Food Safety Mini-Lesson With your host, Gabrielle
POP QUIZ QUESTION TRUE OR FALSE: You don’t need to wash your produce if you plan on peeling it.
FALSE. Some bacteria can get into the edible portion during the peeling process.
Discussion. What do you do to keep food safe in your home?
Why do we care? Foodborne illness is a serious problem in this country. 1 in 6 gets sick from food 325,000 are hospitalized 5,000 annual deaths Some medications weaken immune system- increasing illness chances. Source:
Interesting Foodborne Illness Facts It could take 20 minutes-6 weeks before the symptoms occur. More than 200 different diseases are spread through food. Increasing world-wide. Bagged lettuce is riskier than unbagged. 11,000 illnesses in 2008 were reported from eating raw eggs (cookie dough).
How do we stay safe? Federal Government’s FightBac! Program 4 Principles: CLEAN SEPARATE COOK CHILL
Principle 1: Clean Wash hands thoroughly (alphabet song) with soap and warm water. Wash cutting boards, dishes, utensils, counter tops Paper towels vs. Sponges Rinse produce Wash the skins with brush or hands
Principle 2: Separate Avoid bacteria spread among foods Keep meat and eggs away from produce in grocery cart, bags and refrigerator. Separate cutting boards.
Handwashing Demo Let me know when you think I’ve thoroughly washed my hands.
POP QUIZ QUESTION TRUE OR FALSE: “Let Stand” time recommended on microwave food packages is optional. It is only there to make sure you don’t burn yourself.
FALSE. The “stand time” on packages is necessary for the food to heat internally to a proper temperature that kills off all bacteria.
PRINCIPLE 4: CHILL Confessional: Has anyone ever thawed their foods on the countertop?
The bacterial growth cycle. Bacteria can double every 20 minutes at room temperature. Meat Models Demonstration Immediate (12:00) 12:30 1:00 2:00
Temperature Control Keep fridge at 40F or freeze at 0F as soon as possible. Refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours at room temperature, or within 1 hour in 90F+ environments. Don’t rely on smell!
Other temperature recommendations.. 3 Thawing Techniques: In the refrigerator In cold water Microwave Marinate in the fridge. Always use shallow containers for leftover storage. Always bring leftover liquids to a boil when reheating. Always turn the microwaved object at least once during re-heat. Pass around the storage times on handout. How long do foods keep?
FoodRefrigeratorFreezer Eggs, fresh3-5 weeksDo not freeze Eggs, cooked1 weekDo not freeze Cheese (sliced)1-2 monthsDo not freeze Milk1 week3 months Soups/Stews3-4 days2-3 months Deli Salads3-5 daysDo not freeze Hot Dogs1-2 weeks1-2 months Deli Meat (opened) 3-5 days1-2 months Bacon1 week1 month Ground meats3-5 days4-12 months Poultry1-2 days9 months-1 year Leftover Meats3-4 days2-6 months Leftover pizza3-4 days1-2 months
Keep it or Toss it?
Use By vs. Sell By Sell by: buy before this date. Best if used by: NOT a purchase or safety date. Relates to the quality of the food’s flavor. Use by: Last date recommended for the product to be used at peak quality.