Addressing Eligibilities for Special Education
The interventions that will be reviewed today are strategies, tools, accommodations, or modifications that you, as para professionals, may be exposed to and/or use with students. HOWEVER: It is important that you discuss with the teacher, WHICH interventions may be appropriate for the student you are working with. Check in with service providers such as Speech and Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Psychologist, Behaviorists, etc.
Auditory Processing Accompany oral information with visual materials Visuals – could include copies of notes, graphic organizers, examples, etc. Give them visuals, such as pictures, to refer back to(for younger students) Provide study guides for listening activities Provide assistance with note taking (as needed) Visual Processing Model Auditory cues- instruction, books etc. Verbally describe graphics and visually-based concepts. Provide support for tasks requiring spatial organization
Visual-Motor Processing: Reduced writing when possible If available, utilize electronics supports (e.g. access to typing etc.) Oral dictation Attention Processing: Visuals cues – schedules, organizers Reduced amount of work (e.g. odd or even, only 10 problems etc.) Present one task at a time (verbal instructions) Build in choice (e.g. the order they can do something, swapping out one academic task for another, etc.) Verbal prompts reminders (one instruction at a time)
Attention Processing cont. Lists Schedule for the day (help with organizations) Audio Limit distractions – proximity to teacher or peer Provide a visually quiet, non-distracting place in the classroom where the student can go (e.g. separate table in room etc.) Conceptualization Provide a variety of learning strategies/tools using multiple modalities such as : visual, auditory, hands on, and repetition to learn new concepts
Must include - Medical diagnosis Common areas: ADHD See SLD – attention processing Anxiety/Depression – If student has psych services you may attend with student to learn, practice, and reinforce tools in other settings. If student talks about harming themselves or others please refer them immediately for a Risk Assessment by the school psychologist, counselor, or administration.
Breaks May review with student what “is not in their control” and on what “is in their control”. Designated place to take their break or check in Techniques Breathing, counting, focusing on things in their control. Test Anxiety Separate room to test in Oral dictation Behavior reflections - graphic organization What was the problem?”, “What's happened?”, “What could I have done differently?”
Clear expectations - make it predictable First –Then Language Positive Behavior supports (reinforcements) Breaks Visuals Schedules, cues, organizers etc. Choices Reduced assignments Make task closed ended (e.g. Fill in the blanks, True/false rather than essay, etc.) Writing or Reading: student completes one word/sentence para completes one word/sentence “Taking turns”
Positive Behavior Supports (reinforcement) Look at techniques used to address: Anxiety, Depression, and autistic like behavior (above), depending on need of the student.
Check in with Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP) You may accompany the student to their speech sessions in order to gain tools/supports that can be practiced, reinforced, and ultimately generalized in other settings, including the classroom.
It is important that you discuss with the teacher, WHAT interventions may be appropriate for the student you are working with.