Lecture 14 - ESTUARIES
Last Ice Age
Classification of Estuaries - Geological 1.Coastal Plain Estuary (= Drowned River Estuary)
Classification of Estuaries - Geological 1.Coastal Plain Estuary 2.Bar Built Estuary
Bar-built estuary -sediment deposited by longshore currents estuary Longshore current
Bar-built estuary Sandy Hook, New Jersey
Bar-built estuary Sandy Hook, New Jersey
Classification of Estuaries - Geological 1.Coastal Plain Estuary 2.Bar Built Estuary 3.Fjord
Classification of Estuaries - Geological 1.Coastal Plain Estuary 2.Bar Built Estuary 3.Fjord 4.Tectonic San Andreas Fault Hayward Fault Calaveras Fault
Tectonic Estuary Earthquake causes blocks to shift
Tectonic Estuary Earthquake causes blocks to shift
Tectonic Estuary
Circulation Patterns of Estuaries Salt Wedge Partially Mixed Mixed
Estuary flow animations
Reverse Estuary Rare freshwater inflow Restricted tidal mixing Internal wind-driven mixing High SalinityLower salinity Evaporation
Factors influencing estuary circulation River discharge LowHigh MaximumMinimum StrongWeak Strong Tidal mixing Tidal currents Water stratification Well-mixed estuaryPartially mixed estuary Salt wedge estuary
San Francisco Bay - a salt wedge estuary
Columbia R. - Oregon - a well mixed estuary
Chesapeake Bay - partially mixed
Colorado River mouth - a reverse estuary
Reverse Estuary Laguna Madre - Texas
Physical Features of Estuaries Salinity - Coriolis forces
Physical Features of Estuaries Salinity - Bottom vs Water column Mud Bottom water Salinity Time
Physical Features of Estuaries Substrate - Flocculation
Physical Features of Estuaries Substrate - Movement by Current
Physical Features of Estuaries Other features Temperature Waves and Currents Turbidity Oxygen
Turbidity – Rappahannock River 75 mg/l >5 mg/l
Diversity in Estuaries Euryhaline Stenohaline 1.Euryhaline -tolerate salinites between 15 and 35 ppt 2.Stenohaline -tolerate salinities above 25 ppt
Diversity in Estuaries Brackish water Animals -tolerate salinites between 5 and 18 ppt Nereis Callinectes Hydrobia
Diversity in Estuaries Transitional Animals -pass through estuary American eel Atlantic salmon
Diversity in Estuaries - Vegetation Chaetomorpha Cladophora Enteromorpha Ulva
Adaptations to Estuaries Coping with salinity
Adaptations to Estuaries Coping with salinity Internal salinity Environmental salinity
Adaptations to Estuaries Coping with salinity Internal salinity Environmental salinity Perfect osmoconformer
Adaptations to Estuaries Coping with salinity Internal salinity Environmental salinity Perfect osmoconformer Perfect osmoregulator
Adaptations to Estuaries Coping with salinity Internal salinity Environmental salinity
Adaptations to Estuaries Coping with salinity Internal salinity Environmental salinity
Adaptations to Estuaries Coping with salinity Internal salinity Environmental salinity
Ecological Relationships Primary Productivity Algal mats Benthic diatoms
Ecological Relationships Primary Productivity Classification scheme for estuaries - based on primary productivity European American
Estuarine Food web From river and ocean Detritus Detritus feeders Birds Lost Salt marsh Light Phytoplankton Zooplankton Fish Lost Algae Grazers Invertebrate Predators Death Microbial Decomposers Scavengers Filter Feeders
Estuarine Food web From river and ocean Detritus Detritus feeders Birds Lost Salt marsh Light Phytoplankton Zooplankton Fish Lost Algae Grazers Invertebrate Predators Death Microbial Decomposers Scavengers Filter Feeders
Allochthonous sources of Carbon Salt Marsh- Importer or Exporter? Factors Influencing the relationship of the salt marsh and estuary 1. Latitude FloridaTexasLouisianaGeorgiaNorth Carolina Chesapeake Bay New England Dry wt – g/m 2 /yr Turner, 1976
Allochthonous sources of Carbon Salt Marsh- Importer or Exporter? Factors Influencing the relationship of the salt marsh and estuary 2. Nitrogen N-fertilized Control M J J A S Dry wt – g/m 2 /yr Vince et al, 1981
Allochthonous sources of Carbon Salt Marsh- Importer or Exporter? Factors Influencing the relationship of the salt marsh and estuary 2. Nitrogen Sippiwisset Marsh - 10 year nitrogen enrichment study increased above and below ground production increased N content in plants consumer populations
Allochthonous sources of Carbon Salt Marsh- Importer or Exporter? Factors Influencing the relationship of the salt marsh and estuary Others geomorphology oceanographic conditions marsh age primary productivity