Drama Notes Please put in your English 8 notebook!
Basic dramatic principles: Conflict, complications, climax, resolution Conflict, complications, climax, resolution Same as Story Plot Same as Story Plot
Crisis: A situation of danger or difficulty that places at risk something of great value to the characters. A situation of danger or difficulty that places at risk something of great value to the characters. Examples: life, love, family, pride, anything precious to a person Examples: life, love, family, pride, anything precious to a person
Plays center on change: In characters (and their personal conflicts) In characters (and their personal conflicts) In relationships (and their conflicts with others) In relationships (and their conflicts with others) In society (and natural conflicts among the dynamics of people) In society (and natural conflicts among the dynamics of people)
Irony: A contrast between expectation and reality A contrast between expectation and reality Example: Example: It is ironic that a person should get a comb the day after he shaved his head. It is ironic that a person should get a comb the day after he shaved his head.
Dramatic Irony: Occurs when the people watching the play know something that the characters onstage do not know Occurs when the people watching the play know something that the characters onstage do not know Example: Example: We know Anne Frank isn’t going to survive the Holocaust the entire play, yet she is still full of so much hope. We know Anne Frank isn’t going to survive the Holocaust the entire play, yet she is still full of so much hope.
Dynamic character: Changes dramatically as a result of a story’s events Changes dramatically as a result of a story’s events Age, behavior, beliefs, values Age, behavior, beliefs, values
Static character: Does not change much in the course of the story…may change a little due to natural causes Does not change much in the course of the story…may change a little due to natural causes Age, morals, beliefs behavior Age, morals, beliefs behavior
Flashback: Interruption in the present action of a plot to show events that happened at an earlier time. Interruption in the present action of a plot to show events that happened at an earlier time. Example: Example: The beginning of “The Diary of Anne Frank” The beginning of “The Diary of Anne Frank”