Digital Citizenship Project
The etiquette guidelines that govern behavior when communicating on the internet have become known as netiquette.
Do Identify yourself Do Include a subject line Do Respect other’s privacy Do use appropriate emoticons to help convey meaning. Don’t Use sarcasm Don’t send or respond to spam Don’t use coarse, rough, or rude language Don’t use “flaming” (online screaming) or sentences typed in all caps
Copyright is the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell or distribute the matter and form of something. Fair use is the conditions under which you can use material that is copyrighted by someone else without paying royalties The difference in these is that copyright give the right to reproduce something without paying royalties to whomever originally produced something. In Fair use, you cannot put your name on something that someone else has branded without paying royalties and getting approval.
General rules Find out if the work is protected. If the work is protected, has your campus already licensed rights for you to use the work? Is the work available freely on the open web, and therefore covered by an implied license? Has the owner of the work used a Creative Commons license (or similar) to give the public the right to use the work in the way that you would like to use it?
Fair Use rules for print up to 10 percent of the total or 1,000 words, whichever is less or an entire poem of less than 250 words may be used, but no more than three poems by one poet or five poems by different authors in an anthology. For poems exceeding 250 words, 250 words should be used but no more than three excerpts from one poet or five excerpts from different poets in the same work. Fair Use rules for poetry are copies of a poem of 250 words or less that exists on two pages or less or 250 words from a longer poem. Fair Use rules for music are up to 10 percent of the work but no more than 30 seconds of the music or lyrics from an individual musical work.
Fair Use rules for video up to 10 percent of the total or three minutes, whichever is less. Fair Use rules for photographs are no more than five images from one artist or photographer and no more than 10% or 15 images, whichever is less, from a collection.
Plagiarism is to steal one’s words or thoughts without permission and not crediting them or the source. To avoid plagiarism, you must give credit whenever you use: another person’s idea, opinion, or theory; any facts, statistics, graphs, drawings—any pieces of information—that are not common knowledge; quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written words; or paraphrase of another person’s spoken or written words.
Ways that technology helps teachers recognize and stop plagiarism: Mainly it helps them spot it faster with all of the different sites that are used to generate media. Also things like, who do the checking and scanning for you and in only a matter of minutes help teachers recognize it. Technology also checks the work against any original work or words from another source to find any incidents of plagiarism.
Identity Theft 1 in 8 Americans in the last 5 years has been affected by Internet identity theft Best Protection from Identity Theft – Secure your web browser Protect your private data
Cyberbullying Direct attacks- message sent to people directly Cyberbullying by proxy – using others to help cyberbully the victim, either with or without the accomplice’s knowledge Can avoid cyberbullying by monitoring what sites you use and mainly who you talk and respond to.
Cyberstalking is when a person: Receives multiple s or text messages per day Receives unsolicited threatening s and/or death threats Receives electronic viruses Receives extreme amounts of spamming Experiences sexual harassment or sexting via online posts, s or cell phones, including posting and/or creating sexually explicit images
Reputation management – process of tracking people actions/opinions, looking for positive and negative opinions. process of removing negative opinions and converting those negative opinions in to positive one main process - reporting on those actions and opinions; and reacting to that report creating a feedback loop.
Passwords Don't reveal your passwords to others Don't leave your passwords lying around Never give your password out in an Don't use the default password Change reset passwords. Gamers: don't give your password out in game Never, ever respond to an asking for your password
Virus a small software program that spreads from one computer to another computer and that interferes with computer operation. may corrupt or delete data on a computer, use an program to spread the virus to other computers, or even delete everything on the hard disk. Phishing Phishing messages, websites, and phone calls are designed to steal money The directs the user to visit a Web site where they are asked to update personal information, such as passwords and credit card, social security, and bank account numbers, that the legitimate organization already has Trojan horse program in which malicious or harmful code is contained inside apparently harmless programming Computer worms malicious software applications designed to spread via computer networks. one form of malware along with viruses and trojans.