Excel Functions Abby Wiertzema
Table of Contents Definitions Function Wizard Date & Time Functions Financial Functions Information Functions Logical Functions Logical Operators Nested IF Lookup & Reference Functions Math & Trig Functions Statistical Functions Text Functions Create Your Own Functions Advanced Functions HELP
Definitions Formula – Equations that perform calculations on values in your worksheet. A formula starts with an equal sign (=). Function – A special key word which can be entered into a cell in order to perform a process to some data which is appended within brackets. Argument – A portion of a formula.
Function Wizard Office XP - Icon is in toolbar Office 2007 – Icon is found in Format tab Select function name Fill in the argument values Formula Format is: =function-name(arguments)
Date & Time Functions Examples are in the spreadsheet =DATE(cell_ref) – creates a date =TODAY() – no arguments – returns todays date =NOW() – no argument – returns todays date and time =DAYS360 – must use reference cells to get day interval
Financial Functions Examples are in the spreadsheet ACCRINT CUMIPMT CUMPRINC DB FV PMT
Information Functions Examples are in the spreadsheet IS functions (11) N TYPE
Logical Functions Examples are in the spreadsheet AND FALSE IF NOT OR TRUE
Logical Operators The comparison operators that can be used in the logical test portion of an Excel IF function are: ◦ Equals (=) ◦ Less than (<) ◦ Less than or equal to (<=) ◦ Greater than (>) ◦ Greater than or equal to (>=) ◦ Not equal to (<>)
Nested IF Format of Function ◦ IF( condition1, value_if_true1, IF( condition2, value_if_true2, value_if_false2 )) You can nest up to 7 conditions Question: I need to write a formula that works this way: If (cell A1) is less than 20, then times it by 1, If it is greater than or equal to 20 but less than 50, then times it by 2 If it is greater than or equal to 50 & less than 100, then times it by 3 And if it is great or equal to than 100, then times it by 4 Answer: =IF(A1<20, A1*1, IF(A1<50, A1*2, IF(A1<100, A1*3, A1*4)))
Lookup & Reference Functions Example of VLOOKUP is in the spreadsheet VLOOKUP HLOOKUP YouTube video that explains VLOOKUP ◦
Math & Trig Functions Examples are in the spreadsheet SUM SUMIF Several rounding functions ◦ EVEN ◦ INT ◦ ROUND ◦ ROUNDDOWN ◦ ROUNDUP
Statistical Functions Examples are in the spreadsheet AVERAGE COUNT COUNTIF MAX MEDIAN MIN MODE
Text Functions Examples are in the spreadsheet CLEAN - removes unprintable characters CONCATENATE – joins text fields LEFT – returns leftmost characters LOWER – converts text to lower case PROPER – converts text to proper case RIGHT – returns rightmost characters TRIM – removes extra spaces UPPER – converts text to upper case
Create your own worksheet functions Done by editing VBA code ser-defined-functions.html ser-defined-functions.html us/excel/HA aspx us/excel/HA aspx
Advanced Functions Highlight Alternate Rows using Office XP ◦ Highlight the rows to perform the task ◦ go to Format, Conditional Formatting ◦ Select “Formula is” from dropdown list ◦ Type “=MOD(ROW(),2)=1” ◦ Click on Format button and select a pattern ◦ Click on OK Highlight Duplicate Cell Entries ◦
Advanced Functions Highlight Alternate Rows using Office 2007 ◦ Highlight the rows to perform the task ◦ Go to Home tab, Conditional Formatting ◦ Select Manage Rules, click on “New Rule” ◦ Select “Use a formula …” from top list ◦ Type “=MOD(ROW(),2)=1” in text box ◦ Click on Format button and select a pattern ◦ Click on OK Highlight Duplicate Cell Entries ◦
HELP Additional information on custom functions ◦ Misc Help ◦ ◦ Microsoft Excel Help ◦ us/excel/HP aspx us/excel/HP aspx Information about IF functions ◦ nction_sbs.htm nction_sbs.htm