it back before you leave.
Classroom Accountability/Survey MISCELLANEOUS: Do NOT Touch my Desk or Things on it. Do NOT Go into my Office without my knowledge Do NOT Touch the Thermostat – It is going to be Cold, plan accordingly. Do NOT take someone else’s homework, project, etc. erase their name and put yours.
Mr. Reed’s Website Can be found under
Classroom Accountability/Survey Front Side is the Accountability Use as a Guide for Classroom Orientation
Classroom Accountability/Survey LAST YEAR’S POLICY RESTROOM: Next week, I will hand out restroom passes. ONLY 3 per SEMESTER If you don’t use them and turn them in at the end of semester, there will be a reward. You need to keep track of them If you have to go to the bathroom and have no passes, D-Hall 1 st offense, Referral afterwards.
Classroom Accountability/Survey SURVEY: On the Back Side
Classroom Accountability/Survey SUMMARY Supplies: Pencils; Notebook; Extra Paper Bring: Yourself; Pencils Pencils: Will trade you a Pencil for your ID Grab: Your Journal, Folder & TI-INSPIRE Place: All other things UNDER DESK (includes phones, I-Pads, groceries) Do: Warm-Up and be Quiet (I may collect homework during this time) Leave: Your Journal, Folder & TI-INSPIRE
Classroom Accountability/Survey Questions, Issues or Concerns? Do you know the new Principals?
DUE FRIDAY 1) Calculator Accountability Forms 2) Classroom Accountability Forms/Survey **Will be for a Daily Grade**
JOURNALS 1) Start Wednesday putting material in them. – Failure to have it by this Wed will cause you to fall behind. 2) 1 st Journal Grade will be Next THU – Failure to have it by next THU will cause you to receive a 0 on that grade. – However, if you have your Notebook with nothing in it glued or taped, that will also result in a 0.