Registered Student Organization Meeting The Office of Student Activities
Agenda Welcome Student Services My Central Experience Transcript Student Funding Committee Meeting & Conference Services Sodexo Accounting Services Final Announcements
Student Activities Services Hours of Operation Monday - Thursday 8am to 8pm Friday - 8 am to 5pm Posting of Flyers Flyers are placed on Academic Boards and in Housing (44) -weekly Flyers need to be in Union 217 by Monday & Wednesday at 5pm to be posted on Tuesday and Thursday. Poster Making Cost is $3 or $5 depending on the paper choice Banner Paper $.21 a yard Copies Varies but ranges from $.05 –$.08 per page Laminator $1.00 a foot Outdoor Signs Reservations have to made for these boards in UNION 217 Button Making $.25 a button plus print cost Die Cut Machine Construction Paper $.10 per page
Deadline: Sept. 25 at 5pm. Forms are in the Office of Student Activities (Union 217) Purchases from Copy Central The student group must first go to Copy Center (GBS Bldg.) to receive a form as to how much their copying will cost. Purchases from the Book Store: The student group must first come to the Student Activities Office to receive a form to take to the bookstore. Purchases from Wal-Mart: The student group must first come to the Student Activities Office to receive a card to take to Wal- Mart. Using The Lamination Machine: Housed in the Student Activities Office. Using The Poster Maker: Organizations can use the poster maker that is housed in the Student Activities Office. Using The Die Cut Machine: Organizations can use the die cut machine that is housed in the Student Activities Office. This machine can be used to cut out shapes, letters, and numbers in various colors of paper. Operational budget Only three individuals from each organization can have authorization to use operational budget funds. Those having authorization will have their name listed on the organizations budget sheet. There are forms with purchase guidelines located in the Office of Student Activities (Union 217)
Student Activities services: Organization mailboxes OCA offers mailboxes for organization free of charge. Sign up in Union 217 Please check the list in the back to see if you already have one. If you have one but no longer want one please let us know Please check your box on a regular basis.
MyCentral: adding new members Click on the “Go to” and select your organization
Adding members continued… Active Tab List anyone who is currently a member. Update this information so that each student experience transcript is actuate. Check mark their name and click remove membership
Adding members continued… Member Request These are individuals who are requesting to join your group. If you do not recognize them, send them an giving them information on your meeting time and how to become a member OR you can make a decision to Deny or Approve them. Each owner of the page will receive an when a member is added to the group.
Adding members continued… Add Members Tab You can search two ways Login Name (700#) First & Last Name Search Once you have found the person you want to add click add members.
Adding Constitution Add file Select Basic Document Choose File Publish Click Leader Page
MyCentral: Adding Officers 1.Click on Activity Groups under Student Services tab Click on “Group Studio Leaders Application”
Updating Officers continued… Use this form to add your officers… Select the year (2015) Choose your group’s name in the drop down box Choose the person’s name from the drop down box (if they are not listed, they may not be added as a member of your group) Select the officer position that they hold in this drop down box Phone # and address is only required for the President and the advisor Click Add As you add the officers they will be listed in this area Once all the officers are added, you will click the “Move Leaders to Group Studio” tab
MyCentral: permissions As leadership changes, the people allowed to make administrative changes needs to change. While in the group select Control Panel from the Go to Menu Site Membership Click the arrow next to Actions and select Assign Site Role
MyCentral: permissions As leadership changes, the people allowed to make administrative changes needs to change. We suggest that administrative permissions are only given to the President and Advisor Select Site Owner Update Association
The Experience Transcript Click continue and it will take you to your experience transcript. The experience transcript is a tool that allows students to keep track of their involvement in extracurricular activities. When applying for scholarships or internships this transcript is a great source.
In order for a student's involvement to be recorded they have to be added on the groups member list. The semester and year you were involved will be listed The names of the organizations that the student was involved in will be displayed The position that the student held will be displayed (President, Secretary, member, etc.) THE EXPERIENCE TRANSCRIPT LAYOUT Areas included: Campus Involvement & Leadership Honors Volunteer/Community Service Work Experience & Internships Workshops/Seminars/ Academic Athletics Study Abroad
Updating Your Experience Transcript Items not listed on the transcript can be requested.
Experience Transcript: Updating
Approval Process If you currently use WorkFlow your login will be the same as you have always used. If you are a current user for Banner INB, please use the same login information for WorkFlow. If you do not fit into these 2 groups and you have been identified as an Advisor, we have created a new account for you. Please login with your network ID, and use your 700# as your password. Please be sure to change your password from your 700# following your initial logon, by clicking on Change Password in the left menu (highlighted below). If you have difficulty accessing WorkFlow, please contact the TSC,
Student Funding Committee Funds What is that? Your group can apply for monetary finds through the student funding committee for programs that are targeted toward individuals of the entire campus and for travel costs to conferences that are related to helping you improve your organizations. How do I apply? Go to and click on “Program Proposal Form”. Complete the form and print it. What is the deadline? The form must be turned in to the Office of Student Activities (Union 217) October 30 th by 5pm. Hearings are Nov. 11 th starting at 4pm
Student Funding Application Help
Meeting and Conference Services Location: Union 311 Phone Number: Student Organization Contact: Laura Scott Find more information at:
25Live Training-Meeting and Conference Services Sign up at for the following sessions: 3 pm 10 am 1 pm 3 pm 4 pm 3 pm
Sodexo All food orders must go through Sodexo for events taking place on campus either catering or shoestring. Catering Location: Union 109 Phone Number: Find more information at:
Accounting Services For information on accounting services for student organizations, please visit ts/RSO_Financial_Guidelines.pdf ts/RSO_Financial_Guidelines.pdf Debbie Underwood Phone Number: Toni Kreke Phone Number: Location: Administration 316
Announcements Homecoming Registration Deadline - Sept. 30 th Spring 2015 Involvement Fair - Jan. 13 th Organizations that don’t have advisor—contact Kara or Emily or
Thank you for attending! We hope you found this information to be helpful.