Biology 10 The Study of Life!
First, start thinking of questions… What types of animals or plants are the most interesting to you? What would you like to learn more about in nature?
The oldest animal in the world is 400 years old… An adult mayfly lives for just one day. The temperature of the sand determines whether sea turtle eggs will be male or female. A blue whale’s heart is the size of a car bacteria could fit across the head of a pin. Some interesting reasons to study nature:
So… what do you want to know about the nature of life? Write down a few questions or topics that interest you.
Questions you might have about the biology of life: Why do you find kangaroos in Australia but not anywhere else? How would you identify an organism you’ve never seen before? Topic: Taxonomy and Ecology
What evidence is there that organisms evolved from something else? Are humans evolving into something better? Evolution
Why are trees able to grow so big? Why do some flowers smell like nice and others smell like rotten meat? Plant Biology
Does a jelly (jellyfish) feel pain? Are octopuses intelligent? What is a nudibranch, and why does Ms. Marcos like them so much? Invertebrate Animal Biology
Can being cold really make you sick? How do viruses hurt you? The Immune System
How are humans like other animals? How do different animals eat, excrete, reproduce and grow? Vertebrate Animals
Assessment Each Term includes: –Assignments (homework and in class) –Lab Reports / Projects –Tests and Quizzes –Participation / Preparation Wow… What an easy way to earn marks! Wow… What an easy way to earn marks! First QUIZ next class
3 Science Standards Knowledge (40%) Part A of Tests (Multiple Choice, Diagrams) Quizzes Homework questions where you explain the information you learned Investigation / Application (35%) Lab Reports Part B of Tests (Critical Thinking questions) Homework questions where you need to apply what you learned to a new situation Communication (25%) Presentations Creative Projects / Assignments Class Participation and Preparation
How to Succeed in Biology 9! –Be ON TIME In your seat, ready to learn when the bell rings Work handed in on or before the due date –Speak in English –Be prepared for class –Raise your hand and participate in class –Listen carefully and take notes (keep your notes neat and tidy – there will be book checks!) –Act safely both in class and during labs –Clean up after yourself (no eating in class!) –Be Respectful of: Teachers, classmates, school property, belongings, yourself
Reminder... Cell phones! Cell phones must be OFF and in your BAG (unless Ms. Marcos asks you to use it for class) If a cell phone rings OR is out of your bag –Confiscated and held in the office 1 st = held all day 2 nd = parents pick it up 3 rd = loss of privileges Bonus: Who is this?
Respect Respect your Classmates –Listen when others are talking or presenting –Respect everyone’s right to learn by not being disruptive –Be positive and encourage classmates (no put downs) –Help others learn on their own (giving answers does not help!) Respect Yourself –Always do your best –Be safe during experiments and activities –Remove distractions such as your cell phone or other electronic devices
Respect Respect School Equipment and Belongings –Use lab equipment and the digital whiteboard carefully and safely –Keep your books in good condition –Clean up everything after class (especially labs!) –Only use your own materials Respect your Teacher –Listen carefully during lessons and labs –Come to class ON TIME –Be polite and courteous
What you need to bring every class: A 3-ring binder Lined Paper A blue or black pen, or a sharpened pencil Your textbook (ask before class begins if you need to get it from your locker) A good attitude
You can earn 50 participation marks each week by: Being ON TIME (within a minute of the start time) Speaking only in English Listening attentively and staying focused Taking good notes Cleaning up after class and lab activities Participating in class (with permission)
How you can lose marks: LATE = lose all 50 marks! Putting down a classmate = lose all 50 marks (and possible discipline report) Having a cell phone ring / out of your bag Speaking in Spanish Disrupting the class Not cleaning up Not having your supplies with you Not participating or being focused in class If you lose all your marks for the week, marks will be lost from the next week.
How you can make up lost marks: Come to my reinforcement session on Monday from 3:15 – 4:30 on time and work diligently the entire time. This can earn back some of your marks for the week.
Help! If you do not understand an assignment, it is your responsibility to get help before it is due –Check the Wiki for notes and helpful links –Come Monday after school (Gr. 9 first, Gr. 10 second) – / talk to me to set up a time to meet at recess I’m here to help!...But you need to ASK! I’m here to help!...But you need to ASK!
Recuperation... You may recuperate a test if: You have a valid written excuse for being away You have paid attention and taken notes in all classes You have attended reinforcement to get extra help, both before the first test and before the recuperation test You have completed all the work assigned for the unit
Recuperation... You may recuperate small homework assignments when you scored less than 60% if: You have paid attention and taken notes in all classes You have come to reinforcement to receive extra help with that assignment You complete the assignment during reinforcement or in Ms. Marcos’ classroom at a scheduled time Maximum of 50% One week to recuperate after the assignment it is handed back
Late Assignments / Copying Assignments must be handed in at the start of class on the day they are due Every class that your assignment is late you will lose 10% of your mark All work must be in your own words. Any work that is copied will receive a zero for all students involved and you will receive a discipline report.
What I will do for you… Post on my Wiki each day with what we did in class Give grade updates on my wiki Respect you as individual learners Be available for extra help if you need it (3:15 – 4:30 Mondays and by appointment at recess) Do my best to plan activities that will help you understand Biology
And now....
Where will we find the answers? Class lectures along with books, lab guides, on- line resources and documentaries shown in class Biology by Miller and Levine (our textbook) Research projects and homework assignments, including internet research Observations from dissections and experiments Check my wiki all the time for information and copies of notes and assignments!
Today’s Homework Log on to my Wiki and follow the instructions Due: before Tuesday August 16 th Remember: First QUIZ next class Remember: First QUIZ next class