USEP Gender and Development Program SY 2008-2011
KaaGAD Kasamahang GAD
GOAL Gender equality as a fundamental value reflected in the programs, projects and activities of the university. STRATEGY Spearhead organized efforts that would bring a gender perspective in the university’s goals, policies, structures, processes, programs and projects.
Policy Instruments on Gender and Development (GAD) International UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (UN-CEDAW) - equality in all fields, affirmative action, protection from VAW and reporting Commitments under World Summit for Social Development, International Conference on Population and Development, HABITAT
National 1987 Philippine Constitution (Section 14, Article 2) - “the State recognizes the role of women in nation building and shall ensure the FUNDAMENTAL EQUALITY before the law of women and men” Republic Act No. 7192 or Women in Development and Nation Building Act Executive Order 273 or Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development General Appropriations Act DILG, DBM and NCRFW Joint Circular no. 2004-1 on the Guidelines for the Preparation of annual GAD Plan and Budget and Accomplishment Report to implement the section on Programs/Projects Related to GAD of the General Appropriations Act
Stages of Gender Mainstreaming Institutionalization & Commitment Enhancement Application Installation of Enabling Mechanisms Foundation Formation
Research and Extension Identified GAD Activities GAD Objectives / Goals Identified GAD Activities Target Date Persons Involved Budget To obtain baseline data on gender issues Gender Diagnosis and Assessment Year 1, Year 2 Research Director, UGTO Director, GFP P 20,000 To review gender responsiveness of Research Proposals & Extension Programs Conduct Research on GAD Research Review Proposal Review Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 Research Director Extension Dir. KaaGAD Colleges P10,000++ P20,000++ Conduct Extension Programs Extension Programs on GAD Extension Director P30,000++
Identified GAD Activities Instructions GAD Objectives / Goals Identified GAD Activities Target Date Persons Involved Budget To mainstream GAD issues in the Curricula Syllabi Review/ Workshop Year 1, Year 2 Year 3 All Deans P10,000++ Monitoring of GAD Integration in Curricula Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 KaaGad P20, 000++ To update references on GAD Issues Purchase of books and references Librarian, KaaGAD P70,000++
Identified GAD Activities Student Services GAD Objectives / Goals Identified GAD Activities Target Date Persons Involved Budget To be able to use gender fair language in the student handbook To evaluate gender responsiveness of Student Policies Review and Revision of Student Handbook Year 1, Year 2 OSA, UGTO, SSG, KaaGAD P5,000+ To create a student GAD Team Organization of GAD Teams Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 SSG, SC’s, OSA, KaaGAD P10, 000++
Identified GAD Activities Student Services GAD Objectives / Goals Identified GAD Activities Target Date Persons Involved Budget To promote GAD issues in Student Activities Integrate GAD Issues in SSG and Student Org. Policies To conduct ‘Binabastos Ka Ba’ among First Year Students Year 1, Year 2 Year 1, 2, 3 SSG, CCO OSA, CWTS, KaaGAD, CODI P5,000++ To equip peer counselors in handling GAD Issues Training of Peer Counselors Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 UGTO P15,000++ To inform/update students on GAD Issues Assigning a ‘GAD Corner’ in Student Publications Hold Symposium School Publications KaaGAD
Administrative Services Identified GAD Activities GAD Objectives / Goals Identified GAD Activities Target Date Persons Involved Budget To increase level of awareness of Administrators, Faculty and Staff on GAD Gender Sensitivity Training of Administrators Gender Sensitivity Training of Faculty Year 1 Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 VPAD, HRD All Deans KaaGAD P 25,000 P50, 000++ To inform faculty and staff on Anti-Sexual Harassment Law and CODI Faculty and Staff Meetings Posting of Policy on Website, Newsletter Year 1, Year 2, VPAD, VPAA, PIO P5,000+
Administrative Services Identified GAD Activities GAD Objectives / Goals Identified GAD Activities Target Date Persons Involved Budget To be able to use gender fair language and evaluate gender responsiveness of policies in the Administrative Manual and Faculty Manual Update of KaaGAD on Gender Issues Review and Revision of Administrative Manual and Faculty Manual Attendance in Seminars and Conferences Year 1, Year 2 Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 VPAD, VPAA KaaGAD P10,000+ P20,000++
Administrative Services Identified GAD Activities GAD Objectives / Goals Identified GAD Activities Target Date Persons Involved Budget To promote high degree of professionalism among faculty and staff in dealing with students and other stakeholders Forum on CSC Rules and Regulations Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 VPAD, HRD P 10,000++ To set up a GAD Office Monitoring of GAD Activities Site Improvement Staff Assignment Conduct of Meetings Year 1, Year 2 VPAD, GFP P50,000+ To establish linkages with NGO’S, GO’S on Gender Issues Membership in Women’s Studies Association of the Philippines Link with MCW & IGDD, D.C. GFP P20,000+++
Thank you KaaGAD