1 Business Integration Update to TAC July 7, 2011 Includes: 2012 Project Prioritization Parking Deck Impact Assessment.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Business Integration Update to TAC July 7, 2011 Includes: 2012 Project Prioritization Parking Deck Impact Assessment

2 –2012 Project Prioritization p Schedule Introductory Comments Project Category Definitions Funding Summary Ranked Project Lists by Project Category Endorsement Consideration (vote) –Parking Deck Impact Assessment p Introductory Comments Impact Assessment Results Suggested Action –Appendix Summary 2012 Project Descriptions p Project Portfolio Gantt Chart p –Sorted by go-live date Business Integration Update – Agenda

Project Prioritization – Schedule April 2011 –ERCOT prepares draft 2012 project list and reviews schedule with market Request input from the market on new additions May 2011 –Initial review at market subcommittee meetings COPS(May 10) WMS(May 11) ROS(May 12) RMS(May 18) June 2011 –Endorsement by market subcommittees COPS(June 14) WMS(June 15) ROS(June 16) RMS(June 22) PRS(June 23) July 2011 –Endorsement by TAC(July 7) –Available for F&A and Board review(July 18) COPS endorsed 3 changes in rank in the Business Strategy grouping

Project Prioritization – Introductory Comments ERCOT is working diligently to limit the 2012 budget to the most critical needs $15M has been allocated for capital projects Is $15M sufficient for ERCOT’s capital project needs? –Answer: Yes –Due to the recent Data Center Hardware project, 2012 is expected to have a more labor-intensive project mix than usual –Supporting information: 2012 – total project labor estimate = 108,000 hours 2011 – YTD internal PPL project labor = $2.31M (~35,500 hours) 2010 – total internal PPL project labor = $2.73M (~42,000 hours) 2009 – total internal PPL project labor = $3.96M (~61,000 hours)

5 Project Category Definitions Key Areas of Focus (Project Categories) –Regulatory Required by Legislature, PUCT, NERC, FERC or legal ruling –Business Strategy Market driven enhancements and efficiencies ERCOT strategic initiatives –Efficiencies & Enhancements Internally driven operational improvements Enhanced customer service –Technical Foundation Required maintenance and upgrades Technical evolution and performance Systemic growth

Project Prioritization - Funding Summary Project CategoryTarget FundingProjects Started in Previous Years New 2012 Projects Regulatory $ 1,600,00021 Business Strategy $ 5,950, Efficiencies & Enhancements $ 2,050,00029 Technical Foundation $ 6,500,00047 Total $ 16,100, ERCOT will manage within the projected $15M project funding allocation. As active projects move through the project lifecycle and new projects are considered for initiation, they will be reassessed for criticality, cost/benefit and resource availability against other projects in the portfolio. Inclusion on the preliminary 2012 PPL does not guarantee funding!

Project Prioritization – Regulatory * * * Projected carryover project from 2011 See Appendix for brief project descriptions

Project Prioritization – Business Strategy (page 1 of 2) * * Projected carryover project from 2011 * * * *   Ranking changes by COPS (vs. initial ERCOT proposed ranks)   See Appendix for brief project descriptions SCR

Project Prioritization – Business Strategy (page 2 of 2) See Appendix for brief project descriptions

Project Prioritization – Efficiencies and Enhancements * * Projected carryover project from 2011 * See Appendix for brief project descriptions

Project Prioritization – Technical Foundation * * Projected carryover project from 2011 * * * See Appendix for brief project descriptions

Project Prioritization – Motion Suggested Motion Motion to endorse the 2012 project rank by project category as recommended by PRS

13 Parking Deck Impact Assessments – Phase 2 / 3 – Comments ERCOT has completed Impact Analysis on 10 of the NPRRs in the Phase 2 / Phase 3 portion of the Parking Deck –Summary of results on the next slide –PRS chose to table 6 of the 10 for further work on the CBAs Since the 2012 project prioritization process is also underway, ERCOT has suggested delivery targets for these NPRRs –See “Delivery Target” column on the next slide –These dates coincide with future year funding recommendations (slides 16-17) ERCOT will initiate market discussions on the remaining Parking Deck items –These items will benefit from additional discussion before the IAs are completed

14 Parking Deck Impact Assessments – Phase 2 / 3 – IA Results Rev Request DescriptionEstimated Cost Estimated Duration Delivery Target NPRR222Half-Hour Start RUC Clawback$15k-$20k5-7 weeks2012 NPRR241AIL Calc and Credit Reports Publish Corrections$100k-$120k5-10 months2013 NPRR256Sync w/PRR787, Add Non-Compliance Language to QSE Performance Standards $120k-$135k9-10 months2013 NPRR258Sync with PRR824 and PRR833$55k-$60k8-10 weeks2011 NPRR181FIP Definition Revision$210k-$225k10-12 weeks2013 NPRR207Unit Deselection$50k-$55k9-11 weeks2012 NPRR210Wind Forecasting Change to P50, Sync w/PRR841$45k-$55k8-16 weeks2013 NPRR240Proxy Energy Offer Curve$50k-$60k12-14 weeks2013 NPRR244Clarification of Other Binding Documents$10k-$15kn/a2011 NPRR272Definition and Participation of Quick Start Generation Resources$145k-$160k20-22 weeks2012 NPRR257Synchronization with Nodal Operating Guide Section 9, Monitoring Programs TBD NPRR260Providing Access to MIS Secure Area to MIS Registered UsersTBD 2012 NOGRR034Rescind Telemetry Performance Calculation ExclusionsTBD SCR755ERCOT.com Website EnhancementsTBD Further Discussion with the Market Requested Completed Impact Analyses – Approved by PRS * * O&M effort – no project required Impact Analyses – Pending at PRS

15 –Suggested TAC action: Table the Impact Analysis and CBA documents for the following Parking Deck NPRRs : –NPRR222: Half-Hour Start RUC Clawback –NPRR241: Aggregate Incremental Liability (AIL) Calculation and Credit Reports Publish Corrections –NPRR256: Sync with PRR787, Add Non-Compliance Language to QSE Performance Standards –NPRR258: Sync with PRR824 and PRR833 Parking Deck Impact Assessments – Phase 2 / 3

16 Appendix

Project Descriptions – Regulatory RankProject NameProject Description 1REC EnhancementsEnhance the REC tool to comply with PUCT rules and incorporate additional functionality 2CFTC ComplianceFunds for use in a project to support ERCOT’s application for a CFTC exemption 3Compliance Software ToolAutomate the tracking of compliance obligations

Project Descriptions – Business Strategy RankProject NameProject Description 1TX SET 4.0Continuation of TX SET 4.0 project 2SCR760SCR760 Recommended Changes Needed for Information Model Manager and Topology Processor for Planning Models 3Cyber Security Project #1Enhancement to system administrator infrastructure 4Cyber Security Project #2, Phase 1Enhancement to virus protection 5TSAT Wind ModelImplement wind models in TSAT application. Enhance reliability by delivering closer to real time stability information. 6PRR830/NPRR269 – Reactive Power Capability Allows aggregation of multiple WGRs behind the same POI into a Wind Resource Group for purposes of Base Point Deviation and GREDP 7Demand Response / Look-Ahead SCED Initial planning phase of the next major evolutionary phase of the Nodal systems (Nodal 2.0) 8Facilities ProjectFunding reserved for relocation of remaining functions from the Met Center (if necessary) 9Cyber Security Project #3Enhancement to remote access capability 10Cyber Security Project #4Enhancement to malware protection Click hyperlinks for more information on NPRRs and SCRs

Project Descriptions – Business Strategy RankProject NameProject Description 11NPRR347 – Single Daily Invoice NPRR347 - Single Daily Invoice 12NPRR260 – MIS Secure Access NPRR260 - MIS Secure Access 13SCR756 – MarkeTrak Upgrade / Enhancements Enhance underlying MarkeTrak software and deploy enhancements agreed upon by ERCOT and market stakeholders 14TML Transition to MISMigrate remaining functions that support the Retail market from TML to MIS 15Planning Site Transition to MISMigrate Planning functions/data that currently reside on the POI to MIS 16NPRR222 – Half Hour Start Unit RUC Clawback NPRR222 - Half Hour Start Clawback 17Cyber Security Project #2, Phase 2Extend capabilities developed in the phase 1 of this project 18NPRR326 – Adjust the Calculation of the Real-Time Settlement Point Price for a Resource Node NPRR326-Adjust RT SPP Calc. 19NPRR272 – Quick Start Resources NPRR272 - Quick Start Resources 20NPRR207 – Unit Deselection NPRR207 - Unit Deselection Click hyperlinks for more information on NPRRs and SCRs

Project Descriptions – Efficiencies / Enhancements RankProject NameProject Description 1 Incremental Update Capability – Phase 1 Provide incremental update capability to all production systems for all model related data 2 MP Online Data Entry – Phase 1Allow Market Participant and Resource registration through an electronic user interface to submit and view MP and Resource registration information 3 CMS and MIR ReplacementReplace applications used to deploy web content to enhance scalability and reliability 4 ERCOT Website Enhancements 2012Continuous improvement of and public market communications 5 Macomber Map NERC SA/Compliance Enhancements Enhance the Macomber Map application to further address control room situational awareness 6 IGRID ImplementationImprove operator situational awareness by bringing the Market, Outage Scheduler and EMS into a set of operator dashboards 7 Contingency Functionality EnhancementsEnhance NMMS capabilities to allow business owners to submit, via NOMCR, contingency group configurations with a higher level of specificity 8 SMTNET ImprovementsSMTNET time point improvements to troubleshoot time points 9 MP Communications ToolCreate a tool to be placed in market participant control rooms, to ensure that they are receiving continual high-level status information 10 Smartphone Interface (“MyGrid”)Create a smart-device (e.g., Android, Apple iOS, Blackberry) application showing a high-level view of system status 11 OA Grid Health Operator ViewGive operators a view into overall grid health that incorporates a variety of operational parameters into a single graphical dashboard interface

Project Descriptions – Technical Foundation RankProject NameProject Description 1Data Center MigrationCompletion of Data Center Hardware project 2Minor Cap – Critical – 2012Critical Minor Cap items for Information Lifecycle Management Phase 2 Continuation of project to implement a strategy for efficient data storage utilization while continuing to meet Protocol data retention requirements 4Settlement UpgradeContinuation of project to rewrite the modules of the settlement system so they run more efficiently and are easier to maintain 5Oracle 11g UpgradeUpgrade database software to the latest version 6EMS UpgradeUpgrade EMS software to the latest version 7Enterprise Data Warehouse Platform Transition Evaluate the platform that is the core foundation of market data transparency and archival requirements to determine the long-term approach to increasing overall reliability and maximize capacity utilization 8Job Scheduling Upgrade v8Upgrade batch job software to a more current version 9Siebel UpgradeUpgrade software to the latest version 10NMMS UpgradeUpgrade NMMS software to the latest version 11Data Center Growth & Asset Replacement Funding for continued demand for growth of computing environment (storage, servers, etc.)

22 Date Project Portfolio – as of 6/24/2011 – Sorted by Go-Live Date

23 Date Project Portfolio – as of 6/24/2011 – Sorted by Go-Live Date

24 Date Project Portfolio – as of 6/24/2011 – Sorted by Go-Live Date

25 Date Project Portfolio – as of 6/24/2011 – Sorted by Go-Live Date