Introduction to the iPod Touch iTouch…iLearn Implementing the iPod Touch into the Classroom
How can iPods improve student learning in the classroom ?
Benefits of the iPod touch Engages students in active learning Facilitates all types of learners Allows for individualized and customized learning Fosters higher-order thinking skills Provides immediate feedback Brings the real world to the classroom Promotes collaboration among students Makes learning fun and exciting with the “coolness” factor Supports equitable access to technology
If your teacher asked you to choose one thing that can be added to lessons that would make learning more interesting what would it be? 64% - The use of technology Which type of book would you prefer to read from? 70% -Electronic Book Have you ever seen a QR Code before? (QR Code photo Shown) 95% - Yes What is the image called? (QR Code photo shown) 49% - QR Code Which of the following do you or someone in your home own? (Tablet, e-reader, iPod, smartphone, computer) 78% - 2 or more of the listed items 5 th Graders and Technology Appx. 70 Fifth graders
What can I do with this? QR Codes Research Learning Apps Podcasting Video Casting Ebooks Edmodo Reading Fluency On the Go Learning Galileo Google Earth Blogger Use as a resource tool (dictionary, calculator). Study vocabulary. Watch lesson-related videos. Student note-taking. Rewards for educational games
4th Generation iPod
VoiceOver ◦ Touch the screen to hear a description of the item under your finger with the world’s first gesture-based screen reader. (Requires different touch to navigate & activate apps) Zoom ◦ Magnify the entire screen of any application up to five times normal size and move left, right, up, and down to view any portion of the screen up close. Large Text ◦ Increases font size in Mail & Notes White on Black ◦ For higher contrast, you can change the display to white on black. Mono Audio ◦ If hearing is limited in one ear, turn on Mono Audio to route audio into both headphones, so you can hear both channels in either ear. Speak Auto-text ◦ Automatically speaks auto-corrections and auto-capitalizations
Standard Apps Facetime Mail Calendar iTunes Photos App Store Camera Settings Videos Safari Youtube Notes Maps Weather Utilities Stocks
Procedures Sign up Checkout Student Sign Out Check iPods Return Cart
Let’s Check Out Some Apps Look, there’s an app for Edmodo!
PowerPoints Create PowerPoint Save as JPEGs No Transitions/No animations Text and graphics only Rename slides if more than 10 Give to your Sync Station Manager to Sync as photos -OR- Add JPEGs to Photostory Add Narration and Transitions Create Video Convert to MP4 (Any Video Converter)
DE Streaming Videos Use EDITABLE videos only Download as QuickTime files Convert to MP4 iTunes Search the App Store Power Search Category Free iTunes U Podcasts
QR Codes and Review
Fun with QR Codes QR Code Generators QR Code Scanners Scan scanmydoc Desktop QR Scanner
Apps Free Graphing Calculator Create graphs simply Cost – Free graphing- calculator/id ?mt=8
Apps MindBlowing Create mind maps that incorporate multimedia. Cost – Free blowing/id ?mt=8 blowing/id ?mt=8
Edmodo Collaborative social network to engage students inside and outside of class.
Discussion What concerns do you have? Any other ideas for integration of iPod Touch into content areas? Are you ready to jump in?
“We can no longer teach today’s students with yesterday’s tools and expect them to succeed in tomorrow’s world.”
Thank you for your time. If you have any further questions or would like to request additional one to one training, please contact me below. Jennifer Owens Digital Learning Specialist