Painting The Mona Lisa ~Leonardo da Vinci Sculpture David ~Michelangelo Buonarroti.


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Presentation transcript:

Painting The Mona Lisa ~Leonardo da Vinci

Sculpture David ~Michelangelo Buonarroti

Architecture the glass pyramid at the Louvre ~I. M. Pei

Drama Romeo and Juliet ~William Shakespeare

Literature Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening ~Robert Frost

Dance Swan Lake ~music by Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky

Music Piano Concerto No.5 “Kaiserkonzert” (The Emperor) ~Ludwig van Beethoven

Film pictures taken from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Unit 6 I Don’t Know Much About Art, But I Know What I like Deborah Soong

Teaching Activities Index

Teaching Activities 1st period1. Warm-upWarm-up 2. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 1-3The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs Reading – Paragraphs 1-3Reading – Paragraphs 1-3 2nd period1. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 4-5The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs Reading – Paragraphs 4-5Reading – Paragraphs Post-readingPost-reading 3rd period1. Word FileWord File 2. Sentence PatternsSentence Patterns 3. ExpansionExpansion 4. Writing PracticeWriting Practice 4th periodPart II Oral & Listening ~ Unit 5

Warm-up Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading~ Paragraphs 1-4

1. Which picture do you like better? Picture A. Picture B. Both. Neither. 2. How would you describe Picture A? Colorful. Interesting. Beautiful. Ugly. Others.

3. How would you describe Picture B? Colorful. Peaceful. Beautiful. Ugly. Others. 4. Picture A is probably about ____________. 5. Picture B is probably about ____________. Reference answer Back

Listen to paragraphs 1-3. Skip

Now, answer the following questions.

( ) 1. The writer suggests that we go to an art museum _____. (A) by ourselves (B) with lots of people (C) with an artist ( ) 2. Many people feel ____ if they don’t like famous works of art. (A) unusual (B) embarrassed (C) surprised A B

( ) 3. The writer advises us _____ art works whenever we visit an museum. (A) not to look at some (B) not to look at all (C) to look at all B


Does this sound familiar? You’re out with some friends, and you’re trying to decide what to do when someone suggests the art museum. sound 為感官動詞,其後接形容詞. Your idea that we go on a picnic sounds great. are trying 用現在進行式, 是屬於較長時間 的動作,而 suggests 用簡單現在式, 是較短 暫瞬間的動作.

You say something like, “Yuck”. I’d rather go to the dentist than go to an art museum. Your friends are surprised, so you tell them, “Well, I don’t understand modern art. would rather...than... 寧可 … 也不 … I would rather go by bus than take a taxi.

Whenever I go to an art museum or have a conversation about a painting there’s always someone who tells me what I should like. whenever 相當於 every time (when) , 表示「習慣」,後面接的動詞常用現在簡 單式. Whenever I see Steve, I find him reading something. tell 為授與動詞, 有兩個受詞, 一為直接受詞, 一為間接受詞. He told me a humorous story. → He told a humorous story to me.

And if I don’t like it, that makes me feel there’s something wrong with me. I actually do like some paintings, but I don’t like being told how to react. I don’t know much about art, but I know what I like. do 為加強語氣的用法. He always makes fun of me and I do hate that. like being told → like to be told

Your reaction is not unusual. A lot of people these days claim not to like art because they don’t understand it. 不定詞否定句,將 not 或 never 放在不定詞 (to V) 前. I told him not to drink too much coffee.

Others object to being pressured to like a painting or a sculpture because it’s famous. 這裡的 Others 與上一句的 A lot of people 形 成對比. A lot of/Many people enjoy swimming; others enjoy reading. Some people like to go shopping; others like to go to the movies. Now the new downtown art museum is set to open next week.

If someone insists on dragging you to it, don’t despair; things are not as bad as they seem. If someone insists on dragging you to it, don’t despair. → If someone insists that you should go to the museum, don't feel upset. seem 相當於 look 或 appear , 表「看上去,看起來」. She is not so strong as she seems.

You can make it through the experience, and you might even get something out of it. make it = succeed 成功 The explorer made it on foot across the desert. get...out of = gain...from 從 … 獲得 … What did you get out of your tour?

Let me give you some tips on how to survive a visit to an art museum. tip = a helpful piece of advice 建議,忠告 Take my tip and keep well away from that place. He gave me a tip on how to remove the ink from my shirt. survive = manage to live or continue

Here’s the first tip: Take it easy. Just go for a short time and only look at a few pictures. Just go for a short time. → You just spend a short period of time visiting the museum. here 或 there 置於句首形成倒裝句時, 其主詞與動詞的位置如下: Here/There + V + S (非代名詞) Here/There + S (代名詞) + V Here comes the bus. / There it is.

If you try to see everything, you’ll end up suffering from sensory overload. end up + Ving 結果變成,最後發展成 We were planning to go out, but ended up watching TV at home. 本句為表示「可能實現的」假設, if 子句 用簡單現在式,而主要子句用未來式。 If it is fine tomorrow, we'll go on a picnic.

There’s only so much that your brain can absorb at a time. Don’t feel that you have to get your money’s worth and stay until the museum closes. There’s only so much that your brain can absorb at a time. → You can merely get that much out of it once. Back