Client Seminar Financial Planning Solutions for Long-Term Care SM This policy has exclusions, limitations, reductions of benefits, and terms under which the policy may be continued in force or discontinued. For costs and complete details of the coverage call your insurance agent or company.
Client Seminar Some of us are concerned about our long- term health. But all of us are concerned about our long- term wealth.
Client Seminar After all, a long-term illness may become a crucial event in your lifetime. Or maybe it won’t.
Client Seminar A long-term illness may or may not be a crucial event in your life, but long-term wealth absolutely is crucial. Now. And always.
Client Seminar “Long-Term Wealth” Means enough to live on the rest of your life, with something left over.
Client Seminar “Something Left Over” For “rainy day” safety? To pass on to your children? Or grandchildren? To give to charity?
Client Seminar “Long-Term Wealth” Is not a specific dollar amount.
Client Seminar Let’s assume you have reached long-term wealth.
Client Seminar You think so. You saved. You invested wisely. Your home has appreciated. What could go wrong?
Client Seminar Three things could go wrong: You could spend, planning to live to and then you live to 95 instead.
Client Seminar Three things could go wrong: You could spend, planning to live to and then you live to 95 instead. Your investment returns may be poor, and you run out of money sooner.
Client Seminar Three things could go wrong: You could spend, planning to live to and then you live to 95 instead. Your investment returns may be poor, and you run out of money sooner. You could lose your long-term health, destroying your long-term wealth.
Client Seminar Let’s look at all three potential situations: Outliving your money ( possible, but there are planning solutions).
Client Seminar Let’s look at all three potential situations: Outliving your money ( possible, but there are planning solutions). Poor investment returns (less likely with proper financial planning).
Client Seminar Let’s look at all three potential situations: Outliving your money ( possible, but there are planning solutions). Poor investment returns (less likely with proper financial planning). You could lose your long-term health, and then you could lose your long-term wealth.
Client Seminar Of our three potential “situations,” the last one is the least predictable. Fortunately, there are financial planning solutions that can protect us if we lose our long-term health... and even if we don’t.
Client Seminar So, three important questions: What are the chances we could lose our long-term health? What would be the impact on our long-term wealth? And what are the best financial planning solutions to choose from?
Client Seminar Will Need for 1 to 5 Years 100 People (Aged 65) 39 Will Need Nursing Home Care 61 Will Not Need Nursing Home Care 19 Will Need for Less Than 1 Year 20 Will Need for More Than 1 Year 8 Will Need for More Than 5 Years Source: James Robinson; Center for Health Systems Research and Analysis, University of Wisconsin, What Are the Chances?
Client Seminar A Significant Long-Term Exposure... Alzheimer’s Duration of Illness After Diagnosis (in yrs.) –Heart Disease 3-4 –Cancer 5-6 –Alzheimer’s 8-20 Alzheimer’s -- Studies Suggest a significant Genetic Component -- Folks With Two Affected Parents Have a Fivefold Increase in Risk Source Newsweek, Jan 31, 2000
Client Seminar Alzheimer’s 19% of People Ages Have Alzheimer’s Nearly 50% of People Age 85 and Over Have Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s Association Estimates Average Cost of $174,000 to Pay for LTC Over Lifetime With Alzheimer’s Source Newsweek, Jan 31, 2000
Client Seminar Types of Services Available Home Health Care Adult Day Care Assisted Living Nursing Home
Client Seminar Home Health Care First Choice for Most Can Be Expensive 1.88 Million Home Health Care Patients* Not Covered by Medicaid * 1998 U.S. National Center for Health Statistics. Published in Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Census Bureau, 2000
Client Seminar Adult Day Care Excellent Option When Parent Can Live With Child Not Covered by Medicaid
Client Seminar Assisted Living Facilities (An Attractive Alternative) Provided Assistance for Over 1 Million Americans in 1998* Homelike Environments Offer Continuum of Care, Including Medication Management, Meals, and Transportation Preferred Option for People With Assets Source: Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP (1999). An Overview of the Assisted Living Industry. Fairfax, VA: Assisted Living Federation of America.
Client Seminar The State of the Nursing Home Industry Nursing Homes Are Facing Many Challenges Cuts in Medicare and Medicaid Reimbursement. Declining Base of Private Payers in Facilities. More are Selecting Home Care and Assisted Living Million Residents in 2000.* * Healthcare Financing Administration, OSCAR Surveys as of September 2000.
Client Seminar Government Programs There Are No Current Efforts to Expand Medicaid Services to Provide Home Health Care. Likelihood of Receiving Government-Funded Care at Home or in Assisted-Living Facility Remains Small.
Client Seminar Paying From Your Assets Advantages –Money Talks –Unlimited Selection Disadvantages –Depletes Your Assets Dollar-for-Dollar –May Have to Sell Assets at Below-Market Value –Increase Family Stress
Client Seminar Financial Planning Solutions Building Assets Estate Preservation Wealth Transfer
Client Seminar Value of Long-Term Care Protection Offers Choice and Security for Those Who Want to Age in Place Allows People to Keep Substantial Portion of Assets Invested Two in Three Caregivers State that Having Insurance Benefits Reduces Their Level of Stress Source: Can Aging Baby Boomers Avoid the Nursing Home? Stucki and Mulvey, ACLI, 2000
Client Seminar $200,000 Available for LTC $100,000 Principal Sum Premium will vary depending on age, sex, smoking status, and health. Limitations, exclusions, and surrender charges may apply. LTC benefits may have monthly limits. Life/LTC Insurance Solution
Client Seminar Tax Benefits of Life/ Long-Term Care Insurance Tax-Deferred Growth Long-Term Care Benefits Paid Income Tax-Free Unused LTC Benefits Pass Income Tax-Free Benefits to Heirs We do not provide specific tax advice. Check with your personal tax advisor.
Client Seminar Cash Value of Life/LTC Insurance Policy Purchased in 1990 $ 70,000* $124, Plus: - Tax-Deferred Growth - Long-Term Care Benefits** - Home Health Care Benefits - Assisted Living / Adult Day-Care Benefits - Income Tax-Free Death Benefit * Based on policy issued in June, 1990 with a joint age of 65. This represents past performance and is not an indication of future performance. The value in 2001 is after cost of insurance is deducted. ** Reduces the death benefit when withdrawn.
Client Seminar Cash Value of Life/LTC Insurance Policy Purchased in 1990 Death Benefit $ 70,000*$142,455 $124,526$179, Plus: - Tax-Deferred Growth - Long-Term Care Benefits** - Home Health Care Benefits - Assisted Living / Adult Day-Care Benefits - Income Tax-Free Death Benefit * Based on policy issued in June, 1990 with a joint age of 65. This represents past performance and is not an indication of future performance. The value in 2001 is after cost of insurance is deducted. ** Reduces the death benefit when withdrawn.
Client Seminar Funding Options for Life/LTC Insurance CDs/Money Market/“Just in Case” Assets IRAs Mutual Funds Annuities Annual Premium
Client Seminar Annuity Solutions Annuities designated for LTC –Could be better than your current “LTC Fund” Immediate Annuity -- designed for someone already receiving care. This is a crisis management tool. –Provides guaranteed income for life at a lower premium because person’s health is considered during underwriting.
Client Seminar Which Solution Is Best for Me?
Client Seminar Questions & Answers