Ryan March 1, 2012
Reading My strength in reading is visualizing because it’s like a movie in my head... I’m still working on retelling my story. My reading goal is understanding my book by going back an visualizing m/Ryan
Writing My strength in writing is word choice because I don't use plain words. I am still working on making more exciting stories. My writing goal is to make different ways of voice.
Math My strength in math is order of operations because I aced the test! I am still working on adding and subtracting negatives. I’m also working on multiplying big numbers.
Science and Social Studies My favorite activity in science is the human body fair because I learned a lot about the immune system. My favorite activity in Social Studies is the market thing we did because I learned a lot about goods and services.
Behavior and Attitude Stuff I’m good at. Following directions Stay on task Solve my own problems Stuff I’m not so good at. Organize desk I’m prepared with supplies