PROFESSIONAL ADAPTABLE INDISPENSABLE INVENTIVE CREATIVE Engineering the Future: working together to enhance understanding, commitment and participation in engineering Most pupils did not know what engineering was. The activities were designed to: introduce pupils to the world of engineering, to dispel some misconceptions and develop hands-on skills. Engineering is the practical application of science and mathematics to find solutions to problems in this activity pupils consider aspects of mechanical, electrical and civil engineering. Engineers have to look at the advantages and disadvantages of different design options and choose the solution that best matches the requirements. The characteristics of engineering involved are: Application of scientific knowledge Modelling Evaluating and adapting the model – Problem solving Optimising the solutions Exploring how things work together Teamwork Why Engineering? Pupils recognise the wind turbines from everyday life. They were engaged by the hands-on activity, the real life problem and the element of competition. Teamwork was essential as pupils were given individual tasks. I wish we could do this every week Pupils were engaged well in a task that offered them an opportunity to link their learning in Science and Geography. The engineering an optimum solution task was open ended and allowed pupils to consider unusual factors to investigate such as the mass of the windmill blade and the distribution of the mass. Made you think It was fun and enjoyable It was different from our normal lessons The world will need engineers in the future, so if people learn about it some will want to go on and do it. Youd enjoy it too. Skills developed Thinking, applying knowledge. problem-solving, collaboration, evaluation, optimisation, discussion. Curriculum for Excellence Wind Turbines SCN 2-04aSCN 2-04b SCN 3-04bTCH 2-02bMNU 3-11aMTH 2-21aLIT 3-02a LIT 3-06a LIT 3-09a LIT 3-15a LIT 3-21a Engineering the Wind SCN 3-04b SOC-3-08aSOC 3-12aSOC 3-14aLIT 3-02aLIT 3-09aLIT 3-08a Engineering the Future aims to develop a sustainable model of activities that enhance the learning experiences of pupils, develops their knowledge and understanding of contemporary engineering and smoothes the transition into engineering from school to university. Dumfries Academy and Carnoustie High School Partnerships John Lethbridge 1, Mike Viola 1, Andrew Bailey 2, Richard OLeary 3 and Scott Roy 4. 1.Dumfries Academy, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland 2.Carnoustie High School, Angus, Scotland 3.Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Scotland 4.Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Scotland Description of engineering experience Motivation, engagement and pupil response Skills developed, links to Curriculum for Excellence and the four capacities Engineering the Wind The Engineering the Wind activity is designed for either S1 or S2 pupils to introduce them to engineering in the context of wind turbines. The pupils take on the role of engineers working collaboratively in small groups to use their scientific knowledge and skills to optimise simple wind turbines. At the same time pupils will also have to consider the benefits and problems associated with wind turbines including issues of planning and location within the local environment. The activity involves interdisciplinary work between science and social subjects faculties and provides opportunities for pupils to link their learning across the curriculum in the context of engineering. It is designed to enable pupils to: develop skills of scientific inquiry and investigation using practical techniques recognise the impact the sciences make on their lives, the lives of others, the environment and on society develop an understanding of the Earths resources and the need for responsible use of them express opinions and make decisions on social, moral, ethical, economic and environmental issues based upon sound understanding Engineering is used as a link between the sciences, mathematics and geography. There are five phases to Engineering the Wind: 1. Science knowledge of energy, power and turbines. 2. Engineering the Optimum Turbine Investigation. 3. Case studies showing Scotland as a leader in wind power. 4. Locating the turbines taking into account environmental and planning issues. Pupils use mapping skills and analyse locations discussion their advantages and disadvantages. 5. Presentation of group findings. The final presentation included: details of optimum engineered turbine and choice of location to site turbine locally and the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen site. Wind Turbines The engineering project is built into an S1 Energy Unit and used to build on the general knowledge pupils will have about energy-sourcing problems – from the finite stocks of fossil fuels, through climate-change implications, to the availability of alternative energy sources. Discussion of these topics are used to focus on the investigation of a wind turbine and specific aspects of engineering, such as optimising the performance of a wind turbine, measuring its output, and comparing different designs. The activity involves pupils building a model wind turbine from a part-assembled kit and measuring the power output from this, while having to consider the control of a number of variables. This followed a period of research into the background of energy needs and wind power. Pupils learned about a real-life problem given certain restrictions such as time and money. They learned to work as part of a team and recognised the part they played. Everyone in the team wanted to contribute to the overall task goal. It increased the pupils confidence about using technical equipment and understanding its use. The pupils presented their findings in an appropriate format to their peers and considered the validity of their findings (evaluation). A good learning experience for all who took part. I am now starting to know what engineering is all about