Joost de Laat (Phd) Senior Economist Human Development Europe and Central Asia The World Bank
Current programmes are often just designed to spend. ◦ Objectives vague, ◦ How to recognize success or failure often not clear, ◦ Difference monitoring – evaluation not clear. Shortcomings in knowledge of evaluation methods Consequently, it is difficult to demonstrate value of the policy.
ERDF Guidance Document on Monitoring and Evaluation Most important change: emphasis on a clearer articulation of the policy objectives Implement a results oriented policy and move away from an excessive focus on the absorption of funding Second major concern is the better specification of differences in tasks between monitoring and evaluation
Inputs ActivitiesOutputs Impacts on Outcomes Finance State budget European Social Fund Human resources Min. of education – social inclusion unit Slovak Education NGO Office of the Plenipotentiary Municipal Authorities Preschool staff Project preparation activities (4 months) Identify 20 communities Hire 20 mediators and provide early childhood education training Provide monitoring training to mediators Design monitoring database Poject implementation activities (1 year). Mediators: Identify the vulnerable families Provide information to these families on early childhood education parenting techniques Assist parents enroll children in nearest preschool Provide material needs to poorest families Organize weekly reading clubs for Roma mothers Record activities and outputs in database Improved knowledge on parenting skills Increased preschool enrolment of students from vulnerable families Improved socio-emotional skills of young vulnerable children Improved cognitive skills of young vulnerable children Improved health outcomes of young vulnerable children Lower enrolment into special primary schools among vulnerable children Improved primary and secondary school performance Greater long run employment outcomes and reduced poverty Project preparation outputs 20 communities selected 20 Roma mediators trained on early childhood education and monitoring Monitoring database in place Project implementation Est. 600 vulnerable families identified Est. 600 vulnerable families received information on ECD Est. 400 children assisted with enrolment into preschool Est. 200 parents received material needs for their young children Est. 300 mothers participate in reading clubs Database with information on 600 families
Inputs ActivitiesOutputs Impacts on Outcomes Finance State budget European Social Fund Human resources Min. of Labor Public employment offices Private/public training providers Project preparation activities (4 months) Identify 2000 long-term (at least 2 years) unemployed people interested in training program Identify 10 private / public training providers Design monitoring database Poject implementation activities (1 year). Offer training vouchers to 2000 unemployed Training institutes provide 3 months skills trainings to participating unemployed Enter data on training participation and job placement into database Improved labor market skills of current long-term unemployed Improved employment rates of current long-term unemployed Improved wage rates of current long-term unemployed Reduced poverty of current long-term unemployed Greater education enrolment among children of current long- term enrolment Improved health outcomes among children of current long- term unemployed. Project preparation outputs 2000 long term unemployed identified Contracts signed with 10 private/public training providers Monitoring database in place Project implementation 2000 vouchers allocated Est long term unemployed accept voucher and enlist in training Est long term unemployed complete training Est. 600 long term unemployed find jobs following training Database on participants