Objective: Explore the LMS homepage and look through the different nuggets. Purpose: LMS is a web-based tool that enhances teaching and learning. You will access LMS on a daily basis to exchange content with your teachers. Intro to LMSGo Back Introduction to LMS Next
Click on Internet Explorer. Go BackIntro to LMS
Click on the LMS link. Go BackIntro to LMS
Whenever you’re on campus, you can use the Studentnet link, but it’s important for you to have a way to access LMS from home. The best way to do that is by creating a favorite. Select the Add Favorite icon. Go BackIntro to LMS
You’ll want to change the name from Angel Learning to LMS. That way you won’t forget the favorite. Select the text Angel Learning to pull up the on screen keyboard. Go BackIntro to LMS
Click L Go BackIntro to LMS
Click M Go BackIntro to LMS
Click S Go BackIntro to LMS
Select Add. Go BackIntro to LMS
You can see the favorite you created by selecting the Favorite icon. Go BackIntro to LMS
Select lms. Go BackIntro to LMS
Normally, you log on with your Klein ISD username and password. Since this is an example, just click Log On. Go BackIntro to LMS
After logging in you are taken to your home page, which contains different sections called nuggets. This lesson will focus on the purpose of each. NextGo BackIntro to LMS
Next The Courses nugget lists all of the courses in which you’re currently enrolled. Selecting the title of the course will take you into the course page, but that will be discussed more in the next lesson. Go BackIntro to LMS
Sometimes some of your courses don’t show up. For example, in this lesson you’re missing your science course. Move your stylus over Courses. Go BackIntro to LMS
Then select the Settings tool. Go BackIntro to LMS Sometimes some of your courses don’t show up. For example, in this lesson you’re missing your Science course. Move your stylus over Courses.
Notice that the checkbox next to Science is unselected. Select the box next to it. Go BackIntro to LMS
Select Save. Go BackIntro to LMS
Now the Science course is showing. NextGo BackIntro to LMS
The Community Groups nugget lists all the groups you’re enrolled in. Groups are very similar to courses in how they’re structured, but are created for different needs. Every student will be enrolled in a community group for their campus. NextGo BackIntro to LMS
The Today’s Calendar nugget gives a quick view of what’s happening in all of your different courses or groups on today’s date. NextGo BackIntro to LMS
It’s best to always have Today’s Calendar sorted by section, but you can choose to have it show more information. Select Show Notes. Go BackIntro to LMS
The Notes go into more detail about the calendar item your teacher added. You can choose to hide the notes by selecting Hide Notes. Go BackIntro to LMS
The Toolbox nugget contains web-based tools that are available on your homepage. NextGo BackIntro to LMS
Select Files. Go BackIntro to LMS
The Files area allows you to upload content to your homepage. Once uploaded you can access these files from any computer that has Internet access. This will be discussed more in coming lessons. Go BackIntro to LMSNext
To return to the home page select the Home Page icon to the left. Go BackIntro to LMS
The My Announcements nugget displays all the announcements from your courses and groups. It is sorted by date with the most recent showing at the top. Go BackIntro to LMSNext
Your My Announcements nugget can get very large with all the various announcements so make sure to mark your announcements as read. Select Mark as Read. Go BackIntro to LMS
Make sure to use the different nuggets on the homepage throughout the year. In the next lesson, you’ll be going into an LMS Course and viewing content. Go BackIntro to LMSNext
Congratulations! You’ve completed Introduction to LMS. Display this screen to your teacher to verify that you’ve completed the lesson and then select End Show. End ShowIntroduction to LMSGo Back