BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 Kick-off Meeting 10 th and 11 th of January, 2012 Transfer & Adaption A synergic transfer of a VET training system for workplace basic skills with ecological sustainability awareness in three European countries. Vienna
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 No conventional development work like in pilot projects But transfer work – based on original products – Basic Skills for work and Better Building Specific responsibility of target country partners Transfer means find and implement added value! Transfer & Adaptation (1)
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 have a consulting role and bring in their experience from the original projects Basic Skills for Work and Better Building. They assist in what is called ADAPTATION & CUSTOMISATION The related activities should also be supported by national stakeholders Transfer & Adaptation (2)
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 Adaptation & Customisation refers to: Linguistic requirements Target country specific requirements Sector specific requirements Target groups specific needs New final beneficiaries (e.g. in new work sectors & other countries) Stakeholders feedbacks & inputs Additional new materials Other Adaptation & customisation goes far beyond translation! Transfer & Adaptation (3)
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 About the original project Basic Skills for Work – Combined Basic Skills and Communication Training for Low-Skilled Workers in Five Different European Work Sectors
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 Titel:Basic Skills for Work – Combined Basic Skills and Communication Training for Low-Skilled Workers in Five Different European Work Sectors Duration:30 months (Oct 2004 – March 2007) Countries:AT, CZ, DE, FR, HU, IT, LV, LT, RO, SK, UK Partnership: 28 partners 6 labour market administrations 5 social partners 3 expert partners, 3 scientific partners 6 development partners 3 employer partners About Basic Skills for Work
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 The main objectives The overall objective of the project was to improve literacy and numeracy skills in the workplace of the following five sectors : 1.Hospital and care 2.Construction, environment 3.Tourism and leisure 4.Cleaning 5.Railway sector These problems were most urgent in those sectors and the main aim was to prevent unemployment.
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 Specific aims to assess basic skills initiatives and existing learning programmes for their suitability for workplace training to develop concepts for curricula for low skilled workers to include the use of ICT to indicate the requirements for basic skills tutor training to raise awareness among employers to demonstrate models of successful partnerships between various stakeholders to spread the project contents and results
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 Products – Curricula in these 5 work sectors 1.Basic Skills Workplace Training for Hospital and Care 2.Basic Skills Workplace Training in the Cleaning Sector 3.Basic Skills Workplace Training for Construction Workers 4.Basic Skills Workplace Training for the Tourism and Leisure Sector 5.Basic Skills Workplace Training in the Railway Sector
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 Each curricula consists of two parts: Part 1: the Guidelines (= the didactic background) It gives information on the target group: Who are the learners? How can one recognize reading, writing and numeracy problems? How can one recognize social skills? It provides information on how to work with this target group, learning within a social process, family and community learning and the use of ICT as a useful tool for learning basic skills and diversity and gender mainstreaming aspects. Part 2: the Toolbox (= specific exercises for the workplace training of lower qualified staff in the corresponding sector) The curricula in general
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 The Guidelines provide didactic background for the following training modules: Literacy and customer care Develop customer relationships, Build customer confidence in the level of service provided Meet the ongoing needs and expectations of your customers Develop the relationship between customers and the organisation Literacy and care planning Reading and writing care plans, communication with others, prepare report and maintain records Communicate and work with others Incoming and outgoing telephone calls Curriculum Basic Skills Workplace Training for Hospital and Care (1)
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 Health and safety Procedures for maintaining a healthy and safe workplace Procedures to review the effectiveness of health and safety procedures in your workplace Social skills Self-Knowledge time- and team management Balance your own duties and responsibilities with the individual's needs, wishes and choices Contribute to the effectiveness of teams, identify and agree our own role and responsibilities within the team Participate effectively as a team member Develop your own knowledge and practice Use new knowledge to improve your practice Numeracy Curriculum Basic Skills Workplace Training for Hospital and Care (2)
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 The toolbox holds 49 exercises that can be used in the following training areas : Working with customers Care planning Health and safety Self knowledge Time management Team management Weighning Measuring and mixing fluids Reading information from bar charts Getting proportions and quantities Digital and analogue clocks Curriculum Basic Skills Workplace Training for Hospital and Care (3)
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 The Guidelines provide didactic background for the following training modules: Literacy Numeracy Communication skills Health & safety The Toolbox gives 38 exercises that can be used in the following training areas: Reemploying vocabulary prior to a work placement Basic numeracy skills 60 Basic arithmetical operations Organizing one`s time Knowing hours, days and months and months Using agendas Introducing yourself Health & safety Washing hands Curriculum Basic Skills Workplace Training in the Cleaning Sector (4)
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 The Guidelines provide didactic background for the following training modules: Literacy Information as a purpose Information as a tool Numeracy Communication skills Self knowledge Curriculum Basic Skills Workplace Training for the Tourism and Leisure Sector (1) The Toolbox gives 70 exercises that can be used in the following training areas: Alphabetical order Filling in forms Words and meanings Searching for information Making oneself understood Reading and understanding
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 Description in ones own words Communicating Using basic arithmetical operations Giving correct change Understanding your pay slip Working on measures Reading use by dates Stock control Time management Communication styles Customer care Team work Self knowledge The training pathway applies to personnel working in the Tourism and Leisure sector. Organizational levels, tasks, duties, professional seniority are some of the variables which make the target very varied; for this reason, the pathway has been set out in areas and modules in order to facilitate a more flexible use of it. Curriculum Basic Skills Workplace Training for the Tourism and Leisure Sector (2)
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 The Guidelines provide didactic background for the following training modules: Literacy Numeracy Communication skills Part 2 (toolbox) gives 54 exercises that can be used in the following training areas: Signs and symbols Alphabetical order Filling in forms Understanding information Basic numeracy skills Basic arithmetical operations Common measures Ratio Teambuilding Co-operation among colleagues Curriculum Basic Skills Workplace Training for Construction Workers
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 The Guidelines provide didactic background for the following training modules: Literacy Reading Workplace Materials Communication at Work Numeracy Measures used for rail work Using timetables Aspects of Labour safety Curriculum Basic Skills Workplace Training for the Railway Sector (1)
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 Part 2 (toolbox) gives 62 exercises that can be used in the following training areas: Reading safety information Understanding procedures Understanding policies Using glossaries Finding information Following instructions and explanations Checking and confirming information Teamwork Different units of measure Estimating distance Understanding instructions involving measures Work safety Reading dates Information from timetables Curriculum Basic Skills Workplace Training for the Railway Sector (2)
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 The material is aimed at adult learners working in the rail industry who need practice or instruction in literacy, numeracy and communication skills. The curriculum is designed for learners already in the workplace who wish to update, improve and develop their basic skills in order to progress at work. In particular, it focuses on the needs of the Latvian railway workers involved in manual labour, whose skills levels are considered very low. Within this group, the needs of Russian immigrant workers with low level Latvian language skills will be catered for, with communication practise activities. There is also an English version, for both English railway workers (which includes immigrant workers with English language skills shortages) and Latvian railway employees who need basic English for customer service. Curriculum Basic Skills Workplace Training for the Railway Sector (3)
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 About the original project Better Building - Certifying VET teachers as energy saving advisers. A transfer system into three different European societies.
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 About Better Building Titel:Better Building - Certifying VET teachers as energy saving advisers. A transfer system into three different European societies. Duration:24 months (Nov 2007 – Nov 2009) Countries:AT, IT, NO, RO, SI, TR Partners:IAL (applicant), BEST (coordinator), RKK, FRG, PAPILOT, Global, TEKS
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 The Better Building film Better Building
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 The main objectives to raise awareness of ecological issues among VET teachers for technical subjects (especially construction) and to supply learning contents and training materials that show how to use energy-saving materials and to reduce energy consumption in building construction to transfer, adapt and validate a modular curriculum for VET teachers for building construction and to qualify them as European Energy and Building Material Advisers in three European languages (i.e. in Italian, Turkish, and Slovenian) to spread the project contents and results through a variety of valorisation activities
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 The target groups VET teachers and trainers for building and construction who will acquire additional skills and competences to become capable offering general advice People who will work as European energy saving and building material adviserand who will be sensitized to the relevant subject purpose and receive specialized training Training providers who can immediately improve the quality of their VET measures and/ or offer new training courses which are based on the project results Employers in the building industries who will benefit from a higher number of better qualified people.
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 Better Building products (1) Train the Trainer Qualification Curricula for acquiring additional competences in energy consulting, especially for renovation of existing buildings and heating and insulation rehabilitation in Italian, Turkish and Slovenian language
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 Better Building products (2) Didactic guidelines and recommendations how to introduce these materials within the framework of existing teaching schemes, with relation to the specific demands and needs of individual users and to the specific learning cultures of the countries mentioned above and to the requirements of vocational training providers
BG1-LEO Kick-off Meeting Vienna 10th and 11th of January, 2012 Better Building products (3) An Implementation Concept how to put these materials into the learning practice, i.e. raising the interest of educational policy makers and the respective organisations.
Thank you for your attention! BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH Karin Helmut Mariahilfer Straße 8 A – 1070 Vienna T:+43-(0) F:+43-(0) – 77 I: