Proposal for Representative Set of Usage Rights Signaling States presented to the Analog Reconversion Discussion Group April 10, 2003 Brad Hunt Chief Technology Officer Motion Picture Association of America
Analog Output (in the clear) Digital Video Recording Function Digital Video Recorder with Protected Digital Inputs Protected Digital Output (encrypted) Analog-to-Digital Video Converter Device Rendering Protected Digital Content with Usage Rights Information Digital Video Recorder with Analog Inputs Analog Reconversion Problem When protected digital content is converted to an analog signal, the usage rights associated with the content must be carried in the analog output so that the rights can be managed equivalently.When protected digital content is converted to an analog signal, the usage rights associated with the content must be carried in the analog output so that the rights can be managed equivalently. The transition to protected digital outputs may be impeded if content delivered through the analog output allows the user to do more than if delivered through the protected digital output.The transition to protected digital outputs may be impeded if content delivered through the analog output allows the user to do more than if delivered through the protected digital output. Rights are NOT managed equivalently Rights NOT Preserved Internet Rights Preserved
Assumptions To achieve equivalency, the analog signal should carry the same basic set of content usage rights as those carried by a protected digital signal.To achieve equivalency, the analog signal should carry the same basic set of content usage rights as those carried by a protected digital signal. The content usage rights carried by the analog signal need not be as comprehensive as those that can be carried by protected digital delivery systems. For example, a protected digital output may convey a rich set of “usage rights” information which may be beyond the capabilities of the analog rights signaling method.The content usage rights carried by the analog signal need not be as comprehensive as those that can be carried by protected digital delivery systems. For example, a protected digital output may convey a rich set of “usage rights” information which may be beyond the capabilities of the analog rights signaling method. Although it might be advantageous to reduce the number of usage rights states carried by the analog signal, they should not be truncated to the point that it disadvantages the use of the protected digital signal.Although it might be advantageous to reduce the number of usage rights states carried by the analog signal, they should not be truncated to the point that it disadvantages the use of the protected digital signal. One example of a protected digital signal carrying content usage rights is content being delivered using the 5C Digital Transmission Content Protection system.One example of a protected digital signal carrying content usage rights is content being delivered using the 5C Digital Transmission Content Protection system.
Proposed Usage Rights Signaling States Usage State Record Control & Redistribution Control Response No form of copying or redistribution is permitted. No further copying or redistribution is permitted as this remarked state identifies an authorized copy of “Copy One Generation” content has been made. Copying is permitted but redistribution is not permitted. If a copy is made, it must be encrypted to prevent redistribution. The absence of any form of rights signaling indicates that no numeric copy or redistribution control is being asserted. Copy Control Not Asserted, No Redistribution A first-generation copy is permitted but redistribution is not permitted. If a copy is made, it must be encrypted and remarked to “Copy No More” to signal no further copying. 5 Usage States to be Signaled